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VN Reading Club - May 2015 (Coμ -Kuroi Ryuu to Yasashii Oukoku-)


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Hey, didn't someone say the discussion will be started on 20th



(Meanwhile hsmsful realizes he's been too hung-up on his finals and needs to hurry the hell up or else he'll never be able to discuss anything with these people.)


Even an otaku still think about his finals, eh?

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Hey, didn't someone say the discussion will be started on 20th

Yeah it does start on the 20th but some people couldn't hold in the urge to go overboard with their "first impressions".

Even an otaku still think about his finals, eh?

This is offensive, apologize to all the nerdy otakus out there. Being an otaku is really nice since u basically have no social life so u have time for both school and your hobby :sachi:
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This is offensive, apologize to all the nerdy otakus out there. Being an otaku is really nice since u basically have no social life so u have time for both school and your hobby :sachi:


Hmm, really? じゃあ, すみませんでした本当 にごめんなさい.

I'm still not convinced though.

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Yeah, that's my bad :sachi:  My "first impression" was the entire VN, and I got my first impression months ago.

I wouldn't say it's only your fault tbh , some people finished more and more of the vn (they even finished two or three routes) and started discussing them. People don't adhere to the rules here : < 


So, what grade are you in? Middle school or high school? If you have some problems with physics subject, maybe I can help. Especially basic mechanics. (I'm not sure my country's curriculum is the same with yours though)

I am in high school and dw everything is under control ... probably

Plus we wouldn't want to turn the vn reading club discussion of comyu into physics discussion or the fuwapolice will be on our tail :sachi:

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Yeah it does start on the 20th but some people couldn't hold in the urge to go overboard with their "first impressions".


A lot of people are talking about Benio and her route which is ok in a way given that if you haven't played Comyu before you have to play through her route first. Looks like in future months we may need to be a little more specific on what we mean by "first impressions".

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I wouldn't say it's only your fault tbh , some people finished more and more of the vn (they even finished two or three routes) and started discussing them. People don't adhere to the rules here : <

True, but I completely forgot it was only first impressions and started talking about the entire VN.  No spoilers, but still :vinty:


Plus we wouldn't want to turn the vn reading club discussion of comyu into physics discussion or the fuwapolice will be on our tail :sachi:

Don't worry, we're already here.  I'M A CYLO-erhm, I mean, I'm part of the Fuwapolice.  Feel free to talk about homework in PMs or in an appropriate thread in an appropriate section, though.


A lot of people are talking about Benio and her route which is ok in a way given that if you haven't played Comyu before you have to play through her route first. Looks like in future months we may need to be a little more specific on what we mean by "first impressions".

That would probably be a good idea  :3  If you don't set specific rules people just do whatever, myself included.


Strangely, I didn't dislike Benio for a while in her route; I really started to hate her towards the end.  I guess my patience finally wore out and I got tired of her ideals.  Guess it's not her so much as having to "be around" her for an extended period of time.

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A lot of people are talking about Benio and her route which is ok in a way given that if you haven't played Comyu before you have to play through her route first. Looks like in future months we may need to be a little more specific on what we mean by "first impressions".

I guess saying that first impressions = discussing intro/prologue/common route would be the best!

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I am in high school and dw everything is under control ... probably

Plus we wouldn't want to turn the vn reading club discussion of comyu into physics discussion or the fuwapolice will be on our tail :sachi:


I mean by pm or fb or whatsapp or something, silly

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(Meanwhile SoulJustIn playing game and watching anime. Waiting for you all finish read and hope for new update in this thread)


(Ps: at least give me a try since i haven't done "meanwhile" =3)



Edit: Mayu-mayu is best girl ....... I almost forget to write =p

Edited by SoulJustIn
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From experience, it's a bad idea. You set a specific date, people play before that, lose interest/go do something else and it's just bad in general.

Better to let everyone just talk at their own pace, whenever. Dates are hell. 


Lets the people who played the game beforehand jump in the talk when they feel like it, too. 

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That's the feeling I got in the time that I've been playing. 

Dates are hella restrictive, yeah. Better that we allow them to all talk when they want to.

Which is why I talk when I want to now.




