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Everything posted by Okarin

  1. He's the one they call Dr People He's the one that makes ya feel alright He's the one they call Dr People I've got one thing you'll understand (Dr People) He's not what you'd call a glamorous man (Dr People) Got one thing that's easily understood (Dr People) He's the one they call Dr People...
  2. Homely and unpopular Japanese girls need entertainment, too.
  3. No one mentioned "Ano Hana"? ("Ano Hi Ni Hana wo Mitsuketa no Namae wa Mada Bokutachi Shiranai", probably made some mistakes) I didn't like the series much, because I think there's some filler and you see the ending coming from miles away, but it's still a emotional ending that caps a laughs and tears story. Since no one mentioned it, I think it's not that popular... also if the novel was released on PC and not PSP, or at least if it had come to the West, things could be different.
  4. It has been done since at least the 90s. Check out The vision of Escaflowne (already on its 20th birthday), Kanata Kara (there's a manga, not sure about the anime) and the magnificent Fushigi Yuugi.
  5. Hey, I need more music in my arsenal, so I was wondering. Know any good site to download soundtracks? Can be from anime, or VN. Preferably legal: I don't mind if I have to pay regular Apple/Play Store prices, but it should be digital download since getting the records from half the globe away would be a nightmare.
  6. Remember, you have to give Norse names to things... or something.
  7. A story as strong as Steins;Gate... never. But Steins;Gate doesn't focus on porn since it doesn't have it, so it frees up time and effort to put into the plot and characters. I'm not an expert on nukiges but I consider games like Eroge! (complete with fetishes) to be that. Lots of porn, fantasy-appealing concept, etc. Yume Miru Kusuri is more debatable as a nukige, has loads of porn but also tries to have a serious story, and I say *tries*, because I think it fails spectacularly. At best it's just meh, at worst it's facepalm-worthy and jarring. So, as far as I've seen: no, a strong story is not needed in a nukige, so it's no surprise they don't invest into it. Also we'd have to make the distinction between porn-oriented nukige and regular eroge, that can tell a better story or focus on the characters and the environment, and be more balanced out. Bottom line is they have a limited budget and you can use said budget different ways; you can go the H approach and a neat nukige will be born, you can spread the attention and effort more between the novel's parts, you can go full story, full characters etc. A novel that had it all, would have a tremendous budget.
  8. That's all the more stupid. That's important information that changes the outcome, so the right thing would be to put it into the cutscene. I'm alright with putting a nice background and text overhead, much like Q's ending. PS: Poor @Funyarinpa user will be having a very bad year, what with the failed coup in Turkey and this game being disappointing. Bad times.
  9. I'm late, but that's because I decided not to buy upon release. Something was bugging me off... was it a message from another me on another timeline? About the review of VLR some people asked, here it is: The channel is also covering ZTD now. As someone who played the two previous games, his opinion will be interesting. About the game... to put it short, this is no longer "the best game on its console", as for some people, 999 was. You can find out more about my opinion here, no major spoilers: http://sanfter-flugel.tumblr.com/post/147546539197/zero-time-dilemma-im-bashing-it As for the fourth part, I'm sure there will be one. My reasoning:
  10. What's your opinion on Steins;Gate's Mayuri, then?
  11. Does that mean tsunderes with glasses are unyielding?
  12. But... "Girls at 4:30 PM" is a good theme. Plus, I wish I could meet girls at 4:30 PM... or any hour, really!
  13. Most VNs I've played have superb music. Sample here: The ones that have inferior music don't have bad music in fact, it just doesn't have impact. Also there's a trick for building a great soundtrack: start putting effort on a main theme and then make spinoffs of it, with different instruments, different keys, different tempos etc. Something good's bound to happen. In Japan you throw a stone and there's an accomplished musician to hit.
  14. Locals from Spain (as I can grasp the words more easily). My two favs are one channel for videogames and another for Magic: the Gathering card game (though I haven't played for many years). Also Battlefront's Flames of War channel is very good (I play the game).
  15. I think Yu-No and maybe To Heart are the most prominent examples. Also Evangelion - Girlfriend of Steel (if you're an Eva fan) and Divi-dead, both of which I have played, come to mind. Keep in mind that, back then, novels had a different style and moe wasn't the all-encompassing phenomenon we know today. Also genres like nakige, utsuge, etc were yet to be invented (nakige were introduced this decade, but at the end). Classic dating simulators predate true visual novels with routes and whatnot.
  16. I agree on Yume Miru Kusuri and Sharin, both somewhat hyped games. I tried those gleefully and was sorely disappointed. And even though I finished Yume Miru (not without lots of facepalms), I never finished Sharin and have deleted every trace of it. But those are the only ones that come to mind, and probably it's because their style doesn't sit well at all with me.
  17. Well, why lie, if it gets translated I'll probably play it. Another kitsune novel, that for me was so-so, is Harvest December: https://vndb.org/v3644 Whose kitsune heroine seems leagues ahead of the other human, ojou-sama love interest. I don't like imbalanced love triangles much so I didn't buy it.
  18. Nah, it's just an obnoxious, tiring gag in true Key style. For me, not a trauma, just annoying as frak.
  19. Koichoco, a 7? Well, considering your lowest rating is 6 (except Hoshimemo :P)...
  20. We don't have to forget that Kanon is a nakige, not an utsuge, so it pretty much needs a happy ending. Maybe the game could be better with a more harsh ending, I don't know (and I doubt it). In a way, after so much distress, the happy endings feel forced, because indeed they are achieved by deus ex machina. But that's the concept of a good-neutral-bad ending. If you want an enforced bad ending made by Key, you have Planetarian (that feels different, because it hasn't Maeda around).
  21. But as I said, in Kanon it isn't the point. Clannad I haven't played, sadly.
  22. In some games, reflecting on the mechanics behind the plot feels necessary to bring the game to further heights, like in Steins;Gate (if it hadn't used so much time explaining time travel and its intricacies, it would have been an inferior product, in my opinion), but in Key's case, it's not. Likewise, in Zero Escape, I think minimum consistency is achieved, but still there are some things explained "because morphogenetic field" or something. And well, as far as I know the Many Worlds Interpretation hasn't been succesfully proven, so building games on that premise is hit or miss, from the point of consistency, but still good games can come from it. It would certainly be funny if in the future Steins;Gate and Zero Escape are refuted, and funnier still if they're proven to be right, but they have a lot of time to enjoy before it happens.
  23. Haha you'd have to see my 3DS step counter. Usually it is exactly zero. For me it's hardly a portable console More like a couch console!
  24. I'll really check out Sanderson's thing later. Japanese games (VNs) may have their own particular brand of fantasy, but it still follows the rules for fantasy fiction. Although, in Key's traditional flavour, the drama and the feelz are more important even that consistency. It doesn't matter if the game makes sense, the focus is whether it moved you or not. At least, whole sense; because of that, the "mechanics" of the plot are somewhat hidden, obscure, or just unclear. And know what, in truth it doesn't need to be clearly explained, as it's not the point. Rewrite, on the other hand... like most of their recent works (Charlotte, huh) it bites more than it can chew with its plot. I only have cleared one route, and what I saw didn't fit my tastes.
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