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Fuwanovel Confessions


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Confession:  Having all my previous posts now available on my user profile makes me feel a bit paranoid, but ah well~

Confession2:  I recently got into playing League of Legends, and it's pretty fun.  I'm not very good and quick with the controls yet.  The vast variety of heroes makes it seem really interesting, like I want to try them all.  The female characters all look really cool too~. 

Confession3:  I'll get to nerd out with a special someone in real life soon~ yaaaay.  I'm actually pretty excited and looking forward to the possibilities.  


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Confession:  Having all my previous posts now available on my user profile makes me feel a bit paranoid, but ah well~

Confession2:  I recently got into playing League of Legends, and it's pretty fun.  I'm not very good and quick with the controls yet.  The vast variety of heroes makes it seem really interesting, like I want to try them all.  The female characters all look really cool too~. 

Confession3:  I'll get to nerd out with a special someone in real life soon~ yaaaay.  I'm actually pretty excited and looking forward to the possibilities.  


League is fun, though I tend to take extended breaks every once in a while.

Now I'm curious about if you're talking about Rains or not xD.

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Confession: This chair.

This chair. This chair. This chair. This chair. This chair. This chair. This chair. This chair. This chair. This chair. This chair. This chair. This chair. This chair. This chair. This chair. 

This chair is what I got as an early birthday present from my mom~


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