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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/06/18 in Posts

  1. Howdy y'all, it's ya boi Arc back at it again with necroing projects thought to be dead long ago. Have this: https://arcadeotic.wixsite.com/euphemictl/single-post/2018/11/04/OFFON For those lazy enough to read it, here's some bulleting points: The project's starting in early December due to school stuff (surpise!) The team has been changed, you can view it from the original post There will actually be quality passes this time, fantastic! We'll be using a format to work on this that ain't complete dogshit Still JP to ENG. That's all, have a good day and look forward to more porn from yours truly.
    3 points
  2. I don't know if this is within your preferences, but why not try eden* They were only two on the planet ? (Or just eden* for short.)
    2 points
  3. LemiusK

    What are you playing?

    Sigh. Just got to the R18 scene of Muv-Luv Alternative... Sigh. Sigh. Should really have stuck with the All-Ages version. This is just so damn stupid. I mean, I've seen my share of hentai, so I'm not squeamish or anything, but it does break the immersion. Makes it all feel like one big parody. You know, if I didn't know any better, I would've thought Nasu was the one who wrote this, given how Heaven's Feel turned out. Guess the rumor that many Japanese VN writers are closet perverts isn't that far from the truth. Personally, I hate censorship for the most parts, but in some cases, I would actually favor the All-Ages version when the sexual parts don't add anything to the story (Key's VNs like Clannad comes to mind), or when they even detract from the story. This is definitely one of those cases.
    2 points
  4. isn´t it basically the same? like ks-goal or not, if the base game were to fail sales-wise there wouldn´t be any continuation either, probably, eg. mg´s habit of only doing fandiscs depending on sales.
    1 point
  5. If you don't mind horror, both Sweetest Monster and Soundless are very cool, climatic KNs, a bit more on the shorter side than the Japanese ones. I could also recommend quite a few short, free ones, but not sure if you're interested in that kind of thing.
    1 point
  6. Other VNs by 07th Expansion, such as Higurashi or Rose Guns Days. Seabed. It's not 100% story driven, but I'll also add Planetarian. There also are plenty of Vns that technically have choices, but are still very linear. The best examples are Muv-Luv Alternative, Subahibi and Fata Morgana.
    1 point
  7. Now of course it's possible to be part of multiple but I think in the end we have all of our favorites. Feel free to choose any I didn't point out but this is my idea of the various subtypes of the VN community can be divided into: People who mostly read VNs that have any type of story. No Charages, moeges. Conversely, the people who basically mostly stick to charages or even moeges (or just for the waifus) The people who only read in Japanese no matter what People who mostly stick to a very specific genre of series like Mystery ones, or Otome/BL People who mostly read VNs for the H scenes People who mostly stick to Original English Visual Novels/EVNs People who mostly create Visual Novels For example, while I do try to read a variety of VNs, these days I mostly stick to charage/moege, and of course the H stuff...
    1 point
  8. LemiusK

    What are you playing?

    Okay, that's the explanation I was looking for. lol I would react with the "Like" button, but I've hit my reaction quotas for today. Yeah, okay, when you put it that way, it does make the scene a bit more tasteful. Buuuuut yeah, I'd still say the execution is poor because But yeah, you're right, other hentai titles wouldn't even bother to include such meaningful context in their sex scenes, so it does elevate Muv-Luv above them. You're right. It's kinda like what Saya no Uta did for the gore scenes, or what Spec Ops: The Line did for the FPS element. In fact, it's a lot more like what School Days did with the harem setting. Thanks for the explanation.
    1 point
  9. Thyndd

    What are you playing?

    You know, as I said, it's not like I'm a big fan of that scene as it's written either... though I do like the concept. You see, the thing with the deconstructions is that you need to first incorporate the thing you want to deconstruct. Instead of focusing on what makes it similar, think about what makes it different. Why is it different the harem setting in Muv Luv to other settings seen in so many other works? Why are the transparent suits suddenly acceptable? I believe it's the new implications they have.
    1 point
  10. Thyndd

    What are you playing?

    You are just too negative my dude. I think Muv Luv is simply brilliant for being able to deconstruct the genre like that, while still exploiting all its commercial benefits. Plus, really, you'd be hard-pressed to find stronger female characters than the ones in MLA. If one thing is left very clear is that those girls are first and foremost warriors, the bravest you'll come across. And they are still young girls deep inside who due to the unfortunate circumstances don't get to experience a normal life like the one they had in the world Takeru came from. While it uses the same formula, the message it tries to convey holds so much more meaning. I can't see anything wrong with that.
    1 point
  11. Thyndd

    What are you playing?

    The thing is, you bring up the fact that Sumika and not Takeru or other male characters are "sexualized", and while the story might offer you some excuse for it (like the harem setting in MLA, explained by the fact that most men already died when they first went to war), in the end it's plain obvious that the reason is just that the target demographic for most eroges are males, and guess what, a great part of that collective happens to like women Sex sells, everyone knows that. So, I wouldn't try to read too deep into it. I don't think it's necessarily sexism, just good ol' sex stuff as a selling point.
    1 point
  12. adamstan

    What are you playing?

    Welcome to the dark side (or maybe this is light side? dunno... ) Clannad itself fortunately didn't have +18 version (apart from Tomoyo After), but it is true for other Key VNs. The only one where h-scenes were passable was ONE (it wasn't under KEY label, but same people involved). Kanon's scenes were awful, AIR's weren't good either - fortunately all-ages patches exist for both of these. Same with LittleBusters.
    1 point
  13. Thyndd

    What are you playing?

