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  1. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to Decay in Hello Lady! Translation Project Recruitment   
    He got better at not writing complete nonsense by Comyu, but there were some real head-scratchers in some of his earlier work, especially Muv Luv and Chross Channel. Comyu's prose still felt decidedly dumbed down, though.
    He also makes egregious mistranslations on a regular basis, an area in which he has not actually improved in over the last ten years. 
  2. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to Zakamutt in Hello Lady! Translation Project Recruitment   
    Both, really. I guess I'll probably only be able to make you care about the first, though.
  3. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to Zakamutt in Hello Lady! Translation Project Recruitment   
    Amaterasu is headed by Ixrec. Ixrec is a known bad translator. The result would likely not be very good, though it probably wouldn't look terrible if you didn't know the original.
  4. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to binaryfail in Golden Marriage Translation Project   
    The choices/branches involve addresses that are hardcoded in the script. Editing text in the script will often shift the address of where the script needs to jump to, so your error was likely caused by having the wrong address (or not updating it).
    The first choice and a corresponding address for this game will look something like this. (image)
    When it came to working with KoiRizo, I would initially recalculate the address (manually!) of each choice in their respective scripts. It wasn't too bad since there were relatively few choices to worry about. Later on, the calculations would be automated as a post-process, and knowing the location of each jump was required for that to work anyway. I should also point out that the H-scenes also involved jumps that behave based on whether the game is in normal story mode or scene replay mode, and the addresses in those also must be updated.
  5. Like
    Nandemonai got a reaction from Tay in Nocturnal Illusion Renewal Translation Project   
    Progress update time!  Editing is now at 13.7%
  6. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to Eclipsed in What are you playing?   
    Got my first ending in Steins;Gate 0, Vega & Altair, whatever that means.
    Fk man, this prequel-sequel-midquel or whatever you wanna call it is sooo delicious, i actually wanted to re-read the original Steins;Gate before diving into this because it's been like 2 years so I kind of forgot some of the more refined tidbits about the time traveling and world lines but ya aint nobody got time for that
    Mellow Okabe was aight, was nice to see him spend an entire game being normal  anti-social and riddled with despair instead of being his trademark overly bombastic Hououin Kyouma self :

    At least you were self-aware of how superficial you were >.>
    Aesthetically the art is very pleasant imo, it's like a softer, more refined, essentially moeified version of the original water paint style. Soundtrack's above average and able to fit the constant somber atmosphere and occasional happy times quite well.

    1st from left: Old Mayuri, 2nd: New Mayuri, 3rd: Old Faris, 4th: New Faris . they mixed in the old sprites in some scenes so it was a bit jarring @-@

    Amadeus was a fun and interesting concept. At first I was like 'yay I get to talk to this person again!' but if you start really thinking about it it can give you some bittersweet feels. Like it is the original by all means, but at the same time not really? idk, hard to explain . The Vega and Altair ending I got didn't get to really focus on this stuff so I hope another ending does. 
    New character Maho's an interesting one. She ultimately gots nothing on the great Christina imo, but she can hold her own.

  7. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to Darklord Rooke in [curiosity] Errors in VNs   
    It's not cloud, mate. It's smoke  
  8. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to TexasDice in [curiosity] Errors in VNs   
  9. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to Dreamysyu in [curiosity] Errors in VNs   
    Even worse when CGs spoil the events that come several lines after they appear. I usually don't care when CGs don't follow the text very closely, but these moments usually irritate me.
  10. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to Fred the Barber in Sakura Sakura is getting a Kickstarter   
    Why can I only give a post one like. If I ever write something in English about beef stew and someone translates it to Japanese, I hope they'd do me the common courtesy of translating my beef stew as "nikujaga" instead of writing "beef stew" in katakana.
    Regarding numerals, AP and Chicago (and probably the others) agree that numbers ten and under should almost always be written out, and certainly in this case. If you're making mistakes like that in publicly-released materials, you probably need a style guide, so here's a free starter kit, a lightweight, VN-centric style guide: https://github.com/FredTheBarber/EditingPublic/blob/master/style guide.md
  11. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to Xeviax in Sakura Sakura is getting a Kickstarter   
    Hi there! I'm so sorry I didn't check Fuwanovel until today!
    Just as a note, I own Sol Press. We're building Sol from the beginning to directly communicate with the community. Anyone can contact me when i'm awake on discord (Xeviax#9453) since I use that for a lot of my communications. If you want to communicate with any specific members of the team about your concern (such as the editor or translator), you can send me a message and i'll connect you to them.
    The website is without a doubt old. We were originally planning on only doing light novels and manga, which is why the site looks like it was specifically designed for that. We've since updated the VN portion of the site to directly link to the project page. I saw @littleshogun and @novurdim mention volumes, and this was just a byproduct of that book system.
    We've updated the about us page to more accurately reflect our company goals. I have had the exact same complaints as most of you, which is the main reason for starting this company up.
    You guys can ask me any questions. As long as it's not confidential, I am more than willing to answer anything!
    Also, if you're wondering why I don't have a picture up on the about us page yet, it may be because I'm ugly and am getting some professional photos taken tomorrow to try to hide that.
  12. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to Mr Poltroon in Great tracks from mediocre or bad VN soundtracks   
    The problem with this thread is
    --what do you mean Never7 has a mediocre soundtrack?!!!1 Fight me, mate. It's one of my favourites.
    and such. I don't think you can quite define things like that. But best of luck to your endeavours.
    Edit: So as to actually partake... there's only about 4 tracks I like in Hoshizora, Chinamiism being one of them.
  13. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to Fiddle in Dracu-Riot! Completion Project   
    In an unprecedented act of scientific inquiry, we have decided to reveal the true size of not one, but FOUR heroines' foreheads.




