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Everything posted by Okami

  1. And what who is autor has to do with anything here? If Translators want to censor works they are translating that have that right, that's what we were talking about. It doesn't have anything to do with the price of tea in the china.
  2. The thing is, it is not a separate title it is just a different version witch it the same as if the translators ware to cut off H-scenes.
  3. Actually I didn't made this thread, this thread was part of disscusion in another thread and mods felt like there was need to separete it so there is where bashing of translation that cuts out H started. As for you argument about GOT I did watch it and I don't remember seing porn scene, I don't mind if two characters are having sex but I don't want to watch porn of them doing it. Ayakashibito is my favorite VN and H-scenes are definitely non important and there is even an all-ages version of it. As for you argument They are autors so they decide we allredy talked about that look at privius posts in this thread.
  4. We are going in circles as you already made all thouse point's and I already give you my answer for all of them and now we are back at the beginning. Like for example, of that one when I told you that there is no reason why the translators shouldn't decide if to censor it or not. But I will add another point and say that if you watch a TV version of echhi or gore Anime would you call it incomplete because it was censored?
  5. They are an important fan-service puten only for a sake of batter sales so even withouth them story can be complite. And only people who like H will be bodered by the fact that it is removed while others will find it relif. Fans of H, fans for who they are not translating for, thouse fans who dislike H are the ones they translate for and they will be even more satisfied with H being cut out. But that is just you saying I like H so I don't take it away from me. I feel like we are going into cirles here.
  6. I think that any normal person would give more credit to the version he likes more despite if it is original or censored. As for logical explenation on why should H-scenes be removed there are planty of thouse after all I allredy given a logical explanation why H-scenes shouldn't even exist outise of nukiges in a first place in H-scenes nessesery topic but this dosen't have anything to do with this topic right now. I am making all thouse arguments here becouse you and some other people in that other topic called translations that cut out H-scenes half-assed and you think that they should be looked down upon and I want to prove that they are not any less then translations that do H-scenes too. Just as translations that have H-scenes included are ment more for your tastes translations that that cut-out H are ment for our tastes and they are not atleast inferior to translations ment for your tastes. I do Hate H I Hate it a lot but if people who like H stoped bashing translations that don't have H I would never started this conversation to begin with.
  7. I think you are giving too much creadeit to original product. Now let's put it this way since you are saying that it is not about H. Let's say we have a really old movie from 50', in it's days it was an average movie but now days it is old sh*t compared to any new stuff. Somebady takes story from that movie and makes a remake witch gets "oscar for best movie ever" Remake drifts from original a lot but it is far greater. You can watch only one ramake or original, witch one would you chouse? See you are puting too much credit into original product.
  8. Well people who cut out H-scenes translate for people who don't like H-scenes not for people who want H-scenes. And you wan't expect them if translator say that he is gona cut them out. Also they aren't forsing their ideals on you, you will have a choise to put up with it and read it without H or to not read it at all the same choise that people who dislike H have to make before reading a VN with H. So saying that they force their ideals on you is the same if I ware to tell that translators who do translate H are forsing their ideals on me for not cuting out H.
  9. I called it crap because, like Zoom909 and Kaguya already pointed out fan-translation is already unauthorized so talking about permissions now is pointless. You said a lot about how exactly because it is unauthorized they should at least not change it, but that is like saying I will go rob a bank, but out of respect for people who worked hard to earn their money and put it into the bank I will at least spend that money wisely. Because you love story from that VN that has H-scenes, but you hate H-scenes themselves.
  10. Yes, sure they can't force them against their will, they can only give them the option of choosing to write H-scenes or to find someone else to sponsor their work, which is equal forcing them to do it. And I already told you "Oh, and please don't give me crap about because they didn't put any money in production and such." so I don't accept your statement company have the right to change/censor work because they paid money but translators don't because they didn't.
  11. I guess I misunderstood a first one, I thought it was always about opinions on the matter. In that case I would say that in general there are more VNs being translated so there are more of thouse that are cuting off H-scenes too. If you look at my list of all translated VNs you could clearly see how many more english translations are being released in last faw years.
