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Posts posted by Dergonu

  1. I don't think the artist for the Sakura Beach and Sakura Santa games does h-scenes. I looked at her portfolio and it seemed like there wasn't a single erotic work there.

    That's pretty disappointing. I guess I won't be checking this out then.

    I believe the next sakura title after this will be 18+ though. Dungeon or something like that. 

  2.  @Josephl64

    I'm guessing you don't mind fanart, but the 4th "extra" pic for Sengoku Rance is actually a cg from Rance IX.

    Maybe it would be easier to get some of the members here you trust to help with the screenshots as they can help you with some of the VNs you haven't played?

    I fixed the wrong CG for Sengoku Rance. There's abit of a learning curve to learn how to use the admin dashboard properly and if people post here, I'll make the edits still. But then again if there are people who want to be actively involved in the site's development,  it'll be great if they let me know.



    1) on the site under "whats new" its lists... well, novels that certainly are not new. Does this mean "newly added to the site?" or is it intended to show new novels? If so I dont think its working like it should. 

    2) On the "top VNs" what are you basing that off? VNDB ratings? Because at the moment, Puraneko: Planet of the cats is listed as the Nr. 1 novel on the site ... :michiru:

    3) Are you going to have some way for people to see what novels are and aren't licensed? At the moment, all the translated novels are under the same category: translated. People might be interested in knowing if its an official translation or a patch. And also, who translated it? That would make it easier for people to know where to buy it. (Making sure people know a novel is licensed will help reduce piracy, the thorn in the VNs industry side.) 

    1) It's intended to show new visual novels and also visual novels that are newly added to the site. However, right now it's just showing all visual novels which are paginated by the links and will be fixed when other issues are done first.

    2) Ratings are based off VNDB's average vote ratings. Unfortunately, the internal DB of VNDB doesn't handle VNs with low votes well so that will have to be manually fixed.

    3) Do you know any comprehensive lists that contains a list of licensed visual novels? Right now there are 3 states for a visual novel. Ongoing,Translated, and Not Translated. This should be good enough to let people know about the state of the visual novel. I have also added a new section whereby you can purchase the visual novel through legal means, like JList, JASTUSA, Mangagamer and so on. This are all set manually in the database so it takes alot of work to complete.

    Cool, I see :) 

    For the last question, this thread should help:


    There is a little note next to the ones that are licensed. 


  3. Finished. 

    The main menu music (instrumental Rakuen no Tobira ("The Door To Paradise") is far better than it has any right to be.(full spoilers)

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    Many stuff feels obvious now, I feel stupid. Thanks a lot, all of you.



    Keisuke basically broke out of paradise at the end. So, he retained his memories. He rejected it, he didn't accept it. So thats pretty much why. 

    Nemu´s memories were deleted or removed in some way, yes, so she does not remember the game anymore. But she does still have faint hints of it in the back of her head, as she still likes all the things that Keisuke taught and showed her. She did remember it when they were both in paradise and you make the choice to leave, but after, her memories of it are removed. 

  4. Finished. 

    The main menu music (instrumental Rakuen no Tobira ("The Door To Paradise") is far better than it has any right to be.(full spoilers)

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    This pretty much answers all. To elaborate a little bit on the bet and why it took place:

    If I understood it correctly, please correct me if I am wrong:

    Keisuke was mortally wounded by a trap during the game and thats when Nemu pleaded with Kanae to make the bet in order to save Keisuke´s life. Kanae saw that as an opportunity to make Nemu become the next sleeping beauty,(In order to become sleeping beauty you need to feel true and powerful despair, something she would feel if her beloved tries to kill her. Obviously.), and so the bet was: If Keisuke kills Nemu then Nemu wins, (and obviously Kanae won't actually let Nemu die, but everything up until the second it happens is real, not VR), if Keisuke does not kill Nemu then Kanae wins. Really though, in Kanae´s head, most likely both outcomes will be a win for her as they will push Nemu to become the next sleeping beauty. 

  5. Guh ... Shuffle! Essence+ limited edition is 9.5k yen on amazon. Thats before 3rd party shipping costs... My wallet cant take this :amane: (Damn you Nosebleed for making me want that version.) Any chance you want to buy it for me with it being christmas and all?

    I absolutely love Shuffle!, Asa was also such a great character too. (Yes I just read through all the posts at this point and feel like my tastes are rather different)

    That being said seeing as how she was my favorite, of course it heightened how much I liked the anime.