    Yup, I remember when I got to that part I felt pretty much the same, and wrote a very similar post to yours. I've actually read both the All Ages and the 18+ version of that scene, and yeah, I probably prefer the all ages version not because it shows less, but just because it feels a lot less over the top. On a side note, I believe it's probably because we've seen our share of messed up hentai that the scene felt like a parody to us I've heard that to other people it just felt like a very disgusting scene and didn't break the immersion at all.
    1 point
  14. Ever17 has been moving kinda slow, so I can't really blame you. Hopefully, something happens soon for me to hook me in. (I've mainly been neglecting it due to Alternative.) I don't actually know much regarding Grisaia no Meikyuu, but judging by the first game it's probably a safe bet. (I still need to finish that too, but unless another route changes my mind, I'd certainly agree on Michiru) It should be interesting to see what other people recommend. The kind of games you're looking for I'm interested in myself.
    1 point
  15. Yeah, I've tried that, but I'm one of the minorities that find it difficult to complete Ever17 due to its very slow pacing (and I completed Umineko, so that's saying something). I had to drop the VN twice now and I haven't even gotten through the first route yet. Oh well. I was thinking of picking it up again in the near future. Another VN I'm thinking of picking up again at the same time is Grisaia no Meikyuu, though I've put this on hold for an entirely different reason. The first Grisaia was a solid experience (Michiru best gurl), but real life interfered back then, so I had to put off Meikyuu for a while.
    1 point
  16. Hm. Well, there are a couple of other "routes," so I'm guessing those trophies are for those, though I wouldn't really call them "routes" since there are probably minor differences between each girl you pick. I assume this because I picked Ayamine and there still isn't really much involvement with her, so I'm guessing your choices don't really have as much of an impact as in the previous games.
    1 point
  17. Yeah, I tried to do a search and came up with nothing as well. I think there's probably 10 chapters, maybe. It feels like I'm almost hitting the end. I did read that Chapter 9 and 10 picked up the pace more than Chapter 8, so I'm guessing that means that the real battle against the BETA is going to start there.
    1 point
  18. I'm actually playing through it myself for the first time too! I'm in chapter 8. This game is way longer than I was expecting! I really didn't expect things to get this gritty either. These last couple chapters really got to me. Last night I decided to take a break and play something else before bed, because the prior night I was having weird depressing dreams from playing it nonstop haha.
    1 point
  19. You might wanna try it with the PS3 graphics and voice patch. It should make a huge difference in your case. https://github.com/07th-mod/guide/wiki/Higurashi-Part-1---Voice-and-Graphics-Patch#how-to-install-the-patch-manually-for-windows-linux-and-mac (Sorry for the double post)
    1 point
  20. Kara no Shojo is what I was thinking too. Muv Luv Alternative is really where things might get interesting for you too. I wouldn't skip that if you bothered playing through Extra and Unlimited. I couldn't get into The Silver Case unfortunately. Maybe I wasn't paying enough attention since I beat it over a long period of time, but I barely even understood wtf was going on. What stood out the most was a lot of wandering around trying to figure out where to go and a lot of cussing.
    1 point
  21. r0xm2n

    Story-driven VN

    I would have recommended Symphonic Rain (first VN that came to mind when TC mentioned plot twists), but he's already read it. * ef - a fairy tale of the two . Quite a lot of relationship drama, and pretty good plot. * Grisaia no Kajitsu . It does really focus on it's larger then life characters. Character routes are pretty serious though (standing in contrast to the over the top comedy in the common route). You may like the psychological themes. * Muv-Luv Trilogy. It'll take you a while to get through Extra and Unlimited. Just wait till you get to Alternative though (probably the ultimate story driven experience)! * Sorcery Jokers . Quite a lot of action.
    1 point
  22. Suda51 games might be up your alley (The Silver case especially). Kara no Shojo might be enjoyable for you as well. Try out Higurashi.
    1 point
  23. Sanoba Witch is the story of a guy with an unnatural ability and a for once plot integral personality. Doomed to live with his depression, he squanders his youth until one day, he comes across atruly outrageous scene, leading him into the world of magic! Have fun figuring out how the magic works, because the rules change in every route, enjoy random technical difficulties and observe the most shocking plot twist off all: Mizuhashi Kaori almost stayed in character the entire time. Almost. ______ Okay, I'm done. This was a thoroughly enjoyable experience. I would say Meguru has the worst route, Touko the best and Nene the most interesting and memorable. Tsumugi might be the route I would recommend reading first to anyone going in blind, because it probably establishes the most "lore". Wakana was a better Deardrops side-route than the actual Deardrops side routes. Out of the three translated Yuzusoft titles we have, it's fair to call this the best not-full-heroine-route.
    1 point
  24. Greetings! Just wanted to let you know that Tales From Windy Meadow has it’s own store page on Steam! You can now conveniently take a look at the game’s description, trailer and screenshots, as well as wishilist it to make sure you won’t miss the game’s release nor the sales. : ))
    1 point
  25. LemiusK

    What are you playing?

    You see, the problem is... the scene with the BETA right there was a cliche itself, a cliche of ALL hentai that involves monsters in general. That's not a clever subversion at all! And unless there's a clever subversion down the line I'm not made aware of yet, then I don't think it's the same thing as what subversion they did for the transparent suits and harem setting. This is like the opposite of those subversions. Again, it's really just one scene, so it's not like I'm THAT affected by it. I just wanted to point it out, that's all. It's a small peeve, but it's honestly not that big of a deal. Honestly, this felt like that scene with Nae in Steins;Gate (that they cut out in the anime), the one that was so over-the-top that it felt like it was made for shock factor. It was an annoying flaw in an otherwise perfect VN, but that didn't mean I hated Steins;Gate for it. I still love it.
    0 points
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