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    Nandemonai reacted to Kurisu-Chan in Re;Zero Visual Novel   
    Cash-grab my friend, cash-grab.
  2. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to Ningen in How to not be embarassed of buying & owning these games:physcial copies   
    You are basically asking whether we would watch porn with our parents.
    Having porn as an adult is only natural, but you don't watch that with your parents...
    Do people browse youporn while friends are over celebrating mom's birthday in the next room? Same for you playing games with your waifu getting doublepenetrated by orcs.
    Why is that even a question.
  3. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to Ningen in How to not be embarassed of buying & owning these games:physcial copies   
    Then act like it.
    You are not 12-year-old who has to hide naughty books from his mom
    It's not like people will you burn you on a stake for fapping to VNs.
    (at least not literally, that would be murder)
  4. Like
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    Nandemonai reacted to Zenophilious in Da Capo III up for preorder   
    No offense, Zalor, but it's kind of silly to be mad at MangaGamer for torpedoing Aaeru's fanTL project.  She was intending to package it with a torrent of the game itself, IIRC, so yeah, not exactly in the grey area of the law.  Pretty much all fan translators ask that you buy a copy of the VN, and explicitly state that they don't support packaging their TL with a torrented copy, to make it less likely that they'll be slapped with a C&D.  MG was well within their rights to send her an C&D, and I don't fault them for it.  I'd much prefer an officially localized release with a proper translation and editing job over a subpar fan TL patch that gets released sooner, anyway.
    Besides, she was poking the bear.  Why on Earth would she try to translate a sequel to a series that MangaGamer had the rights to?  Everyone thought the guys trying to translate ImoPara 2 were crazy for the same reason.  There was no chance that MG wasn't going to release it.
  6. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to Chuee in Da Capo III up for preorder   
    Nobody should be mad that they DMCA'd the fan-translation. The thing was started for basically the sole purpose of spiting Mangagamer, so should it really come as a surprise that they bit back? 
    Also, the person translating it was busy with other duties within the company which is why it took so long. If you're faulting that, you're either saying they should assign other translators to it (they probably don't have the kind of manpower to do that), or try and force him to work faster. Neither of those are good options. 
  7. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to novurdim in Da Capo III up for preorder   
    I'll ask you a single thing: was DC III, perhaps, the only visual novel you have ever heard of from mangagamer? I almost feel personally offended when someone compares MG to other existing players like Sekai or JAST and then call them pathetic because they are somehow too slow. DC III and Himawari are almost exceptions by now for the modern MG and the latter wasn't even their fault.
    I'm at a loss for words. Do you even understand that Dies translation has started a very long time ago and is nearly complete, the only reason they will release it so soon is because the localization itself has been revealed extremely late in the game.
    You know, with how you think that translation begins only after the formal announcement, MG has released Rance even faster than Dies!
  8. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to Chuee in Da Capo III up for preorder   
    How many fan-translators just straight up quit before finishing anything? That's hardly efficient. 
  9. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to Decay in Da Capo III up for preorder   
    Can you really call it "efficient" when the fan translation was as poorly done as it was? Quality takes time.
    "Fan translators are way more efficient than the publishers!"
    *looks at number of fan translations released this year versus official releases*
  10. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to Decay in Supipara Review Discussion Thread   
    Gross Profit != Gross Revenue. Gross profit is how much you get after operating costs. In this case, they are probably subtracting gross revenue by the cost of localization and licensing, and probably royalties and such as well. I'm not 100% sure on the formula they're using, because it seems like they're adding revenue from every sale starting from sale #1, even though they need to account for cost of localization and licensing which happens usually in full before the product goes on sale. 
  11. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to Shikomizue in Winter 2017 Anime Discussion   
    I can tell you right now, Masamune-kun no Revenge has some quality put into it. Definitely watch if you want a quality show with some quality characters with a quality plot.
    PS. I'm being forced to watch this, please send halp.
  12. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to Zalor in Community VN idea   
    A very long time ago, in around the end of 2013 I believe, this idea was attempted. But it never went anywhere, and I don't think it would go much better this time either. The biggest problem that prevented it from succeeding last time was that everyone had ideas that They liked, and wanted their idea to be the VN that the community would produce. Ultimately to make a VN, you need enough people to like 1 idea enough to want to work on it. But you also can't have too many people either, since that will increase disagreement. So a project open to a community is very difficult to achieve, since it requires severely limiting what average members can contribute, and having leaders who make the big decisions in how the VN will progress and be developed. And thats the problem, many people will probably disagree with the leadership, and ultimately choose to completely opt out.
    Katawa Shoujo is a rare case, and what helped a lot with that VN is that everybody already knew the idea they wanted to do. A picture of disabled anime girls sparked the motivation for people to create a VN about the idea. So at the very least the community already agreed on what the basic story would be about, which would be very difficult to achieve here. Since if you pick one story idea, the rest of the community might bitch about why "their's wasn't picked". Also, Katawa shoujo's most productive phases of development was when their was already clear leadership and roles that were assigned. Meaning that most of the productive development of Katawa Shoujo was not really a community effort, but the effort of an established team.
