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Fuwanovel Confessions


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You didn't need to divulge that much info about yourself :michiru:


And thank God.  The anime was soooooooo bad, looking back.  No idea why I liked it at all.  I wish I could go back in time and convince myself that the Naruto anime was shit before I started wasting my time watching it.


I guess I'm a liar then :sachi:

Was that a lot of info? Lol, I don't see it as much at all XD 


And yea, I did watch a little of the anime, but in the end, manga won out

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Pretty much this, although I haven't been more than a bit tipsy despite having plenty of opportunities to, I've just seen the shit people do when they're drunk and I want no part of it.


I also really hate/am scared of not remembering things, but I think I've already talked about that.

This is the main reason why I'd be afraid too. I want to know what I'm doing/did... it'd be scary to suddenly see/hear me acting a certain way that I don't remember, lol.  Especially if it's something totally embarrassing I can't take back.


It's probably because I'm such a private person, and tend to keep my thoughts filtered/hidden.  So the getting drunk part could be a threat to exposing myself in a way~ (since it could loosen me up, and help me say/do things I usually wouldn't).  I have a certain goody-two shoes image people are used to... and in a way, I rather not ruin it, lol. My inner thoughts & maybe strange, more open side, I'll keep for people closer to me.  :nervous:


Wait...girls like yuri?  I thought it was mostly dudes  xD

I guess I'm a dude then  ^_^

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Confession: I really wanna buy Princess Evangile and a few other titles from JAST and MangaGamer, but my God, they're all like, $30-40, and they rarely seem to have sales.  My wallet can't take it.  This is why I want a damn job :wafuu: 


Confession 2: I'm deathly afraid of German shepards.  When I was a little kid one charged at me and would have bit me if its owner hadn't called it away at the last second.  Ever since then if I see one I get little mini panic attacks and remain on edge until I can't see it anymore.

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Depends on the person, as there are MANY different kinds of drunks out there.


When I drink I have to REALLY watch what I drink and how much of it... because I am prone to blacking out... and that is a place where you have zero self control. q-q


Blacking out is terrifying. I've gotten drunk enough to reach that point twice now (my first time, somewhat intentionally... the second time, because I was playing a drinking game with something way stronger than I expected). The last time was many, many years ago, and I restrain myself well before that point to make sure it never happens again. I still drink enough to get a mild hangover maybe a couple times a year, and I drink very small amounts very regularly.


For people who are afraid of alcohol: assuming you're of age (because breaking the law to try alcohol is kind of dumb, all things considered; it's just not all that exciting) I still recommend you try it, in moderation, in the company of friends you trust. It really can be helpful in loosening up and helping you have more fun. There are both good and bad experiences to be had with alcohol, but it's honestly fairly predictable: in moderation, you almost always end up on the "good" side; too much, and you almost always end up on the "bad" side, one way or another (doing something regrettable, or even if you avoid that, a nasty hangover).

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By the way, I have this thing running ever since forever:


If someone correctly guesses my exact date of birth, that someone wins a free steam copy of Nekopara. I'm doing this, because it's impossible to find out on google and I'm therefore very confident.

Alternative wincondition: Find a real-life picture of my face.

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D-do you need someone to call 911?


No, I think I just needed a bit of a rest.


Confession:  I just watched Bethesda's E3 conference and I'm inches away from wanting three copies of Fallout 4.  I haven't even beaten the third one yet.

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