  14. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to Aki96 in pure pure is it dead?   
    I apologize for bringing this old topic up again. But I've got some info regarding the Pure Pure.
    I basically made a group some time ago and (re)started the Pure Pure project. However, I managed to get in touch with FOTS Dummyacct7 and he had to stop the project, because he is busy with his university studies, irl issues, etc...
    He told us to wait a bit so he might get back to it, but he never did again... We "forced" him to update the TLWiki in March but that's the only thing he did...
    But now our group is working (cooperating) officially with Hikari Field on the Tayutama 2 ( we lent them our English corrector so the game is not released with Engrish) and in the meantime the rest of the team is working on the Pure Pure. HOWEVER obtaining license for it is probably impossible because Klein (the game company who created Pure Pure) is dead. Their website is just half - working and no one responds to my emails... SO we decided to finish it atleast like a fan - made translation because this is one of the novels which deserve translation. The game itself can be still purchased on one Japanese e-shop, I even made a guide how to buy it for people who do not speak Japanese.
    I post info regularly here so I hope someone who still waits for this project will be pleased.
    Have a nice day,
    Aki =)
  15. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to Decay in Sakura Sakura is getting a Kickstarter   
    It seems like they're going into this empty handed and are hoping to make what they need off the Kickstarter. Which is what that site is for, sure, but I highly doubt that, using a 9-year-old no-name game like Sakura Sakura, they'll be able to generate enough capital to start the business proper, obtain a license, and pay for localization costs, even if they ran the KS campaign perfectly. And to make matters worse, it looks like they're planning on launching the campaign in less than two weeks without a proper website, and probably with no work done on their actual Kickstarter page yet. This has the makings of a total disaster.
    I hope these guys manage to do well and make an impact, but it's hard to be optimistic considering the circumstances.
  16. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to Turnip Sensei in What are you playing?   
    Spent the last weekend playing Utawarerumono: Mask of Deception and what fun that was. 
    It's a story roughly split in two halves, beginning being introduction to the setting and the characters and the latter half where "shit gets real", so to say. Both are very good in what they are set out to do, and it's one the big reasons why I found the game so engaging. The first half is pretty much slice-of-life and comedy with few missions in between. But man how good the slice-of-life is. Even though there's lots (and lots) of it the individual scenes themselves are really well paced and pretty much never drag too long. It feels like the writers had quite specific plans on how long a scene should take and what it should contain, and it shows. The scenes are snappy, fun and a joy to read. Time just flies reading different stuff about avoiding work, boozing, food (the amount of effort put in to the imaginary food culture is astounding), more boozing, silly comedy and the like. You get to know the cast really well and by the time the story starts to really get going I was totally rooting for everyone. This in turn made the dramatic events that more satisfying and eventual climax more meaningful. Somewhat to my surprise Utaware2 turned out to be one the most solidly written VNs I've read in a while. It's not like it's the "best VN ever", just really good and it manages to accomplish exactly what it wants to, something I can really appreciate.
    And while pretty much all of the cast is great, the "main characters", Haku and Kuon deserve some extra attention. The game literally starts with Haku, the hero, being saved by the "heroine" Kuon and being wholly helpless without her. This kind of little unusual relationships continues farther in the game with Kuon being very active and also pursuing her own goals, while Haku is more easy-going and mostly trying to find his own peace and place in the world. Not to mention Haku's mysterious charm of a good-for-nothing man. 
    A very big part of the enjoyment also comes from the quality of the translation. There's only so much good script can do with mediocre translation, but luckily Utaware's translation is top notch. In fact, my favorite of all the things I've read in while. Sorry Dies Distinct character voices full of personality! Colorful vocabulary! Consistency! It's awesome! It's great!
    I guess it should be mentioned that Utaware2 is very much a prequel quite like Trails in the Sky FC, so the enjoyment may vary depending how tolerant you are to that kind of open endings. I personally didn't mind since Mask of Deception is very satisfying on it's own right while setting up for something even bigger. And if nothing else, going by what this game has to offer the sequel, Mask of Truth, has potential for being "BEST SHIT EVER(TM)"-tier of experience. (September couldn't come any faster...)  
    The combat system is pretty cool too, the game looks fantastic, music is great, the setting is super interesting and fleshed out (the in-game glossary is tons of fun) and so on... There's so much good stuff in this game. If this is what happens when good developer makes "mainstream" VNs with good budget, then I want more. 
  17. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to Darklord Rooke in Libra of the Vampire Princess - Releasing May 16th, 2017   
    I'm not a backer of Libra so I'll just post a reply to this here:
  18. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to Zenophilious in Cross Channel - Which translation should I read?   
    Some of my favorites:

    👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀 good shit go౦ԁ sHit👌 thats ✔ some good👌👌shit right👌👌there👌👌👌 right✔there ✔✔if i do ƽaү so my self 💯 i say so 💯 thats what im talking about right there right there (chorus: ʳᶦᵍʰᵗ ᵗʰᵉʳᵉ) mMMMMᎷМ💯 👌👌 👌НO0ОଠOOOOOОଠଠOoooᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒ👌 👌👌 👌 💯 👌 👀 👀 👀 👌👌Good shit
  19. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to Darklord Rooke in Cross Channel - Which translation should I read?   
    Heh, if you read it closely both translators muddled up their metaphors here. A curtain is used for concealment (think theatre curtains) or prettying up a frame (normal curtains,) but here they both use it as a backdrop (not a curtain.)
    A common mistake is when people think they want to make writing sound grand by adding more words. That's got little to do with it. Grand writing can be lengthy or brief, rather it's the precision of language use and clarity of images presented which marks grand language. Grand language is precise, and the images conjured tend to be evocative and ... well, make sense. 
    Basically GHS needs to practice writing more instead of writing 300 page essays dissecting Cross Channel:
    A distant memory shrouded in the mists of time.
    Though I could not remember the year or my age,
    I remember a grand bedroom befitting one well born.
    There were many places one could sit, the canopied bed, the European styled chair,
    but I always preferred the floor.
    Especially on nights like that.
    Through the window, strewn on a blanket of darkness,
    twinkled countless specks of light. A twinkling that ended only at the window frame.
    And in the glass that separated that world from mine was the image of a young lady.
    Full of grace and clothed in a western dress,
    she was kept secluded from the world.
    Obviously not a translator but it's not really a place to be grandiose is it? xD I mean, they're describing a room and a sky for heaven's sake xD
    The bits of prose in that excerpt are some of the worst pieces of writing I've seen all year 0.0
  20. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to Nier in Cross Channel - Which translation should I read?   
    A great poet once said "people die when they are killed."
  21. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to Pabloc in Kono Oozora H-Scenes Porting Project   
    After some initial QC, it turned out that common route still needs some more work - at the beginning I was only focusing on fixing mistranslations, and since the common route wasn't compltely screwed up, there's still quite a lot of MoeNovel's garbage writing left there. So, I'm going to check the whole common route again and edit it a little more. Fixing the writing shouldn't take too long and will improve the quality a lot, so it's worth the effort.
    I'm on vacation now, so don't expect any updates for the next 2-3 weeks though.
  22. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to Decay in Frontwing will localize Subahibi this year   
    Don't you dare besmirch "Please Bang My Wife," Ningen.
  23. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to Fred the Barber in Frontwing will localize Subahibi this year   
    "Funbag Fantasy" is proof that translating the title of a VN can be a fine thing.
  24. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to ArgentstR in Frontwing will localize Subahibi this year   
    That's not exactly uncommon though? And it probably makes sense marketing wise, to a person unfamiliar with Japanese a title like that might be too much, and they will just ignore it; weakening the "impression".
  25. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to mitchhamilton in "Kanojo to Ore to Koibito to" Project   
    ........scuse me, i must go rethink my life.
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