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Princess Evangile Release 2015


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Have you ever considered the possiblity, that Princess Evangile is a simple moege without too much focus on tight plots and dramatic twists? It is for people who want to date the cover girls, while being led along by an easy to follow script and some tropes for humor and light tension. Some folks like breakfast simple, corny and cheesy.


Sure, there are plenty of things worth adressing in Princess Evangile. But it seems like you're expecting it to be something that it isn't even trying to be in the first place. You ain't gonna find Clannad or Grisaia in here, you know?

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I find the whole " rescue rain scene" to be much more ludicrous than anything else, tbh.

aside from what you mentioned, the rest is staple of lighthearted romance moege.

It has some rather dark undertones which are welcome too. I really don't find anything

glaringly bad about it. Like Texas said, you're probably reading the wrong type of VN.

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This is one of the best visual novels i've ever played. The only thing i wish they coudve implemented was a route for Ruriko as i really liked her... overall it is a fantastic VN.

Characters 8.5/10

Art 9/10

Soundtrack 8/10

System 9/10


Overall VN score: 8.7/10


EDIT: just noticed that there is a sequel to princess evangile called Princess Evangile W Happiness! It got me so excited! i cant wait for the english translation :)

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Don't misunderstand me. I liked this vn as a whole. Nice and soothing in it's own way. And i was too hasty with the Marika judgement. True, she didn't get the punishment she deserved, but she made up for it plenty at the church. Kiss aside.


And Rise explained exactly what i was thinking during her route. She said she was afraid of being stuck between two love interests. Namely you and Chien, so she was glad you were both one and the same. It sure took the easy way out of that one. I'm sure i'm not the only one who's thought about it.

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Don't misunderstand me. I liked this vn as a whole. Nice and soothing in it's own way. And i was too hasty with the Marika judgement. True, she didn't get the punishment she deserved, but she made up for it plenty at the church. Kiss aside.


And Rise explained exactly what i was thinking during her route. She said she was afraid of being stuck between two love interests. Namely you and Chien, so she was glad you were both one and the same. It sure took the easy way out of that one. I'm sure i'm not the only one who's thought about it.




I'm really confused why she didn't get a route. She's present in the same way the rest of the heroines you can choose. I'm lead to believe that she was intended, but scrapped for reasons unknown. Hoping the fandisc route makes up for it, but i guess it won't. New fandisc routes probably won't be as good as those who's a continuation of the main vn for obvious reasons. I'd like for at least Ruriko to get the route she deserved there, but i'm afraid it'll just turn to be cheap fanservice.


And i asked earilier, but didn't get any answers. Anyone else have performance issues in this Vn? especially with effects and such. I've got a pretty good computer so that's definitely not the issue.

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Bit on and off topic post.


Ayaka route seems to be some shitty m route.. Submissive shit that the MC is "i want to help Ayaka so i'll pose nude for the entire school" dumbest thing i've read in a while. I'd refuse the protoshoot if i had the choice. Not being from japan it's pretty annoying watching males being treated like toys and/or utter trash, and happily submit to it.


Gotta love Japanese culture. Males can't enter girls rooms, can't even join in on activities, can't even hold a thought about females without being thoroughly scolded for it (What the heck is the mc even doing at this school? he just ended up as some recluse as he can't do shit legally) yet females can enter males rooms and can even take nude pictures of males, no problemos (it's not sexual after all)... Wonder how it would be if the model gender was reversed... If i only saw this here i wouldn't think too much about it, but it's pretty much everywhere in anime/manga/vn so i'm sure there is some truth to it.


I'm not some equality fighter, but i'll be honest and say this bullshit is tiring. I guess it's the fact that this mc and many mc's before and after him happily does everything regardless of how deprived it is is what annoys me. No backbone whatsoever outside "protecting someone".

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I never had a problem with it. For the most part, he just acts normally and most of the weird stuff going on is as a result of the school having no plans for how to handle a male student. And sometimes you'll happily compromise in order to help someone out because that's kind of what being a friend is, you know. It sounds like you want Masaya to dominate all the women and anything else is him being an M. 

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lol Masaya is

a Jesus allegory, of course he won't take charge and tell them womens what to do.  Masaya = Messiah, they even mention that in the VN itself and repeatedly compare his personality and actions to Jesus.  The way they go about doing that is extremely hamfisted and is almost entirely impossible to miss.