    The only other quality community made game I saw made was the Fire Emblem rom hack, Fire Emblem the Last Promise (its old name was Fire Emblem Tactics Universe, which was named after an old Fire Emblem forum that no longer exists). And most of the game was made once it fell into the hands of a guy known as Blazer, and it basically became his personal project. The community would submit map, music, sprites to be used, but he had the ultimate pick of what got used or not. 
    In order for a Community project like this to work, it requires dictatorial leadership, which communities are fundamentally against, which is why successful Community projects are such an anomaly.
  13. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to Qrqe in Is the increased popularity of Dating Sims a threat to Visual Novels in the West?   
    That was just one example my friend, There are way more of them. Lets talk about Sakura no Uta then? I'm sure you already read or at least heard about it since everyone sees it as jesus of eroges. But how about its sales? It sold 10.000 copies less than Primal Hearts 2  (both of them were released at the same month) which was a better than average moege, also sold less than Chrono Clock, Pretty x Cation 2, Hanasaki work spring etc, even haru kiss sold more which was a really bad moege (all of them got released at 2015). 
    And this is with all its popularity you know, I'm pretty sure it was the most popular title of last 3-5 years and only tsukihime remake level shit may pass that popularity level. In the end its still the same thing, I'll quote myself;
  14. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to WinterfuryZX in Is the increased popularity of Dating Sims a threat to Visual Novels in the West?   
    Judging Island performance on pc sales only is not correct anyway, we should wait for a console port at the very lest. Because, you know, all ages games don't sell well on PC, even falcom eventually stopped bothering with it, and there's a reason why 5bp and chunsoft games are released on console.
  15. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to Qrqe in Is the increased popularity of Dating Sims a threat to Visual Novels in the West?   
    I'll never understand all the complains about moeges. You guys are acting like if they didn't exist all those moege players will suddenly realize the greater taste and will spend all of their money on story based games or something. Currently moeges are keeping the eroge industry alive, gotta admit that.
    I mean if an average moege like Wagamama High Spec can sell more than 20.000 copies while a good story based game like island is selling only 2000 (both of them got released at the same month btw) its not the moege's fault. It just means people who are complaining about the rarity of story based games actually dont care about them enough to buy, while moege customers actually throw money to games they like. 
  16. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to Zenophilious in Question about 18+ Grisaia no Meikyuu   
    Wow, it's almost like you can't technically say you're making porn on Kickstarter, and they didn't know how far they could push things, and FrontWing demanded that it be technically separate.
    Seriously, this is an incredibly stupid argument.  If it was in included in Backerkit, it was part of the Kickstarter campaign.  I know you hate ero, but you're being ridiculous and pedantic for basically no reason.
  17. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to Erogamer in Is the increased popularity of Dating Sims a threat to Visual Novels in the West?   
    Not really a fan of that myself, especially since Apple won't do 18+ Apps/games. Also, saying moege is ruining visual novels is a crock when moege make up over half of them and are what probably sell the most. Granted, I am getting tired of straight up moege myself, but I don't have a problem with that genre and certainly do not think they are ruining the visual novel market. As far as what the OP is saying, I get the difference between dating sims and visual novels. There are a lot of garbage dating sims out there and personally I have no interest in them. I prefer actually story driven visual novels myself.
  18. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to WinterfuryZX in Is the increased popularity of Dating Sims a threat to Visual Novels in the West?   
    If they only care about the dating element they are the female equivalent of the sakura crowd, they only play crap otomege for mobiles. High quality otomege such as code realize or Hakuouki are no different than VNs.
  19. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to sanahtlig in Is the increased popularity of Dating Sims a threat to Visual Novels in the West?   
    There's a number of strange ideas in the OP.  Let me point out the ones that caught my eye.
    This is just your perspective.  Another perspective is that VNs are very much a genre of wish-fulfillment games for lonely men in their late teens and early 20's, focused on a cast of attractive female companions (inevitably high schoolers) to choose for the male protagonist to date and ultimately have sex with.  Both perspectives are valid.  Both perspectives oversimplify.
    As I see it, the otome genre is just the converse of the much more common bishoujo genre: games focused on a cast of attractive males rather than attractive females, made for females rather than males.  They tend to be on mobile devices because that's where the female "gamers" are.  Young adult romantic fiction has been targeted at females for a long time now, so it's no real surprise that otome games would catch on.  The market was already there, waiting to be tapped.
    Are we living in the same world?  Macs are generally more expensive for the equivalent hardware.  There's even a term for it: the Apple tax.  People pay more for the premium branding, which commands respect due to the ease of use and excellent service plans.
    And why would you need expensive hardware to play 2D VNs anyway? 
  20. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to Ryechu in Is the increased popularity of Dating Sims a threat to Visual Novels in the West?   
    I take a standard visual novel, replace every guy with a girl, and every girl with a guy.
    Does anything change?
  21. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to Kaguya in Is the increased popularity of Dating Sims a threat to Visual Novels in the West?   
    There's a lot I disagree with on your perception of otomege, but all of that would take way too long to talk about and ultimately doesn't matter to the point I'll try to make, so I'll just not touch that. I also think not classifying them as VNs in the first place is almost ridiculous, but that also doesn't matter here and I'm just going on a tangent about my dissatisfaction with it.
