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Everything posted by Okami

  1. Divosaga is the only online game that I don't find boring so you can try that one.
  2. That's the thing I can't get. I love Anime for what they are now and Anime in 80', 90' usually are not very Anime-like. It's like saying that you are Otaku but that you prefer a live action. I can understand if the person who is just a casual Anime watcher says that, but for someone who is in the latter stages of Otakuism to say that is weird.
  3. I will never be able to understand people who prefer the old Anime over the new ones.
  4. The oldest Anime that I watched is Dragon Ball (1986) and the oldest one that I liked would be either Mononoke Hime (1997) or Tenshi Kinryouku (2000). I am not really a big fan of old anime (pre 2000) so I haven't watched that many of them.
  5. VNDB only reflects popularity in the west it doesn't reflect popularity, success in Japan.
  6. In my case forum qute offten gets really slow or even down while for some people it still works normaly for other ones it doesen't. Nobady knows why is it happening true.
  7. This is already stepping inside a forbidden topic 2D VS 3D. But don't worry, I don't plan to continue it that way so I will keep this short. "Real people" didn't shape Anime character after themselves, for explanation look at locked 2D vs 3D thread, and if you still have something to say on the matter after reading it, we can continue it via PM as discussing this matter in a thread is not a good choice.
  8. They don't say if a game is a Nukige, Eroge, or a JRPG. They also didn't tell if they will be working on a full translation or not. If it is one of later two and it does get a full translation I might give it a chanse, but if it is a Nukige or/and if it gets only partial translation I am not interested in it.
  9. There is one in Dracu-riot but that one isn't fully translated yet. If you want Anime too you can look at this thread. By the way Nosebleed whats with you and spoiler tags today? I refuse to accept it's a he.
  10. That's too bad, I really wanted to read that one, expecially considering that I hated an Anime ending. Well I gues it will just have to wait until my Japanese dosen't become batter.
  11. I just finished watching Anime Phantom: Requiem for the Phantom and after searching some wallpapers I found out that Anime is based on a PC VN Phantom of Inferno from 2000 and that there is an English version of 3 DVD editions of a VN from 2003, 2005 and 2006. I also found out that there is a remake edition for xbox360 released in 2012 and PC port of it in 2013. So now I am intereted to know if there is a way to use a DVD eng translation to read a PC port of an Xbox360 remake?
  12. Somebody is alredy working on Imouto no Okage de Motesugite Yabai.
  13. Sorry for going off topic I was just irritated at how they treated you in a previous thread. Well did you decided on a new title to work on?
  14. Anime is superior to live action because Anime characters are superior to RL people. Anime grapich is superior to a live action graphic and Anime personalities are superior to RL personalities. Everything in Anime is superior from RL and live actions is close to RL.
  15. I still think you should continue with your Aiyoku no Eustia project and just ignore those Elitist. But If you decided to go with something else than those suggestions above seem like a good choice (Tokyo Babel and Negai no Kakera to Hakugin no Agreement). They don't have any H-scenes, they seem to have branched plot and true, I am not sure about the lines I doubt that they have over 40k. Also, they definitely seem like a great story. Tamayura PS2 version from Akabei Soft 2 falls under those categories too. I haven't read them myself as my Japanese is not that good yet to be able to read untranslated VNs so you might want to read them for yourself before taking upon a project of translating them.
  16. No, I like Anime because they are Anime. Anime is superior to live action so making an unsupirior version of something that you already have a superior one is not a good idea. Making a Live action into an Anime is another story because you are making a superior version of a story that you already have.
  17. Then why don't you do that and stop complaining already.
  18. No, they don't have a right. Ever heard of a saying bagger doesn't get to be chooser?
  19. Who the hell do you think you are to demand perfection for free. Nobody owns you anything if you can't stand a bad translation, then learn Japanese and don't rely on fan translators.
  20. If you think you can do a better job than take on a project and do it, if not then stop complaining, shut up and be grateful.
  21. Ones with good graphics that aren't already recommended are Kikouyoku Senki Tenkuu no Yumina, Swan Song, Shinigami no Kiss wa Wakare no Aji and maybe Yume Miru Kusuri.
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