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Fuwanovel Confessions


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Confession: It turns me on whenever I find out about my GFs's pasts. I have a knack, if I really wanted to, to get people to share with me all their most intimate and secretive details. Maybe I just look like a harmless guy who will never tell anyone. Most of the time I don't. I find out that all my GFs were way less innocent than the front they display. Some are so bad at putting up the front, I wonder why bother? Alcohol does wonders to people of both sexes. I'm not afraid to admit my perverted side to people sober or drunk, but women aren't as open to it. However after getting past the tipsy point, no one hides anything anymore when it comes to sex. Suddenly, confessions like, "I've only sucked 1 dick in my life," becomes three, and then you do the math and after getting them more comfortable, the number jumps to 10. But the true number I believe will always be higher than a girl reveals. They never overplay their sexual experiences like guys do. 


American Pie said something about subtracting three when a guy confesses his numbers, and add three when a women confesses hers. Depending on how in love and invested with you she is, you might have to add more. 

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Confession: I've been kind of drunk once in my life, and I swore to myself to never get to that point again (at least try not to~)  :wacko:

It seems I'm not very good with alcohol at all.  The idea of losing my self-control scares me a bit.  I have too many crazy thoughts going inside my head, who knows what I'd say and regret later, lol.

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*pats back even though she's also in it* I know those feels 


Confession: You're too sweet :amane:



Confession: I've been kind of drunk once in my life, and I swore to myself to never get to that point again (at least try not to~)   :wacko:

It seems I'm not very good with alcohol at all.  The idea of losing my self-control scares me a bit.  I have too many crazy thoughts going inside my head, who knows what I'd say and regret later, lol.

Smart. I've been really drunk once and the things that happened at that point were pretty shameful for all parties involved
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Confession: I've been kind of drunk once in my life, and I swore to myself to never get to that point again (at least try not to~)  :wacko:

It seems I'm not very good with alcohol at all.  The idea of losing my self-control scares me a bit.  I have too many crazy thoughts going inside my head, who knows what I'd say and regret later, lol.


Closest thing I've come to 'drunk' would just have to be those 'staying up super late' or 'I just woke up' moments when everything seems a bit dazed.  Don't know how it compares to actual drunk-ness, though.  It turns into a bit of a running joke on my end, if I remember correctly :P

Real alcohol smells far too strong for me to consider trying it, personally.  Though I feel like the taste/smell might not be the reason why people drink in the first place xD.

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Confession: I've been kind of drunk once in my life, and I swore to myself to never get to that point again (at least try not to~)  :wacko:

It seems I'm not very good with alcohol at all.  The idea of losing my self-control scares me a bit.  I have too many crazy thoughts going inside my head, who knows what I'd say and regret later, lol.

Confession: I've had a massive headache from drinking too much too fast on a near-empty stomach, but I've never actually been drunk, mostly because I have to bum alcohol off of my mom and sister, and they don't give me enough for me to actually get drunk off of.


Confession: You're too sweet :amane:

You guys are adorable :kosame:

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Alcohol can work as an acquired taste... I've really enjoyed a few wines and like a rum & coke or two. Then again I am 24 now which means my taste buds have morphed a bit most likely. I've only ever felt somewhat drunk once, but I never got very drunk, ever. I have occasionally considered trying to get at least somewhat more drunk than I've gotten so far just to test it out... say, four shots of rum or something might work.

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Wow, that blows.  It's a great game, too.  The atmosphere is amazing.  If you want a good laugh, though, watch the IGN video review.  The moron doesn't even fully understand how to play the game and he actually gives it a lower score because of it.  If he still has a job I'll be amazed xD



This guy...


Uses motion tracker in the locker, then goes "WAAAAAA HARD IS TOO HARD"

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Confession: I've been kind of drunk once in my life, and I swore to myself to never get to that point again (at least try not to~)  :wacko:

It seems I'm not very good with alcohol at all.  The idea of losing my self-control scares me a bit.  I have too many crazy thoughts going inside my head, who knows what I'd say and regret later, lol.

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I've never been drunk, but I feel like instead of losing control, it's 'trying to drive with one broken arm and a blindfold.'  The self-control still exists but it's much more difficult to manage reasonably.  You haven't lost it, at least in theory.

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I used to be against drinking because I was tired (and scared) of the stories everybody had about their drunken adventures.

That kind of changed when I spent two weeks sailing and after that I'm enjoying drinking with friends. You learn all kinds of things from sailors.


I've never gotten hangover or so drunk that I couldn't control myself. I get little tipsy and more sociable than normal.

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Being drunk doesn't make you do things you wouldn't otherwise do. It just makes you feel like you can overcome any restraint so who cares. I enjoy alcohol nowadays, but it's fairly easy to know when to stop. If you catch yourself wondering if you should stop, you should stop. However, by then you probably won't care.

