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Everything posted by Okami

  1. Yea I think that that kind of normal, average life with nothing special in it suck, some people might be able to enjoy that kind of life but not me. Yup, noting at all. It was supposed to be scary? You sure someone didn't troll you about that?
  2. I would choose a first, world sucks either way, but with first option you at least have someone dear to you near you. Many people say that a true ending in this VN was a bad ending, but I disagree and think that it was one of the best, happiest and most romantic endings that I know of. I loved this VN because it's psychology and romance and it's one of my top 5 VNs. And yea, I think that H is totally trivial in this VN as well as in all others. That doesn't mean that his view is wrong true. For me there was noting disturbing in this VN to begin with. Or rather I could say that I don't find anything to be really disturbing in this world. But I still loved this VN so if you think that a main point of this VN is to be as disturbing as posible I think you missed a point.
  3. Am I the only Bioware fan around here? Also, as I see a lot of old FF fans here I recommend them to try The Last Remnant they are very similar in many ways. I myself loved FF up till FFVIII from the newer ones the only one I played was FFXII and I didn't like it that much.
  4. Norton recognizes a lot of unofficial/pirate programs as risk files or viruses even true they are not so and are perfectly harmless.
  5. This sentence "combining western storytelling with eastern art" is kinda letting down my expectations, I prefer both Japanese art & storytelling.
  6. #1 Mass Effect 2 #2 Mass Effect 3 #3 Mass Effect #4 Dragon Age Origins #5 Dragon Age 2 #6 Jade Empire #7 StarCraft II Heart Of The Swarm #8 StarCraft II Wings Of Liberity #9 The Last Remnant #10 Venetica
  7. Here's one adorable Shinigami And here's something for Shoujo-AI fans.
  8. I just finished Ayaka's route in Amaranto, I have to say that it turned out to be a lot batter than what I expected. If you like Action x Romance & Shoujo-AI you should definitely try it out. It's not very long true, took me only 9h. I hope that other 3 routes are equally good.
  9. Welcome to the forums, enjoy you stay. If you like Key titles go an read Rewrite it's in my opinion best of their titles, once you are able to read VNs on your PC that is. As for PSP well I don't think there is many translated ones, but here's the list of those that are.
  10. And how much do you think Anime it self made? Just opening CD of Shinkeki No Kyojin sold 129,000 copies in just the first week and that's coming from a reliable source. I am not denying that promoting source material is one of the goals of making Anime, however it is not a main one.
  11. I would say that it is a opposite way, there are some anime that are maid mostly for making original source more popular but most are to profit more than they could with their original source. It's the same as in west with movies that are made from books like HP and LOTR, saying that they are made to increase sales of books would be crazy, true, it might be one of their purposes, it is definitely not the main one. But if we want to continue this discussion, we should open another thread.
  12. I don't know about Index title, but saying that a main purpose of making Anime in general is to promote source material and only secondly to profit from it is pretty crazy, it is actually pretty much the opposite way. The money involved in making Anime and the profit they gain from it if they do it right is a lot higher than money & profit involved in VNs, Manga, LNs.
  13. That is a case only with short Anime (3-5min) or 1,2 eps stand alone OVA's. The cost of making a full 25min 12-24 eps Anime is too big to be used only to increase sales for original material. I have no idea where from did people get that crazy idea.
  14. Now that I checked it out more closely it does look like one of weaker seasons. The titles I will be watching are: Tokyo Ghoul Akame ga Kill! DRAMAtical Murder Fate/kaleid liner Prisma☆Illya 2wei! Kantai Collection Majimoji Rurumo Rokujouma no Shinryakusha!? Seirei Tsukai no Blade Dance Sword Art Online II Tokyo ESP + Psycho-pass 2 and Hanamonogatari that I plan to watch but have to watch previous seasons first and from leftovers Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei M3: Sono Kuroki Hagane Captain Earth Witch is all together not half of spring season Anime that I will watch. Titles themselves also look like they are weaker than thouse from spring. So I guess it could be said that it is as week as winter, but then again it has SAO II. Well, in the end, I will probably end up watching a few more titles, there is always a few nice anime to watch that you missed, but the only ones I am expecting a lot excluding SAO are Seirei Tsukai no Blade Dance and Tokyo Ghoul + Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei from leftovers.
  15. Please don't give them more ideas. They are not far from it, after all I just googled out this.
  16. Great idea. Someone knows how to do it?
  17. Just to make sure that we are talking abut a same thing here you say that you have translated script that Insem never released 80% translated or you have a translated script extracted from partial patch with just 1 route translated?
  18. You can also try to extract both ISO's in one folder and than installing from there.
  19. As a huge SAO fan I just hope that they do the second season in a same way as first and don't stray away from it. But as it will probably have 20+ episodes the same as first season I am counting it for a fall season as no matter how fired up I am about some anime I am still gona w8 for season to end airaing before I watch it. And once it ends I can rewach the first season and watch the second from one goo, I already prepared the best quality video format that could be found on net of the first season for it.
  20. And then they will say all ages titles don't sell well in a west. Compared to this and pidgeons VN, Go! Go! Nippon! is a masterpiece. Go! Go! Nippon! was a decent short VN it had an ok heroines and unlike this at least it had some point and is pretty educational.
  21. Here are my top 30. And here are other few similar/same threads, and this one and this one. I think someone should marge them all in one.
  22. I never really like them not even in childhood, even back than the ones I watched ware Anime like Dragon Ball and Digimon Adventure.
  23. We need more Date A Live here, all girls from Date A Live are very kawaii.
  24. Well you can always torrent it and check out for yourself if it is something worth supporting or not. That's what most people do anyway.
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