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Everything posted by littleshogun

  1. Welcome to Fuwanovel, and enjoy yourself here. Speaking about VN, I knew according to VNDB there was some VN Translation project that attempt to translate it into Portugese language. And see you again in the future. PS - I just learned that mod Kaguya was from Brazil. Didn't know that, and no problem here (Just saying).
  2. Nice idea there. In fact I'd think of making the walkthrough for this game for a while, and I still didn't find enough time to make it yet. Looking forward to your walkthrough then, and to elaborate CerulenGamer opinion here, it's quite possible to balance the relation points between the heroines from choices only. For battle, you could actually made Nozomu all rounder (He strong enough) or had him team up with other than heroine (Thalia, Jatzeita, and Euphoria) if you worry about relation point balance. Other than that, I just said that if you keep the point balance for each heroine, you'll need extra effort to entering Katima route here.
  3. As a promise to certain Marimite big fan here, I'd watch Maria-sama ga Miteru. As for the premise, I think Marimite fan should already knew enough, but basically there were 3 groups for main character and our MC Yumi was belonged to one of the three groups. This anime was definitely quite good, and yes there's no too much explicit love there, only somewhat strong bond between girls there. Anyway, Marimite was definitely good anime here. By the way, could someone fill me what's the ending for Marimite Light Novel here? Because I'm curious if Yumi will get the title from her onee sama here. I think that's all for my impression, and sorry if I couldn't write more.
  4. Bump here, and this is in regard of Grisaia. Frontwing indirectly announce that Zankou will be available on Steam at July 20th by adding it to the Steam store. Here's the Steam page. As for Senritsu, still don't know when it'll be released. PS - From Kouryuu ask.fm, he indeed didn't work on Dal Segno. But rather the one who translated Segno was newer translator here (Obviously uncredited). For more info, the editor for Segno was same people as Da Capo 3 editor.
  5. Well, Fate was only had 3 routes for the starter (Actually, this is normal for some VN), Fate, UBW, and Heaven's Feel. The main difference is that even if you already entered a route in Fate, there's still some choice that could got you to the bad ending. I guess this is actually made Fate an unique Visual Novel here. Okay, since you ask normally if you entered any route in VN, there shouldn't be any more choice for majority VN here (There are some exception though). And before entering heroine's route, there's common route where's many choice that determined heroine route could be found. In regard of how you should play it, maybe you could use same way as your way, except it's more to the scene with heroine though rather than with bad ending. tldr - Other VN than Fate had quite lengthy common route and more than 3 heroines, although once again there's some exception. For the approach of how you play them, you could use your usual way with your aimed heroine, for most part though. Hope I could answer you here, and if it's still not clear just ask me here.
  6. That's some quick progress here. Anyway, congratulations to Flying Pantsu for finally manage to give birth their baby after 3 years struggle. I decided to using this thread as Koiken Otome discussion thread, and let me made a poll now. PS - I'll add character and seiyuu info on my first post here.
  7. Speaking about Kikokugai here, I'd also played and finished it too. For the remake, I think my only complain would be of how the text was too small compared to quite big textbox there, otherwise no problem. For the story, I would like to said that's MC little sister Ruili here (Voiced by Yukari Tamura by the way) way to achieve her goal was way too roundabout so much that it was cause major problem. Well, then again it's quite entertaining there, so no problem (Probably). I think my favorite bad guy here would be Ng (3rd baddie), because of his easy going way and also he realize his weakness here. Although TV Trope said he was coward, but when we got badass MC and main villain here, you need to do everything to survive of course if you don't have any capability. Oh, and MC 'battle' (More like chasing Ng in the sky though) also quite interesting. I think that's all I could talk about the story here. For the seiyuu, other than Yukari Tamura, we also got Hochu Otsuka who voiced Ng, Sho Hayami who voiced main villain Haoujun, Keiji Fujiwara, Kazuhiko Inoue who voiced our MC Taolu here, and also Iemasa Kyumi here who need some notes here because he was deceased back at 2014 (My condolence here, and his voice resembled Father back in Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood). Overall, the seiyuu did a good job here I think. The opening was also quite good here, and the OST did a job well done I think. Oh, and for last word, if you like voiced character for Kikokugai, play remake version although if some of you prefer the art from the original version like Vorathiel here, go ahead and play the original (Although it didn't had voice though). Just choose which version which fit you best if you ask my opinion, although once again I prefer remake though. PS - I played and finished it last year, but I just had the chance to write about this right now though.
  8. I'll give some easier word this time. 'Emerald', and good luck here.
  9. Welcome to Fuwanovel. From your username, looks like you're Kingdom Hearts fan (I might be wrong here), because the moment I saw your username I immediately remember about the character named Kairi from Kingdom Heart. For game here, unfortunately I couldn't help you much here with game recommendation, but if you need VN Recommendation you might ask us here. Enjoy yourself here.
