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Need More Moe Games


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After a long day of work, I like to unwind like any other normal person... By playing games with cute anime girls!


Anyways, I'm looking for good translated moege, and when i'm pissed off, i'm not capable of contemplating deep and heavy themes, so the more brainless, the better. I'm also okay with sexual content and all ages as well.


Just need to fill a folder that i can open when i am not in the mood to play more serious stuff.


And when I say moe, please do not get it confused with sexy or hot, because they are not the same thing.


Moe games i've played:

Hoshizora no Memoria


Really? Really!

If my Heart Had Wings (a bit too much drama)

Nekopara vol.1

Sharin no Kuni Fandisc (the not so serious part of the fandisc)

Ikikoi (loved this one a lot!)


Yes, stuff like this...

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moe.....? hmmm.......


Osananajimi wa Daitouryou: My girlfriend is the President.?






(PS: forgive me if i recommend wrong.)


Oops, i forgot to mention Osananajimi and imouto paradise as played ones. But yes, you're on the mark. I swear I always have time for this kinda stuff, but when it comes to serious and worthwhile VNs, I have like 5-7 on hold right now lol

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Just about everything?  If you just count the art, Grisaia would be included *is referencing the fact that you included the Sharin no Kuni series*.

Okay, that wasn't too specific of me... Sharin no Kuni fandisc has almost no serious things going on in it (save for the serious scenario). But for the scenarios that feature Natsumi, Ririko, Sachi and Touka, they are pretty much moe with little to no serious drama.

I'm talking about stuff like Ikikoi and Nekopara

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I've always wanted to start on Da Capo, and all of hoshizora'a routes bored me to death, except for the saddest one (you know what i'm talking about *sniff*). Shuffle is was okay, but I've seen a nukige with better writing/story.

It seems like i've played more of these games than I seem to remember... I'll have to revise my original list quite a bit...

These are all still good recommendations!

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You've played most of the translated moege already. Da Capo 1 is skippable and not as good as Da Capo 2. Maybe you'll like something like Deardrops or Edelweiss, but if IMHHW had too much drama then maybe Deardrops would, too. 


But I can't get a handle on what you'd like and not like. I mean, personally I think Ikikoi is possibly the worst VNs ever translated, and I like moege. 

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[if My Heart Had Wings] That one had a tad bit too much drama, and much of it, i really didn't care about. I still somehow managed to get through 2 whole routes and falling asleep during several sessions...

Well damn, if Kono Sora has 'too much drama', Grisaia no Kajitsu must've been a complete NIGHTMARE for you :makina:

You say you want lighthearted brainless-ness, but if you found the likes of KonoSora and Hoshimemo to be a snorefest then... idk :P

Maybe try Rewrite's common route, and when you're finally in the mood for story you can do the routes themselves

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Well damn, if Kono Sora has 'too much drama', Grisaia no Kajitsu must've been a complete NIGHTMARE for you :makina:

You say you want lighthearted brainless-ness, but if you found the likes of KonoSora and Hoshimemo to be a snorefest then... idk :P

Maybe try Rewrite's common route, and when you're finally in the mood for story you can do the routes themselves

lol, i need to specify again. There is a certain mood i'm in to play serious stuff, but i also want a secret folder i can just fill up with the cutest stuff that comes out of Japan for when i just need to start smiling like an idiot for hours on end...

And the line between a serious and moe game is a little blurry i guess, but these suggestion still help!

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Just about everything? 


^ This.


Every game is gonna have cuteness, but here are some that are really heavy on it:


Wanko to Kurasou - Nonstop train of comedy and anthro-loli moe until near the end where it sort of devolves into porn.

Littlewitch Romanesque - Moe adventures

Imouto Paradise! - siscon harem nukige

Imouto Ijime - nukige with little character development if I remember right

Cosplay Fetish Academy - Not as mindless nukige as you might think. It's been a very very long time, but I don't remember much drama.

Harem Party/My girlfriend is the president - Comedy harems, no drama.

Boob Wars/Bukkake Ranch - Nukige. I think there's some moe mixed in :P

Cosplay Alien - I don't think there was drama in it


Drama=Story so you requesting no drama really limits good choices. Here are some that have drama:


Sekien no Inganock - story heavy containing moe heroines

Kana Little Sister: The moe makes the sadness even worse ;-;

Family Project: Sadness. Most characters have that wacky cuteness to them, plus characters with standard moe tropes.

Kira*Kira- Lovable characters but some heavy drama in some of the endings

DearDrops - Not as much drama as kira*kira, but I would suggest playing Kira*Kira first.

Period - Moe heavy game with average VN drama

Any harem game ever - There's gonna be cute character tropes and drama mixed in some endings



I also think Saya no Uta has the most moe heroine ever, but that one is definitely not what you are looking for.

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Ahahaha, Sekien no Inganock is like the anti-moe. They have a catgirl with heterochromia and somehow it's one of the darkest and dreariest games translated to english. 


Guess my definition of moe is kinda skewed :P


Game is dark as shit but many characters manage to be cute in their own right, not in the standard animu fashion.

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So, given the Shuffle! talk, I have to ask... is the Shuffle! VN a hell of a lot better than the anime? Because the anime sounded like it would be good from the description, and then I loathed pretty much every moment of it. I briefly decided that Asa was at least a likeable character, and then they finally went into her arc, and she suddenly became unlikeable as well, culminating in the worst attention-grab fake-drama moment I've ever seen in anime. The only character who ended up being even momentarily interesting was Sia, and I think I was biased towards her since she was voice acted by Brittney Karbowski...

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