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Everything posted by Nosebleed

  1. I expect some sort of spin-off. Key has never done full on sequels. I don't want more of the same but they have already announced a new title, which seems to be a big one, so there's not much more we can ask for really. Also what's with Japanese website devs fucking up countdowns so that they change based on your timezone?
  2. My condolences. I have not lost such a close relative like you have, but I have attended two somewhat personal funerals. One was my great grandfather's funeral, who was a rather important person to me as a kid, albeit at 80 years of age he barely recognized me and my family anymore. The other was my friend's dad's funeral, who passed away from cancer before he reached 50. Although I knew her dad personally, me and my classmates primarily went to the funeral support my friend and her family who had not been dealing with the whole situation very well, as you can imagine. To be at those funerals definitely gave me a feeling I can't quite explain. I'm not saying I wasn't sad or anything, but rather than crying I simply felt like quietly following the ceremony and helping whoever needed a shoulder to lean on. I guess at the time I thought: If I can't change the situation, I can at least support those who are still alive in getting through it. And that's what I and my other friends did. I found that even though we were all sad by what happened, if we at least tried to do something together it would help heal the wounds to a certain extent, and slowly but surely they did heal. Soon enough my friend was rather cheerful again and she even thanked us for all we did. In general, sticking together and offering your relatives/friends a shoulder to cry on, or just inviting them to hang out and things of the sort after such tragic events seemed to help the most with coping (although I'm sure it's not the same for every person, but this is my only experience so). Of course, in this case you're one of the people who is most affected by it, but if so then all the more reason to stick close to your friends and family, especially during and after the funeral. I can't tell you how to act during the funeral, because I can't even begin to imagine how you feel, but I can at least say everyone there understands this is not an easy time, and they will respect you no matter how you react, so be at ease with that at least. More recently my grandfather had a stroke and was taken to the hospital. His right leg and arm aren't at 100% anymore, forcing him to use a cane now. It's the first time I've ever looked at a family member that I'm really close to (my grandfather literally lives above me and we talk everyday) and thought "there's not much time left, is there?" (my father actually talked to me about this as well). I don't know how I'll react when the time comes. Considering all of his close relatives live near me I expect the atmosphere around here to change quite a bit. But I think no matter what happens, I'll at least try and be with my family and help them go through it, and by doing so I'll get through it myself. I'm not sure how helpful any of what I said is, I just figured I'd share some of the experiences I've been (and am) going through. As generic as it is, the best thing I can probably say to you is to stay strong, and above all else don't seclude yourself or try and conceal how you feel about this. Even making a forum post like you just have is better than shutting yourself in your room. Talk to your friends and family, hang out, and I'm sure if you give it time you will be able to overcome this. Of course, don't take this as me saying "forget your dad", that is absolutely not what you should do! But instead of remembering him for his death, remember him for how he changed your life and the memories you had with him that you most treasure. I wish you the best.
  3. Eh, I wouldn't bet on Kyoto Animation doing a short series, especially not for Maid Dragon which has a proper plot going on (sort of). That other anime you mentioned was animated by another studio, so that's a different story, but Kyoto Animation doing a short series would be rather uncommon. This series as a short would be a massive waste of potential tbh.
  4. Yeah don't post links to any release of the game here please. Furthermore, translation patches are not allowed either in this case since PQube are the owners of the translation (and translation rights).
  5. I'm gonna guess this is just a generic reply and what they mean is more along the lines of "we'd like to one day be able to release an English version". But hey at least they said they wanted one, so that's already a start.
  6. Yeah but that still doesn't answer why they didn't release the Japanese version along with it. They could have just released support for both, but instead decided to ONLY release a Chinese version, which just seems weird.
  7. Okay, they're releasing the game on Steam, but why only the Chinese version...? Like, seriously, can somebody explain the thought process behing this decision? I can see there were enough Chinese people on Steam to upvote this on Greenlight, which I guess justifies it to some extent, but why wouldn't Lump of Sugar also release the game with the original Japanese text for their Japanese audience? From what I can tell they don't even have a Japanese digital release, only a licensed Chinese one, which is even weirder. Am I missing something here?