As for Japan accepting sexism against men, it's not just Japan that does that.  In my high school gym class, girls would regularly walk in and peek while using the excuse of "needing to see the coach" and nobody ever told them to knock it off.  There was a zero tolerance policy for boys going into the girl's locker room, however, and some idiots got suspended for it.  I don't know why stuff like that is surprising to you, it's pretty common.  On top of that, it's a religious school, no matter how much they try and say that it's a former religious school.  Nuns are teachers and they have mandatory religious classes, with each student receiving a rosary upon entry, and they all know passages from the Bible.  Obviously the rules are going to be much stricter, and considering that the school doesn't have more than one male student or precedent for how to treat them, it's not that strange that they'd give the only guy there extra rules to follow.

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Well, just finished it. Overall it was a great Vn with issues of course, and i loved the characters.


Ayaka > Ritsuko > Chiho> Rise


Ayaka personality, Ritsuko looks. Definitely prefer a great personality. The nude photoshoo was a bit out of character tbh.. She was much too modest and possessive after her route started properly to want something like that. Was a bit weird, but ahh well... 

What was badly done was that Rise and Chiho didn't really care about you dating someone else during Ritsuko and Ayaka route. I'd at least expect Chiho to get overly jealous.. Ohh and it would be really anticlimactic with all that memory crap during the last bit of the common route if you chose Ayaka and Ritsuko first since none of that mattered there. It would be great if they spent at least a minimum of time to get that done regardless what route you chose.

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  • 2 weeks later...

What are those for?

my favourite route was ayaka's.....


Hidden Content


I agree! I hoped that there was a mistake with her birthdate and they somehow pushed her back one year, but it didn't happen :/ Well, she gets a continuation route anyway, and with a title such as w happiness i guess it's going to be a happy ending!

Edited by Stormwolf
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Any news on Princess Evangile W Happiness (fandisc)? I just finished the whole thing today as I was reading it on my tablet PC and I'm curious to starting the fandisc. Usually I proceed to reading fandiscs/sequels of it even if it's not translated since I can understand a good amount of Japanese and with assistance of machine translation, but seeing this was done by MG, I usually try to wait it a bit to see if they release any more. So according to Mangagamer, there's suppose to be news about W Happiness this year but no date set for it? Is it just gonna be an announcement or a release?

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Don't think they've said anything since the original announcement, no.  Here's the official site, but it's just a really bare-bones description and some screenshots of CGs.  Checking their staff blog, it doesn't appear that they've made any progress on it yet, which isn't too surprising.  It is a fandisc, after all.

Edited by Zenophilious
Forgot to link to the staff blog's project status page
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Don't think they've said anything since the original announcement, no.  Here's the official site, but it's just a really bare-bones description and some screenshots of CGs.  Checking their staff blog, it doesn't appear that they've made any progress on it yet, which isn't too surprising.  It is a fandisc, after all.

Hmmm yeah I saw that one. Mangagamer seems to have a habit of leaving pages like that on their "supposedly upcoming" releases and either leaving them abandoned for more than half of the year or possibly never updated. Guess I'll move onto something else for now then. Thanks!

Edited by CeruleanGamer
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No problem!  Looking at Doddler's ask.fm account, this answer provides some nice context.  I thought that they were focusing on just getting the other, bigger projects out the door, so that was nice to hear.

Still looking forward to that Tamie route :kosame:

I look forward to Ruriko and Mitsuki! In addition to the continuation of the other routes of course! Damn, give me a release date already so i can be at ease :(

Edited by Stormwolf
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Any word of a physical or no drm version yet? I am still waiting for one of those two things before I pick it up. 

 If MangaGamer's typical business model is anything to go by, they won't make physical copies until the digital version sells well enough.  I'd try asking Doddler on his ask.fm if you're interested.  They're releasing the original Princess Evangile as a limited edition hardcopy, though, so it's possible that the fandisc might sell enough.

Herp derp, thought you were talking about the fandisc :makina:


Must be nice. :rimu:

A moment of silence for our brothers that were exposed to spoilers...


It's time for battle! Vote for the best heroine (aka Ritsuko) here and she will get an exclusive wallscroll! 


Might wanna say that the page has NSFW images on it  :wafuu:

Edited by Zenophilious
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