    A fan of the anime and a fan of Asa? High-five! :sachi:


    @wraithseeker, a couple of questions. 

    1) on the site under "whats new" its lists... well, novels that certainly are not new. Does this mean "newly added to the site?" or is it intended to show new novels? If so I dont think its working like it should. 

    2) On the "top VNs" what are you basing that off? VNDB ratings? Because at the moment, Puraneko: Planet of the cats is listed as the Nr. 1 novel on the site ... :michiru:

    3) Are you going to have some way for people to see what novels are and aren't licensed? At the moment, all the translated novels are under the same category: translated. People might be interested in knowing if its an official translation or a patch. And also, who translated it? That would make it easier for people to know where to buy it. (Making sure people know a novel is licensed will help reduce piracy, the thorn in the VNs industry side.) 


    The new homepage looks great by the way. 


  7. I´m sorry but ... no, no traps please. Cant do it. I´m out. Luckily I haven´t played a VN with a trap yet, though I´ve seen enough anime´s that have them... Its the worst. You just sit there after, confused trying to convince yourself that you did not think she was cute! YOU DID NOT! ITS GOING TO BE OKAY! 

    Then you just fire up something like SonoHana after and confirm that the confusion has passed. :makina: 

    So to answer the question: I will skip the living hell out of that route. Sorry to him/her, but its for my own sanity´s sake. 

  8. Well it seems the usual enthusiasm to give people reccomendations isnt quite there right now. :makina:


    Anyways, I figured I would give you a couple more reccomendations. Just pulling the more unsusual reads out of my VNDB, so not too much to choose from, but hey, its something:


    sunrider academy - This has pretty good humor, though its a little different, its a dating sim with some gameplay. Fun heroines, though it lacks voice acting. Its a bit unique, but very entertaining. Available at denpasofts' homepage.

    kono oozora ni tsubasa o hirogete - Ok, not exactly an unkown novel, but I didnt see it on your list, and this is one of my favorite titles, so if you haven't read it, I would reccomend giving it a go. Available on steam, then apply the various patches to restore H-CG etc.

    [Not lisenced. English patches]

    Yosuga no Sora - Once again, not an incredible title, though I honestly enjoyed this one. Its a fairly standard eroge, but with a slight twist: incest. Another "different" genre. (Its a pretty good novel in my opinion, especially the Sora route, which is the incest route. Sora is a very likeable character. Tsundere, twintails, cares a lot for the MC.) only 2/5 routes are translated though, so only 1 that isnt the incest route.

    Katahane - Slightly older novel. Kind of strange art due to the age and due to tarte liking that sort of artstyle. It has great comedy, a good mix of slice of life and dramatic story. Its a bit unique, and reads rather slow at the start, though towards the mid / end its very much worth it. Also offers yuri, though the focus is on love and story, not so much fanservice.


    Haha, yeah but i'm sure it'll come later on...i hope xD it doesn't need to be unknown i just meant that i know about the most mainstream or well known ones but that being said i'm still somewhat new to this scene so i don't know all of the most known ones either.

    I'll look up these ones you told me about and the no voice is no issue (though i always prefered them voiced) ever since katawa shoujo it hasn't been an issue..

    when you said available at their page i don't assume it's free as KS was/is right?

    Sadly, not free. Its 30 dollars on their page, and that gives you the game + a steam key. You can alternatively buy the game on steam, and then apply a patch to it to get the same HCG etc restored.

    I meant sunrider academy, are we talking about the same one? since you didn't mention about the H scenes for that one

    Ah yes, its sunrider I'm talking about. I forgot to mention it in the original post, but it has a steam version as well thats patchable. The denpasoft version is completely uncut and it also gives a steam key when you purchase it.

    The steam version needs to be patched, guide on how to do that is on the community hub for the game.

  9. Well it seems the usual enthusiasm to give people reccomendations isnt quite there right now. :makina:


    Anyways, I figured I would give you a couple more reccomendations. Just pulling the more unsusual reads out of my VNDB, so not too much to choose from, but hey, its something:


    sunrider academy - This has pretty good humor, though its a little different, its a dating sim with some gameplay. Fun heroines, though it lacks voice acting. Its a bit unique, but very entertaining. Available at denpasofts' homepage.

    kono oozora ni tsubasa o hirogete - Ok, not exactly an unkown novel, but I didnt see it on your list, and this is one of my favorite titles, so if you haven't read it, I would reccomend giving it a go. Available on steam, then apply the various patches to restore H-CG etc.