  10. Welcome, and enjoy yourself here. Speaking about Fate Stay Night, I remember that you must got all 40 bad ends to get 100% completion here, so maybe if you want to got all bad end, you may need to using the walkthrough here. As for me, I'd like to using the walkthrough for playing VN here, because it'll save some time if I aim for certain route there, especially if the VN had many choices here (And mostly was quite pointless iirc). Although if I'd like to say here is that your idea for playing VN is quite good for VN like Fate imo, if only because each Fate route was quite long and it could be triggered at the beginning. I think you could keep your playing style here, but if you stuck you may try to search for the walkthrough here if you need my advice here. For last word here, hope we could see each other here later.
  11. There's some quick progress there I suppose, and I think it shouldn't be a long time before the release (Hopefully).
  12. Happy 21st birthday, @AaronIsCrunchy. Hope your upcoming year going well for you, and thanks for the comment on my earlier blogpost here.
  13. The shortest introduction here, so I'll just said hello too and enjoyed yourself here. PS - Welcome to Fuwanovel.
  14. Here's my welcome to Chaos Head lover here. Speaking about Chaos Head, back at 2011 I'd quite interested with this game because Rimi look so cute there and the opening was quite nice. Although our Chaos MC was quite anti social if I may said it myself. I also remember that this is the first game that started controversial way in regard of selling fan translation to the company in this case would be JAST (By the way, it's already announced since 2011 at TL Wiki iirc, yet there's still no announcement from JAST). And apparently there's a rough English patch out there. Just being nostalgic here the moment I saw your Rimi avatar, and for last word here hope you enjoyed yourself here. PS - By the way my username was came from Shogun at Chaos Head.
  15. Well, don't really care too much about voice here. But for preference, I guess it's a bonus if voiced VN had recognizeable seiyuu to me here. And of course there's some good unvoced VN out there. I think for now let's just said that I'm slightly prefer voiced VN.
  16. Obviously in regard of Kikokugai there some people who prefer old version and some people who prefer remake version. As for mine, I prefer remake version, if for seiyuu only (I mean it's like there's some all star cast there). By the way, since the remake was had explicit content censored (For CG only), I think if JAST want to release Kikokugai in Steam, the remake was great choice here. Although it's depend on Nitroplus though. PS - The remake was already available for more than a year iirc, and I'd find the translation project (More like 'inserting translation to remake' project though) in this site.
  17. I'll just said congratulations for your 1000th posts here, and hopefully I'll be able to join 4 digit longue later. See you later here.
  18. By the way, the page was back here, and looks like the patch will take a while before the release (Because they encounter some problem when they attempted to use new patcher). I think I'll made the 2nd thread for proper Koiken Otome discussion later. PS - Looks like they indeed will filter the comment.
  19. Welcome to Fuwanovel, and my reply from your Japanese word would be 'Nice to meet you too'. If you need Japanese VN Recommendation, you could ask Clephas here, but maybe I could help some if you ask translated one. Anyway, since you state that you interested in translation, I think you could try to register your capability in the thread below. Hope you enjoy yourself here.
  20. How about true here, because my house was quite far from railways. Next person was afraid of octopus here.
  21. Speaking about rooster, I remember that in Indonesia the onomatopeia was like 'kukuruyuuuk', and that's for the place when I live. I read that in other area there's different onomatopeia for rooster here (It's still in Indonesia by the way). Okay, I think I saw Kirashi problem here. My suggestion here would be instead of keep trying to translating every word, just enjoy the game without too much bothered by that. I mean it's not like you miss overall plot for Tokyo Babel because of word like grinnity or yummers, right?
  22. I think both of SakuSaku and this was still nothing compared back when Majikoi translation project happening here. From what I recall, there's many thing going on, and what I recall is 'Merry Christmas' incident, when there's a rumor in regard of disappeared hacker will be back on Christmas. At that time, there's many comment flooded the thread before finally the thread was cut from 37 pages (Really) to only 1 page and only allowed for the update. Back to the topic, okay, I understand if the staff was annoyed with many stupid word like that, and they decided to delete their recent page. Well, at least they didn't pull Aokana here by deleting all update before. But still I think just disable comment should be enough here (I think). Oh, and I'd also read one comment that made me facepalm, and the comment goes like 'But it's so much fun to refresh the page'. I think I had no more comment here other than just like Rooke said, maybe they commented to curing their boredom there. PS - Maybe I'll should call this incident as 'Merry Christmas' incident for any case like this in the future, just to remind that it's the first happening with Majikoi and the time was around Christmas. Note that I'm using quotation, to be not confused with real Merry Christmas here.
  23. Welcome, and to be honest you quite old here (No problem of course. Just saying here). As for your experience, interesting that you played VN seriously since 2006. Also I hope we had fun together here. If you need more VN Recommendation, just ask us here.
  24. Welcome to Fuwanovel, and nice to meet you here. I don't know about writing here other than good luck on your most recent project, but if you need some specific VN recommendation here you could ask us here. Hope you enjoy yourself here.
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