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Ren's English Lessons 101!


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A lot of people talk about Japanese language help on Fuwanovel, but I thought people might find it interesting to talk about English as a language as well. Most of us can use English fine on the website, but do you know all the fun history behind the language? Come check out my stream for some awesome English facts you may not have known!


Topics will be listed each time my stream goes up, so feel free to follow the links if you want to watch or listen in.


Stream Location: http://hitbox.tv/originalrenfuwanovel


Day 1: Complete!


Day 2: Complete!


Day 3: Complete!




Stream Link: http://hitbox.tv/originalrenfuwanovel

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I'd watch this if I had better bandwidth. I remember having a lot of fun learning the difference a few years ago, it makes a difference when you're trying to sound formal to know precisely when to use it. Obviously if you try to sound formal and misuse "whom" then people are just going to look at you all amused and mocking like. They may even snort at you, which is a little disgusting.


Your subjunctive lecture would be fascinating, it's a pretty confusing topic.

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I'd watch this if I had better bandwidth. I remember having a lot of fun learning the difference a few years ago, it makes a difference when you're trying to sound formal to know precisely when to use it. Obviously if you try to sound formal and misuse "whom" then people are just going to look at you all amused and mocking like. They may even snort at you, which is a little disgusting.


Your subjunctive lecture would be fascinating, it's a pretty confusing topic.

Don't watch it Rooke. Ren might make one mistake and you'll have a stress stroke from being so upset over it. 

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Ooh this could be interesting depending on how deep they go. I often find myself pondering the mysterious differences between 'awoke' and 'woke' or some such trivial matter ^^ (I'm not particularly good w/ English even though it is my only language x.x).

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Darn, I missed it. I hope you mentioned that you should use "who" when it functions as both an object and a subject in subordinate clauses, because that's a fairly obscure rule and thus one of the best situations in which you can criticize people for using "whom." -_-

Interestingly enough, your links talk a lot about relative clauses (using relative pronouns such as who, that, which, and where). We talked about this as well as linking verbs (be) that don't take direct objects but rather subject compliments. These compliments don't use whom.

It was fun. Join me tonight for subjunctive uses!

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