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Everything posted by Nosebleed

  1. Oh god if they're STILL region locking their system I will facepalm so hard. Totally agree on the price tag though. I'm not spending more than 300 on it when i could just invest that in already available and better hardware.
  2. From an announcement standpoint, it's already doing much better than the commercial failure that was the Wii U (remember when the trailer for that came out and nobody knew exactly what it was? Yeah...). As for the console itself, it really boils down to how well does it perform without being plugged in. One thing I didn't like was that they showed skyrim and NBA 2k17 on the console even though these games are not confirmed to be coming out for the Switch by the developers themselves. I found that quite misleading tbh. Remember when the Wii U announced it'd have 3rd party support and then jack shit happened? This trailer makes me feel like that situation will repeat itself. And then there's the fact they're still supporting the Wii U for their newest titles so they're not giving you much of a reason to buy a switch yet. Like everyone else, I like the whole premise of it, but the console has quite the uphill battle up ahead.
  3. Yeah you can hook ITH with Chiitrans as mentioned above, but an easier way is to just use a custom hook in Chiitrans itself. That's how I got Maitetsu running on Chiitrans alone. If ITH can grab the text, simply copy the hook ITH uses, which is this bit here: Open Chiitrans, go to Options > Text Capture > Install User Hooks, and paste the hook into the top bar, then press "add". It should look like this once you're done: Then just press Ok and Chiitrans should have a new hook to select from (there may be multiples, just select one that works properly) I hope this is useful. I myself don't like having to run ITH alongside Chiitrans, especially because there's an extra bit of delay added when you do use the two together, so it's pretty convinient that Chiitrans can use custom hooks as well. You can use this for literally any game, so next time you have an h-code for a game, just use it on Chiitrans directly instead of ITH.
  4. It really is like that. A lot of people try to grind kanji one by one and remember their individual pronounciations but honestly, other than remembering what they look like, you really only need to know how to pronounce them in context (i.e as words, or part of a word, in a setence). And when it comes to names, it's basically a "just pick whatever you think sounds nice" type of deal (of course if you're part of the culture you know there are certain combinations that sound/look nice and others that don't, but you get the idea). I was talking to a Chinese friend about how to pick a Chinese name for myself (so I don't have to ask the teacher to assign me one), and he basically said "idk, just pick whatever you think sounds nice lol ¯\_(ツ)_/¯". Japenese is mostly the same way.
  5. Narcosis has the right idea, but the onyomi/kunyomi rules apply primarily to words, not people's names. There really isn't a rule when it comes to Japanese names, hence why in say a legal Japanese document, in the name field, you have to write both your name in kanji and then the pronounciation, otherwise even a Japanese native will often times misread the name.
  6. Usually when a character is first introduced in a game they have furigana above their name, maybe try looking for the moment her name is first mentioned if you really want to be thorough, but I doubt Getchu got the name wrong.
  7. Getchu page says it's 菅原 空美 (かんばら そらみ). so Kanbara Sorami is correct indeed. I don't really know why Jast translated it as Surugawa Sorami. Do the characters actually use that name when they speak (as in, voiced lines).?
  8. Okay guys, we hear ya, everyone wants @Rooke's name changed. Say no more. We appreciate all the useful input that went on in this thread to make this possible, but it is now time to close it down. Please say hello to @Darklord Rooke
  9. Boy those people must feel really accomplished in life, spending hours on the internet fighting the evil forces of Sekai Project. I truly envy their position.
  10. That is true, but their reasons are completely valid. Payment processors are already a bitch with digital content that's considered "obscene", let alone actual physical goods.
  11. New Highschool DxD anime season announced: http://haruhichan.com/wpblog/70062/new-high-school-dxd-anime-announced/ The memes will never end.
  12. That's unfortunately the tricky part. You'd have to use a proxy service, but a lot of proxy services don't accept 18+ material. The alternative would be to have somebody in Japan ship it for you.
  13. You can buy it directly from the circle's website. All copies of the game have Japanese and English as a language. I got all my copies of nekopara directly from dlsite so I could support the circle.
  14. Shuffle Essence+ is basically an entirely different game. It still has that mediocrity feel to it, but it has much more content to justify its existence and I'm sure if that was the version the West knew about it wouldn't be as hated of a franchise (I personally don't see why the original Shuffle is even THAT hated, it's not like it's Ikikoi, but alas).
  15. One day... One day I believe we will get Shuffle Essence+
  16. Portuguese as well. And the thing is, we can't really come up with a nice sounding gender neutral variation of things that doesn't sound either slightly female or slightly male, just because of the way the language has worked for centuries. I wouldn't mind having a genderless pronoun in Portuguese, hell it'd probably be more useful than the current gendered system (why is my pencil case male!?) but fuck if I can even come up with one lol.
  17. Thank you for exemplifying the exact reason people give up on translations. I'm glad such healthy mentality as "don't bitch about work, just work or get out" is so prevalent.
  18. Maybe because he wants to share more games with the world,despite it mostly being a thankless job. People can rant about stuff and still be involved in said stuff. I absolutely hate this aspect of translation as well but i still want to to be a translator.
  19. This is kind of why i sorta lost my drive to translate vns. Thank you for so eloquently expressing the thoughts of so many translators have.
  20. No actual scientist that studies proper linguistics does this anymore. What you're describing is something called prescriptive grammar, and it was abandoned (at least in large part, and hopefully in all of academia) for literally serving no purpose in further advancing the study of grammar. Nowadays we do what is called descriptive grammar. As the name indicates, it focuses solely on documenting how language is used, not whether it's correct or wrong. Prescriptive grammar was primarily used to showcase the most elegant way of using a language (as if that's an objective and quantifiable thing) and it was almost always studied by upper class people so they could feel superior. If you ever see somebody saying there is a correct way of using something (outside of the actual cohesive rules of the current system we use, which is also subject to change anyways) you can tell them to go back to the 18th century.
  21. I predict this being taken down from Steam in 3... 2... 1...
  22. Well, it never used to reset the theme colors for me. I think it was when we updated to IPB 4 that it started happening (I started using the dark theme when we upgraded so I probably didn't notice it). I guess it's just another case in the pile of cases of
  23. Yeah I knew it did this before, but I figured maybe it was fixed and only I was having problems. I guess not. It's weird because I don't recall this bug happening when we first installed the theme. Kinda ruins the whole point of the theme tbh.
  24. @Tay I seem to be having an issue with the theme where the color settings get reset constantly. I don't know if it's because I use multiple devices, but the color gets changed to the default green whenever I visit fuwa again on either my PC, my phone or my tablet, despite setting it to pink on every one of them.
  25. Back in the cavemen days, rocks and sticks also never had any kind of failure. They always did what rocks and sticks were supposed to do. But I think we're all better off now.
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