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I'm too resistant to alcohol these days for it take control of me. When I get the urge to be stupid, my back up supply of reasoning power takes over automatically and I remain composed until I fall asleep. The only thing I don't remain composed about is the money I drop! It's Sunday noon over here and I'm going for a drink now. 



If you get drunk enough, all those social repressions that are kept hidden by facade leaks out. People do things you otherwise won't find acceptable when sober. Last time I got super drunk was two years ago when I went to a workplace casual party. All of us were college-aged etc. I was so drunk I was doing stuff I can't normally do especially under that kind of setting. At one point I was holding hands with one of my coworkers who I never really had a thing for (was just neutral) and was getting a little bit touchy... Nothing happened in the end thanks to the fact that there were lots of other people around (and some who are less drunk), I think they tried to control us and the others.


Who knows how it would have ended up if there were less people and a private place...


But things like that I feel are stuff I'm going to regret afterwards. All the social repercussions etc.

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Oh boy, that brings me back to a great night about two years ago.


My childhood friend and neighbor got totally wasted at a halloween party. She couldn't walk straight anymore, called me to pick her up and didn't want her mom to find out. So I had to go out at 1 or 2 am, carry her drunk ass to the bus stop and back to my room. There, she puked on my carpet and fell asleep on my bed. 


So I did the right thing, left the room and called her mom, who then came up with the perfect plan. 


Her mom carried her into the small tool shed next to my house, took her jeans, phone and wallet and left her in there sleeping. The next morning, my friend rang at my door for like half an hour and went home through the bushes, to avoid being seen. Her mom waited til evening to give her all this stuff back and explain everything. 


The moral of the story is: Don't ask your childhood friend for help, especially when he's an asshole. And don't barf all over my fucking carpet.

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American Pie said something about subtracting three when a guy confesses his numbers, and add three when a women confesses hers. Depending on how in love and invested with you she is, you might have to add more. 


Does it really matter though?



Confession: I've been kind of drunk once in my life, and I swore to myself to never get to that point again (at least try not to~)  :wacko:

It seems I'm not very good with alcohol at all.  The idea of losing my self-control scares me a bit.  I have too many crazy thoughts going inside my head, who knows what I'd say and regret later, lol.


I used to be afraid of that too, but I have come to the realization that alcohol is mostly just something you blame. The self-control never goes away.

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Confession: I've been kind of drunk once in my life, and I swore to myself to never get to that point again (at least try not to~)   :wacko:

It seems I'm not very good with alcohol at all.  The idea of losing my self-control scares me a bit.  I have too many crazy thoughts going inside my head, who knows what I'd say and regret later, lol.

Pretty much this, although I haven't been more than a bit tipsy despite having plenty of opportunities to, I've just seen the shit people do when they're drunk and I want no part of it.


I also really hate/am scared of not remembering things, but I think I've already talked about that.

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This guy...


Uses motion tracker in the locker, then goes "WAAAAAA HARD IS TOO HARD"

In the beginning of the video he tried to smack the alien in the back with the Maintenance Jack and he missed, realized how fucking stupid that was and ran away.  I can't fathom the reason he actually received money in return for that review.


Oh boy, that brings me back to a great night about two years ago.


My childhood friend and neighbor got totally wasted at a halloween party. She couldn't walk straight anymore, called me to pick her up and didn't want her mom to find out. So I had to go out at 1 or 2 am, carry her drunk ass to the bus stop and back to my room. There, she puked on my carpet and fell asleep on my bed. 


So I did the right thing, left the room and called her mom, who then came up with the perfect plan. 


Her mom carried her into the small tool shed next to my house, took her jeans, phone and wallet and left her in there sleeping. The next morning, my friend rang at my door for like half an hour and went home through the bushes, to avoid being seen. Her mom waited til evening to give her all this stuff back and explain everything. 


The moral of the story is: Don't ask your childhood friend for help, especially when he's an asshole. And don't barf all over my fucking carpet.

Wow, her mom is an amazing troll.  +1 for giving her an awesomely terrible life lesson.


Said this before and I'll say it again, good sake is amazing.  Wakes you right up the moment you feel it coursing down your throat and leaves a nice warm feeling.

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I've never been drunk, but I feel like instead of losing control, it's 'trying to drive with one broken arm and a blindfold.'  The self-control still exists but it's much more difficult to manage reasonably.  You haven't lost it, at least in theory.


Depends on the person, as there are MANY different kinds of drunks out there.


When I drink I have to REALLY watch what I drink and how much of it... because I am prone to blacking out... and that is a place where you have zero self control. q-q

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