    The same way bishoujo moe games like Nekopara won't destroy the medium despite being overwhelmingly more popular than story-driven VNs, otome games won't. 
    They're even marketed towards different audiences (unlike those bishoujo moe games, which plot and character driven games also appeal to the audience of) and on different platforms. 
    Guys won't stop buying their games about cute girls with swords because there's suddenly an influx of games about being wooed by hot vampire guys. 
    Guys who don't even buy games about cute girls with swords because they care about the story of those games certainly won't stop buying their hipster fata morgana or whatever else it is they buy. 
    Ultimately, I believe otomege thriving or not simply doesn't matter for the health of the niche you're worried about.
    Now, I know there's a point about otome games shaping the public perception of what a visual novel is that can be made here, but I don't think that'd ever be a problem (at least not more than what it already is), since the VN community has worked out pretty well with people already having very warped ideas about what VNs are anyway. 
    In fact, I believe getting people more used to the VN style in general is already super likely to drag in fans (like those guys who started reading VNs because they played some Neptunia game,) so it's probably something worth celebrating.  
  22. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to Decay in Planetarian: The Reverie of a Little Planet (Turkish) - Translation Complete   
    Bummer this thread was wiped in the forum rollback. Nonetheless, congrats, man! It's nice to see more non-English translations.
  23. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to BipolarPanda in Planetarian: The Reverie of a Little Planet (Turkish) - Translation Complete   
    Biz Kimiz?
    Biz BakaYume Çeviri Ekibi'yiz. 
    Biz BakaYume Çeviri Ekibi'yiz.
    Grubumuzun başlıca amaçları/vizyonu:
    -Görsel roman kültürünü ülkemizde yaygınlaştırmak
    -Görsel romanları Türkçeye çevirmek
    -Kaliteli bir çeviri sunmak ve bu yolda tecrübeden başka bir kâr gütmemektir.
    Anime çevirdiğimiz zamanlar da olacak, ancak popüler animeleri çevirmektense, bu animelerin gölgesinde kalmış; adı duyulmayan ama izlemesi zevkli olan veya çevirisi durdurulmuş/yarım bırakılmış serileri sizlerle buluşturacağız.
    -Gintoki'nin Balgamı
    Planetarian: Küçük Bir Gezegenin Hülyası
    “Gökevine neden gelmiyorsunuz? 
    Ne olursa olsun her daim devam edecek olan sonsuzluğun göz alıcı parıltısına. 
    Gökyüzündeki bütün yıldızlar sizleri bekliyor.”
    Uzay Kolonizasyon Projesi'nin başarısızlığından bu yana 30 sene geçti. 
    İnsanoğlunun soyu neredeyse tükendi. Dünya’da sonu gelmeyen, ölümcül bir Yağmur yağıyor. “Hurdacı” adlı insanlar medeniyetin enkazlarını yağmalayarak geçinmeye çalışıyorlar. 
    O Hurdacılardan biri enkazların en tehlikeli olanlarından birine — bir Lahit Şehri'ne yalnız girer. Bu ölü şehrin ortasında savaş öncesi bir gökevini keşfeder. Ve gökevine girişinde Hoşino Yumemi adlı arkadaş canlısı bir robot tarafından karşılanır. Hiç kuşkulanmadan Hurdacı’nın 30 seneden sonra gelen ilk müşterisi olduğunu düşünür. Ona hemen yıldızları göstermeye kalkar fakat gökevinin projektörü arızalıdır. Robotun konuşmalarından akıl sır erdiremeyen Hurdacı projektörü tamir etmeyi kabul eder…
    [Steam’den alıntı]
    Deneme sürümü ve tam sürümün çevirisi tamamlanmıştır.
    Yamamız şimdilik Planetarian'ın sadece 2004 sürümüyle uyumludur. İlerleyen tarihlerde Memorial Edition için bir yama çıkarılacaktır. Steam sürümü desteklenmemektedir.
    Okuduğunuz için teşekkürler!
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    Tam Sürüm Yamasını İndirmek İçin Tıklayınız
  24. Like
    Nandemonai got a reaction from Suzu Fanatic in Question about 18+ Grisaia no Meikyuu   
    It's a very useful trick to keep in mind.  If a webpage is acting funky in your browser, the first thing to try is reloading the page.  The second thing is to restart the browser.  And the third thing is usually to try a different browser.
  25. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to Toranth in Visualnovelcharts: A new resource for tracking VN releases   
    From my view, a better question might be:  What does this site add that Omochikaeri or VNDB don't provide?
    Also that's a lot of data to keep up with.  It currently lists 40 January releases, which is about 2/3 of the major brand releases for the month (according to DependSpace, HolySeal, and EroGameScape).  If the site is going to keep providing all that info (even English descriptions of 50% of the games!) then I see there is something of value.  But that's a LOT of work and keeping it up is not going to be easy.
    I guess what I'm saying is, would all this effort be better spent providing more and better updates to VNDB or other, pre-existing, VN focused websites?
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