I think Mayuki's route is, so far, the most romantic route I've read in this VN. I do know that Mayuki's great and all, but god. When she warmed up to Akihito, it got so fluffy and sweet that I feel like I'd get cavities from reading the route! Yes, I'm quite enjoying her route, of course. Also, she's more 

cute than beautiful, so her H-scenes were the ones that I liked the least in terms of ero, but was my favorite all in all. They're romantic and they have actual normal dialogue in those scenes. It's a nice refresher from full-on ero in those scenes. They even joked around, for crying out loud.


Anyway, in terms of action, well, this route must be the most lacking of the three I've read. The first action scene you get is when K's comyu gets involved with you, and that's far into the route already. Next thing you know, you're already at the fourth part of her route. Those are the only action scenes I've seen so far. You kinda forget about everything if you're stuck with romance too long in an action VN. W-Where's Itsuki, for crying out loud?


The interesting thing about this route must be the glimpses on Girl A. It seems as if you're being shown her thoughts, finally. She only watches, yeah. But it seems as if she hides herself to see the people she gave powers to. To see what they're doing with that power. It's like she's experimenting. The thing I'm wondering about right now is why there was such a large gap in creation of communicators. The first comyu was five years ago, and the next ones didn't show up until two years ago. Well well. Girl A, what are you hiding?


It also suks that there's almost no Benio in this route.

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When I put things in spoilers it's generally important, so click at your own risk~


The "thoughts" of girl A. Pff. I remember trying to find meaning in that palette swapped Kagome. You'll learn in the end of her route that it's just a random system that doesn't even think, though. Assumed a form that looked like her because she was the strongest connector around... Not even a living being. Kinda like the virus that makes you into a connector.

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To tell truth.... mayuki route is not the route that make up my mind "mayuki is best girl"


I think is in Kagome route (i guess)....... is about the scene "spoiler"


the scene about mayuki keep say want to go together with team no matter what happen ,and yet Akihito (mc) keep objection about it because the dangerous situation they in..... (i think around the cg

mayuki standing too)
That scene somehow show me that mayuki like a flower. very delicate and yet brave and knowing what is the most important to her..

Understand the situation and didn't act like a brat..... (around mayuki age mostly kid is brat -_-)



Edit: Mayu-mayu is best girl

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Rondo route when???

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Common Route (first time through) spoilers:

I've never seen an H-scene which I thought was anything other than vaguely uncomfortable, or at best marginally comical. Haru's in the Common Route has changed my view. It was...



Heroine 1 Route spoilers:

Izawa just blushed. #1 most shocking sprite so far, far surpassing the out-of-nowhere naked Kagome sprite from the Common Route.


And, some overall thoughts about parts of the VN that I'm enjoying (keep in mind I've only finished the Common Route, and I'm partway through Heroine 1's route, so this isn't an especially thorough impression):

- I like that Akihito has a sprite which makes not-infrequent appearances, and that he is drawn in CGs frequently. I really dislike the very common practice in VNs of having basically personality-free and faceless protagonists. Since I have no capacity for imagining myself in the world of a VN, I want to read about interesting things happening to believable characters, so I find it off-putting when the VN has a protagonist too heavily-tuned for self-insertion.

- I'm also really enjoying the large cast of characters. It feels like there are simply more characters than I'm used to seeing in a VN, and that helps keep things interesting.

- The voice acting does a lot for me. I don't think I have an especially high bar for quality voice acting, but simply the fact that it's there is worth a lot to me. I think the only voice I've disliked so far (not counting a lot of the very-side-character male voices, which I think are intentionally made to be more annoying in VNs...) is Kururi's, and her character sort of annoys me in general, so she's probably not getting a fair shake. I really enjoy hearing any other character who is important enough to have a sprite.

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Two characters who I'm really enjoying (but for some reason haven't been mentioned much here) are Haru and Tainwan.


Haru I find is an incredibly unique character. She knows she's no Saint even describing herself as a "loose woman" and although she occasionally seems absent minded and slow she constantly shows that she's probably the sharpest person within the Comyu. I honestly wish she had more on-screen time, I want to see more of her.


Tainwain on the other hand is a complete enigma. He is shown to be a pretty nice guy especially to the protagonist but there is a foreboding atmosphere to him, as if he has a dark side thats just beneath the surface. Close enough to think it may be there but too deep to confirm. The writers have perfectly nailed his atmosphere.

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