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Everything posted by Nosebleed

  1. If Re:zero is salvation, I guess I only have suicide left. I guess this is it guys.
  2. I love the amount of super serious discussion about such an average, blantantly otaku pandering show. Miyazaki was right. Anime should just die now. Meanwhile, Amanchu started as my favorite, stayed my favorite, and ended as my favorite show. Not many people talked about it, but it was my salvation every week.
  3. I don't regret reading it, but it's nothing beyond mediocre imo. The two routes you have to go through before getting to the true one are pretty boring and have no interesting plot elements going on. Sure, if all you care about is getting together with the heroines then it does its job decently, but there's literally nothing else going on besides that. You get to a point in the story where you have sex with the girls and then it's just some extra slife of life and sex scenes until it all ends off on a pretty "meh" note. The true route was better given that it actually progresses the plot, but the overarching plot itself is... how do I put it... not really outstanding in any meaningful way? I basically finished the whole thing and thought "oh... okay then." It really didn't invoke many emotions in me, and I wasn't even actively trying to hate the game or anything, I just wanted to have some fun. At the same time though, none of the routes made me go "man this game sucks balls", so I guess it did its job in that regard. It's not a game I personally recommend to people since I find so little value to be had in it, but it's also a game I feel most can read through in a day when they're bored and not be completely unsatisfied with.
  4. Nosebleed


    I only read like 2 of their manga, so I can't say much about it. It's not really my thing tbh.
  5. This is like asking if the US should invade Russia because one day they could turn on them. "They haven't threatened us YET!" is not an excuse to invade an entire country. Or do anything for that matter.
  6. This entire sentence is quite the spicy meme. Good one mate. Honestly, I was gonna write this off as your typical shitty visual novel spin off (I have yet to play a visual novel based off an anime that's actually memorable and not a simple cash in), but due to 5pb being involved, I am actually sorta hopeful they do something interesting with the license. Only time will tell I guess.
  7. If a developer approves of a change themselves, how is it censorship? If they cried about it, you'd have a different story, but they literally approve it themselves. The fans getting outraged in their stead are the ones I don't comprehend. Would it be censorship if Jk Rowling's editor suggested she changed something in one of her books to make the story more coherent? No, it's their job to make a good product. Just like it's the game developers' job to make a game that will sell well, and if they approve of changes for said purpose, it's not censorship.
  8. Bought all 3 volumes of The Voynich Hotel. This was my first order from Mandarake so I'm hoping everything arrives safely. It is quite frankly one of the best stories I have read, so I regret nothing. I recommend anybody to read it as well. Perhaps you'll fall in love with it as much as I did.
  9. Wow, did not expect Frontwing to be so upfrot about their sales. And I agree with Suzu, it ultimately seems to come down to over saturation. A couple years ago VNs on Steam were few and far in between. Now every VN licensed in English almost always gets a Steam release, and the novelty is wearing off. With so many VNs, you can no longer get all of them, you need to know which ones are a good investment, and perhaps Corona Blossom didn't come off as a worthy purchase to some when considering all the other well known and sure-fire alternatives.
  10. If you don't care to even look for it, and if you're a Chitoge fan, then of course you'll think this was wonderfully written. Bashing the other side when you show just as much bias towards this incredibly flawed series is kind of the same as the retarded Onodera fans you complain about. Funny enough I never liked Onodera or Chitoge, so I was NEVER going to win, and of course I knew Chitoge was gonna win from the get go, but I still absolutely hated the way this ended. Not what happened before chapter 185-ish, but everything that came after. I wonder if it's because it's actually because there is something wrong with the way the author wrapped things up? It essentially boils down to Komi being unable to properly transition Raku from Onodera to Chitoge. If he had done that correctly, I wouldn't have been as upset, but the way it was done just made me so disappointed. This manga's very foundation worked against it towards the end, and that's where Komi really failed hard.
  11. There are probably many variables and each case is different, but it's clear as day that parodying other workswithout permission is illegal. The question then becomes: are the IP owners okay with the infringement or not? When it comes to fanart and the like being sold in cons, usually nobody makes a fuss because the money you'll make off of that couldn't even scratch the actual brand. It's usually some small booth in a corner selling bootleg stuff that's not worh caring about. If you're making a game however, things can change depending on the intellectual property you're basing it off of. If you're making a fan game of another game, that means you're DIRECTLY competing with it, and that's usually not good because it can tarnish the brand, especially if you're making money off of it. When it comes to doujin manga in Japanfor example, usually the copyright owners simply ignore it because it's both free advertisement and it's an incentive for people to get into the industry itself. In the West however, fan made parodies have often gotten taken down by the owners of the IP because they don't want anything that's not theirs floating around since it dilutes the brand. I think that in the end there are 2 main factors: money and the owner's will, and it's really hard to know what exactly will happen to you. If you're dealing with a big company that's protective of their IPs, then you might want to reconsider, but if you're dealing with a person's work, perhaps contacting might save you some trouble. Or you can risk it and go ahead with your project without asking and then hope you don't get a DMCA.
