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Fuwanovel Confessions


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Confession: The most liked content page is filled with translation updates, VN related projects, guides, lists, etc, and then you have me and Zalor ruining it all with a music video and an edited game - both about Fuwa at least. I feel no shame.  :Teeku:


I also got 4 entries on the most liked blog pages, it surely means I'm one of the most liked guys out there, right?  :wafuu:

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So today, I was out in public, sitting near a bunch of other girls & some guys waiting.  Since I was bored, I decided to take out my tablet and play a visual novel.  I didn't want to encounter a possible hentai-scene, so I avoided playing my current one which left off with the main character & heroine in bed together.




I figured the other visual novel I very recently started would be safe to play, so I proceeded to~


...5 minutes in and I hit an ecchi scene




auuughhhh, I instantly hid the screen, and tried to turn it off without anyone seeing.  I just get embarrassed to play ecchi/hentai parts in public, even if it's just a picture.



Well, good news is that I risked playing the first game again, and thankfully there was no hentai scene, lol.  Just thought I'd share a small amusing thing that happened to me today. My reaction was sort of funny (to me at least) ^^;



Confession: I changed my avatar, and realized it's somewhat similar to Rains (has a mask).  It makes me feel a bit happy/amused, haha.

Don't change your avatar Rain!  Let's match~ for awhile.

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So today, I was out in public, sitting near a bunch of other girls & some guys waiting.  Since I was bored, I decided to take out my tablet and play a visual novel.  I didn't want to encounter a possible hentai-scene, so I avoided playing my current one which left off with the main character & heroine in bed together.




I figured the other visual novel I very recently started would be safe to play, so I proceeded to~


...5 minutes in and I hit an ecchi scene




auuughhhh, I instantly hid the screen, and tried to turn it off without anyone seeing.  I just get embarrassed to play ecchi/hentai parts in public, even if it's just a picture.



Well, good news is that I risked playing the first game again, and thankfully there was no hentai scene, lol.  Just thought I'd share a small amusing thing that happened to me today. My reaction was sort of funny (to me at least) ^^;



Confession: I changed my avatar, and realized it's somewhat similar to Rains (has a mask).  It makes me feel a bit happy/amused, haha.

Don't change your avatar Rain!  Let's match~ for awhile.

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I post here because for the past 20+ pages all you guys have been talking about is girls, dating, and sexual jokes. It's like a bunch of boys recently hit puberty in my thread and it's depressing. Even if you don't have dating experience or a current girlfriend, you aren't discovering women for the 1st time, no matter how introverted you are. You're grown adults.


Also, this is my thread. I can post wherever my alpha self wants to. :Teeku:

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Confession: rereading Prisma Ilya manga from the beginning again has been my crack-cocaine for the past two days. Like seriously, the way he utilizes the lore to tell a completely different story is like a wet dream.

Confession: I never completed F/SN, I stopped at like a quarter of the way in of heaven's feel. I also mostly forgot most of the other two roots. I remember the lore quite well though.

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a few years ago when i started to watch Dragonball Z....i started to thought that i will also transform as Goku and burn down my enemy or whoever i was angry with the KA-ME-HA-ME-HA.......there was also a time when after watching Beyblade thought that a beast will also rise from my Beyblade....though still now these feelings brings smile to my face nd also miss those childhood memories......

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