    [Not lisenced. English patches]

    Yosuga no Sora - Once again, not an incredible title, though I honestly enjoyed this one. Its a fairly standard eroge, but with a slight twist: incest. Another "different" genre. (Its a pretty good novel in my opinion, especially the Sora route, which is the incest route. Sora is a very likeable character. Tsundere, twintails, cares a lot for the MC.) only 2/5 routes are translated though, so only 1 that isnt the incest route.

    Katahane - Slightly older novel. Kind of strange art due to the age and due to tarte liking that sort of artstyle. It has great comedy, a good mix of slice of life and dramatic story. Its a bit unique, and reads rather slow at the start, though towards the mid / end its very much worth it. Also offers yuri, though the focus is on love and story, not so much fanservice.


    Haha, yeah but i'm sure it'll come later on...i hope xD it doesn't need to be unknown i just meant that i know about the most mainstream or well known ones but that being said i'm still somewhat new to this scene so i don't know all of the most known ones either.

    I'll look up these ones you told me about and the no voice is no issue (though i always prefered them voiced) ever since katawa shoujo it hasn't been an issue..

    when you said available at their page i don't assume it's free as KS was/is right?

    Sadly, not free. Its 30 dollars on their page, and that gives you the game + a steam key. You can alternatively buy the game on steam, and then apply a patch to it to get the same HCG etc restored.

  10. Well it seems the usual enthusiasm to give people reccomendations isnt quite there right now. :makina:


    Anyways, I figured I would give you a couple more reccomendations. Just pulling the more unsusual reads out of my VNDB, so not too much to choose from, but hey, its something:


    sunrider academy - This has pretty good humor, though its a little different, its a dating sim with some gameplay. Fun heroines, though it lacks voice acting. Its a bit unique, but very entertaining. Available at denpasofts' homepage.

    kono oozora ni tsubasa o hirogete - Ok, not exactly an unkown novel, but I didnt see it on your list, and this is one of my favorite titles, so if you haven't read it, I would reccomend giving it a go. Available on steam, then apply the various patches to restore H-CG etc.

    [Not lisenced. English patches]

    Yosuga no Sora - Once again, not an incredible title, though I honestly enjoyed this one. Its a fairly standard eroge, but with a slight twist: incest. Another "different" genre. (Its a pretty good novel in my opinion, especially the Sora route, which is the incest route. Sora is a very likeable character. Tsundere, twintails, cares a lot for the MC.) only 2/5 routes are translated though, so only 1 that isnt the incest route.

    Katahane - Slightly older novel. Kind of strange art due to the age and due to tarte liking that sort of artstyle. It has great comedy, a good mix of slice of life and dramatic story. Its a bit unique, and reads rather slow at the start, though towards the mid / end its very much worth it. Also offers yuri, though the focus is on love and story, not so much fanservice.


  11. The problem is not not being able to view the CGs, it's that the CG thumbnail won't match the CG that will show up once you click on it, this is due to the fact that the patch adds extra CGs that weren't coded in the Moenovel's version of the game.

    If you applied the patch on the Moenovel version, I think the bug always occurs.

    There is a patch made to work on the original Japanese version of the game, maybe the gallery bug doesn't occur in that case.

    I really don't think there's a possible way to fix it as the patch makers themselves have already said this gallery error is a problem with Moenovel's version of the game.

    Hmm, now this is strange. I'm sure you are right of course, though now the question is why hasnt that occured with my game. I have the patched moenovel version.

    Anyways I guess that means my advice of re-installing the patch might be a huge waste of time :P

    (Is my game the chosen one?)

  12. Sorry im a bit of a nubcake. This means a livestream where you translate the game? Does it get archieved?`Do you add close captions or do you talk over with commentary?

    Yes sir. Videos are recorded and uploaded onto my Google Drive, just like previous VN playthroughs.

    Cool stuff. Well I'm uber hyped for the game and it sounds fun so I'll tune in if I can!

    Feel like I'll be waiting ages for my copy of the game anywas. Shipping from Japan to norway during christmas holidays... RIP.


    possible content spoiler for really really

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    Mmm, intruiging stuff.:illya:

    Shuffle Essence+ is the best edition of Shuffle and lets you get with basically every single girl (Mayumi, Kareha and more that only appear in this edition of the game).