  12. Maybe in some ideal world but in reality the one sponsoring production is the one making final desidions not the one making it. Who knows how many of Autors didn't even wan't to add sexual content to their work but are forced to do so by director and others above him. There is really no way of knowing what autor himself created and what was forced on him to add or changed by thouse above him. I thought that this is too obvoius for anyone to ask for sources of it. So from my point of viev there is nothing wrong to censore something to suit tastes of people that you are making that something when it was censored and changed 100 times allredy in the past. And for your question about if I had book and you change it, if I didn't planed to release my book to teritory that you are bringing that book by translating it I wouldn't care.
  13. And could you explein to me difference beetwen "H scenes excluded in translation?" and "Translating: Is it ok to cut H scenes? " as no matter how I look at it they are the same topic.
  14. And could you tell me why exacly is it not ok to change or censor origanal work? Becouse it is not something that autor decided himself? Well you do know that most of the time origanal autors work is allredy changed and censored like 100 times before reaching stores. So then why is it not ok for translators to have that right to censor it too? Oh and please don't give me crap about becouse they didn't put any money in production and such.
  15. You say that it is ok if you translate a title that was allredy All-ages but not if you are translating eroge but then what about when you have an eroge that also has an allages version too? That is also translating a work that originaly had H-scenes but translating a version that dosen't have them and should that be considerd a partial translation becouse it? Now the only question whould be if translators should be "alowed" to make thouse versions themself without company allredy having version like that. And I say yes.
  16. Basically what you are saying is if you don't like H-scenes don't read eroge and that is something that we already discussed in another topic and we sad it is not all that black and white there are people who like me don't like H but are willing to look past it for the sake of the story but would still enjoy it more if there weren't for H-scenes. Therefore, we are grateful for translator who are translating for our tastes and I found very rude to call those translators work half-assed just because their work thouse not suite your taste. You said "you don't need to go after works that have h-scenes and feel that it's your duty to bash the fact they have sexual content" but aren't thouse people doing the same just the opposite way? They go bashing translations for not translating toward their taste. If H are such important part of an eroge then why nearly all companies that can afford it are also making all-ages releases of their titles. This is no different, except those all-ages version that translators are making aren't official. And also this "you told us 1000 times already, you don't have to start pointless arguments again". Those this mean "I disagree with you so when thread about this topic come around don't show yourself into it we don't want to hear other side"?
  17. I gotten inpresion that bad endings are all that Corpse Party has, if it has good ones too thats even better. I don't realy like bad endings true despite that I still liked Anime. I guess that I will enjoy VN even more now.
  18. I haven't read a Corpse Party yet, it's still on my to read list but if it is anything like it's anime adeption it will be a great title. True I do hope that it has at least one good ending. I do agree that it is one of best horrors out there.
  19. So if there is no H-scenes included in translations and if translators are against them they must not be serious and determined? You say that thouse titles that did gotten released without H-scenes are exeption becouse there ware all-ages versions all along but don't you think that thouse translators that are cuting out H would do the same if such versions existed. And calling such translations half-assed just becouse they are not ment for perverts like you are very rude.
  20. I love when Translators decide to cut off H-scenes from the translation I hate H-scenes and think that cutting them out of VNs makes VNs batter, at least for me it does. If I were to translate a VN once my Japanese becomes batter I would eather translate all-ages titles or cut off H-scenes if I were to translate eroge, and if someone is going to complain, I would simply tell them that I am not translating for people who want H in a first place so I don't care if he is not satisfied with my work. I guess that other translators who decide to cut out the H content from their translations are having something similar on their minds.
  21. Let's revive this topic a litlle bit. Girls from D-frag are prety Kawaii And here's Loli Imouto from Mikakunin de Shinkoukei
  22. Then you might not properly extracted or inseted text, why not just concencate on translating and find a proper hacker to do thouse things for you.
  23. Amaterasu Translations is gona translate Rewrite-HF after they finish their curent project.
  24. It all depends on how they use it. If they use it as in that video I must admit that it does look nice but if they just use it only for moments like in that CG then it is just wasting money.
  25. Considering that they are translating from extracted scripts I would bet that they are doing both web based translation and patch once they are done. As for Ios/Android thing on VNDB I am not sure about it but it might be a mistake made by hoewer added it to VNDB as on their site they have a explanation about how to extract scripts from this game and you need a VN in ISO file for it, and it might be just me but I never saw Android/Ios game being in ISO format before.
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