  8. I have a dream that one day psvita games will also get a pc release...
  9. Important to note this hasn't been confirmed to be a TV series, so I would advise against using "Season 3" to refer to it. The tweet does say it is a sequel, but that's it. Could be a movie, for example.
  10. Guys can we at least avoid throwing personal insults at dovac? Criticizing his job decisions is one thing (although I disagree with circlejerking over it but alas), but name calling is something I'd like to avoid seeing. Dovac is a real human being, please keep that in mind before commenting.
  11. I think the characters are decently fleshed out and they all have fun stories to tell. You'd probably enjoy it in that regard. However the moenovel release really butchers one of the routes and it ruins a lot of the humor in the story. The current restoration patch only restores the h-scenes, it doesn't fix the writing, so you'll still encounter issues while reading. Regarding the fanservice outside of the sex scenes, there actually isn't much to see to be quite honest, outside of one or two scenes, so the bulk of the VN is storytelling. There is a lot of slice of life sprinkled in it though, which may or may not be up your alley. I'd say it's a worthy VN to be played for its story and fun characters, the only major drawback is really the moenovel release of the game.
  12. Just wanted to say that was intentionally changed. I do agree with it sticking out a bit much but I don't know how to change it to be less intrusive.
  13. Poor 12 year old French girls won't be able to appreciate this one.
  14. This is good guys. They won't ruin any existing visual novel and will instead produce their own garbage. Visual Novels dodged a bullet today.
  15. I think AI assisted translation will definitely be handy in certain scenarios, but I don't think it can replace professional translation work anytime soon. There is a lot that goes into translation, it's not just understanding what the sentence means from a grammatical/lexical standpoint, it's about how it's interpreted in the culture it comes from and being able to carry that across to a completely different culture. This is something AI is pretty far from achieving. Essentially, we'll likely soon get to a level where we can translate day to day sentences with relative ease. This will be useful in a variety of situations, like when you visit a country and want to ask for help from a native, or when you want to read some particular headline in a foreign news site. But it will take much longer to get to a level where AI can interpret nuance and cultural differences, meaning literature in particular will still need a human touch to be translated, and even day to day conversation with its colloqualisms that evolve literaly every second won't be perfectly translated (at least not with proper nuance). What I can see happening at some point is translators using AI translation tools to help speed up their work, kind of like a symbiotic relationship, but I wouldn't worry about AI taking over the translation business anytime soon.
  16. Correct. There are 3 routes you can do from the get go: Asuho, Komomo and Aoi. Doing Komomo's route will unlock Kosame's route Doing Aoi's route will unlock Chinami's route Doing all the above routes will unlock the secret heroine route Doing the secret heroine route will unlock Mare's route.
  17. If you like the twins, just do Komomo's route. Kosame's route is literally the same exact story but from Kosame's perspective (and Komomo > Kosame) If you really want Mare though, you'll have to plow through all the other routes, and that includes Chinami's route. Granted Chinami is much more interesting in it. I want to say you can just grab a 100% save file but that would kind of take away from some of the experience (namely the part where you branch out to Mare's path which is closely tied to another route).
  18. Hoshimemo's common route is fairly long, maybe around the 10 hour mark depending on how fast you read, so it will definitely require some time to be sunk into it. Not to mention it has an enforced playing order. If you want the true route you need to do every other route. Regarding Da Capo. I've read it myself and, to be quite honest, there isn't really a great overarching plot in it (or at least I never got the impression that there was). They do start to build some lore (which is explored in later games) but it hardly ever matters in the first game outside of the sister's route. I would say to just go into it expecting your average highschool charage since that's honestly how most of the routes play out. PS: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  19. I don't know man, my 11 year old sister seems to enjoy watching Minecraft Lets Plays more than reading a nice romantic story.
  20. Wow an Akabei Soft game. RIP all hopes of an uncensored version if this is true. In a way it's a match made in heaven. Edit: I don't really see a lot of similarities though.
  21. Having a shrine doesn't really say much though, so many games have one. Honestly it's still too hard to figure out unless you recognize the sprites. Edit: I digged through quite a few VNs and character traits in vndb, and although I can't claim it's a thorough research (because some things are not tagged) it all leads me to believe this might just be a new game that hasn't been released.
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