    As for why the Asa hate, it mostly comes from her being the most boring heroine, yet getting the spotlight in the anime, although in the game that doesn't happen, I still found her character to be the most boring one, so there was no reason for me to like her, thus the anime hate remained. :sachi:

    PS: Primula best grill.

    Yeah this is the first I hear of this version as well. Gonna have look into that.

    I suppose I can agree to primula being the best if I had to choose one. (Twintails + loli never fail)

  14. It's pretty easy to see why someone would dislike Shuffle, the narrative is all over the place, it's a straight up charage with not a lot of substance to it.

    As for me, I personally enjoyed Shuffle, but not because I think it has a great story, but because I liked most of the heroines (except Asa) and their routes delivered enough drama + fluffy moments to make the game an enjoyable little experience, not a super memorable one though (and this is where most of the issues lie for most people). The anime was trash because Asa was the main girl. TL;DR Fuck Asa.

    If you don't like the heroines though, Shuffle is essentially ruined because the plot (or lack thereof) really doesn't hold up very well on its own.

    Whoa whoa whoa! How dare you. Asa-chan is awesome. I'll fite you irl :pyaa:

    I honestly like all of the heroines equally in shuffle! which is rare. I often have a favorite, but I think all the girls, (and even the side characters like mayumi and kareha), are great in shuffle!

    Though it is as you said, if you don't like the heroines, this VN wont really be enjoyable at all. Though that is the case for most titles.

  15. I liked Shuffle and Really? Really! (a sort of Kaede After Route).Very funny VNs and the casting is/are fairly awesome (Mayumi <3).

    However I didn't read Tick! Tack! (Nerine after Route ?)

    Yeah Tick! Tack! is nerrine's after route. I am currently reading it, and I think its awesome so far, though I havent gotten far into it as Princess Evangile keeps stealing my reading time. Havent gotten around to really really yet but I'll read it once I'm done with Tick tack

    (Mayumi is so awesome, she definitely deserves her own fan disk route!)

  16. Well if you want something light and funny with nekos thats translated Nekopara https://vndb.org/v15538 fits the requirements quite perfectly



    Well if you want something light and funny with nekos thats translated you cant go wrong with Nekopara. https://vndb.org/v15538


    Been wanting to do that one but was also looking for recommendations from the more hidden or not so well known ones too, though i will get Nekopara no doubt...it's Moe factor is off the charts : D

    Its a good, light read. Very enjoyable. As for more hidden titles, I cant really help much there. Still havent read all that much myself. Wait for the senpais to get here :illya:

    You did say you were open for any genres, so I will throw a bit more moe mixed with some yuri your way. Not exactly a "great" title, but hey, if you ever feel like reading something "different" it might be something worth considering. Its short and cute. :P

    https://vndb.org/v13839 (Thank nosebleed for the english patch for this one)


  17. Opinions differ. I personally love shuffle! I think the anime is great as well, though the VN is def the best.

    It has lovable characters, good humor and a very enjoyable overall setting. (Its also the VN that has the best and most user friendly interface in my opinion, though thats not exactly the main reason to play a VN.)

    That being said, it has its drawbacks. For one, its extremly predictable. A lot of pople are interested in story and when a story is predictable and doesnt really leave a strong impact then they get turned away from the title. This is especially the case for the dramatic segments of shuffle! They are resolved a little too easy and a little too fast for some people. Also, the VN is slightly old so not everyone love the art style of it.

    For me personaly this is not a problem. I think the light atmosphere in the game is a good thing as when things get too dramatic I just find it annoying.

  18. Well I dont know anything technical about it, but I personally dont have the problem. I can view all CGs just fine. Might be for naught, but maybe try re-installing the patch? Seeing as it does happen for some but not all, maybe that could have an effect?

    One factor that might also have something to do with it is that I'm running the game on windows 7. I know a lot of people run into issues with windows 8/8.1.

  19. Ok im sorry for kind of randomly bumping this even though it was answered but ... its a thread about norway and being like one of the only norwegians on this forum I have to say YAAY!

    Erhem. So yeah 2PM is 14:00. And our time zone is GMT. And no, we do not have polar bears walking around in the streets. (Seriously... some people think that.)

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