  12. That's not a problem with the viewer then, it's a problem with whoever named the page files. Every file browser will always read things by alphabetical order, and 1 comes before 2, so a file named 10.jpg will always be read before one named 2.jpg, that's why any person with a brain should save their pages as 01, 02, etc. And if there's more than 100 pages, then 001, 002, 003, etc. And really? What do you use to read manga on your tablet? Just curious since I always found it easier to read on one. I use an application called Tachiyomi which has been a life saver ever since I found it. It's super costumizeable (my favorite feature is probably the webtoon reader which almost no application ever has). And not only does it let you use batoto as a source (which most apps don't), it lets you sync with MAL so your list is always up to date. Plus you can make individual lists on the app itself with tags, it's really great.
  13. Maybe try HoneyView. It supports right to left and left to right reading, dual page display, fullscreen, different shortcuts to flip pages and change chapters/folders, bookmarks, and other stuff. It also supports image folders, zip folders, 7z files, and rar files. In general though, PCs really aren't particularly optimized to read books. Every application you could find will basically feel akin to browsing an image gallery, or at least it was like that in my experience. This is why I got a tablet by the way, it feels so much better to be able to read manga on it. Perhaps consider saving up for one some time if you're really into manga.
  14. People with good taste will never be in the majority. It's okay, I can appreciate Amano Kozue's magic with you, as I also think Amanchu is the best anime airing this season. Whoop!
  15. Anybody that seriously recommends Symphogear, outside of the "It's so bad/dumb it's good" crowd isn't a particularly nice person. I guess there's the occasional person that thinks it's an amazing original anime. And for those people all we can really do is look down, walk away and feel pity for them in hopes they will one day have a brighter future.
  16. I don't know man, 4chan told me these guys suck pretty bad. And so does every fan translator. Actually everything is shit.
  17. Now it's all a matter of waiting for the complaints regarding sex scenes being removed and the translation sucking so much it disrespects every author in the world. Can't wait!
  18. It ultimately boils down to the internet evolving into something that allows for really quick and easy spreading of information, meaning one stupid person can have a larger impact than they could back in the 90's. i.e in the 90's shitty people existed too, they just didn't have as big of a reach as they do today. Imo it's inevitable as the internet becomes a bigger replacement to real world interactions, meaning instead of being dicks outside we'll be dicks online. I wonder if we'll ever reach such a shift where going outside is actually less toxic than being online. Or maybe we're already at that point (although all the kids playing pokemon mgo on their smartphones makes me nt want to believe that): Also, I'm sorry Rooke but every point in that list reads like some angry hipster wrote it. I think what people never consider is the amount of positives such an advanced internet has brought to our lives though. People now focus so much on all the negative aspects it brings while completely forgetting just how amazing the internet as a technology it is in its current form. Of course there are negatives, but we need to learn to accept the good and the bad and work with it. It comes with the package, it's a trade off, we can't have everything our way, that's not how life works. I think the perfect analogy to this scenario is what happened when TOR was created. The FBI needed it to stay anonymous online, but if only the FBI used it, then everybody would know it's them when a TOR connection came through, and so the trade off was that they let everyone use it, even though that is acknowledging the dangers that come with it (and I'm sure you're all a ware of thekind of vile things tht can end up on the deep web). So for the greater good (anonymity online), they allowed the possibility of negatives as well. We can't have a perfect internet where everyone is nice to each other. We can mitigate things and moderate sites to a certain extent, and we can educate people and whatnot, but the trade off with having the kind of internet we do today is that there will always be shitty people trying to mess it up, and we have to accept that's simply part of the ackage and move on to work on more productive things instead of writing clickbait articles that serve no purpose.
  19. This whole article has this implicit false premise that the internet was a nice and flowery place at some point. And that place is now being destroyed somehow. Which is absurd to say the least. Whenever I hear someone say something like "The internet is being ruined" I automatically assume the person talking has lived a rather sheltered life or they are really bored and don't know what to write about.
  20. It ranges from your standard 1v1 rape to sexual torture and scat Not sure if you want to jump into that straight away if you've only dealt with vanilla sex thus far.
  21. Gee guys I get it, I'll rename the thread to re:zero discussion.
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