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Fuwanovel Confessions


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I've had a gun pointed at me before, so this hits home with me. Your life hangs on a thread by the mercy or mercilessness of the other person. Who knows what can of action you could provoke to get them to shoot you. 


I'm glad you're still alive and everyone else was safe. It sounded like you saved the day too. 

Well, I got kind of yelled at for what I did by some family relatives xD... they said I was being reckless, and should have just quietly handed over all our money, etc. because our lives were more important.  Honestly, I wasn't really thinking too much when it was happening... it was like adrenaline rush, and I just did what I thought I needed to do at that moment to get us out of the situation.  Yeah, we're lucky nothing happened to any of us.


So you were robbed at gunpoint before? How did that happen, if it's okay to ask?


About your confession.. Maybe you can try to find someone you could be really honest with? Doesn't it get lonely if you have to keep hiding things? Well, you have us on fuwa to listen to you ;o.

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I've had a gun pointed at me before, so this hits home with me. Your life hangs on a thread by the mercy or mercilessness of the other person. Who knows what can of action you could provoke to get them to shoot you. 


I'm glad you're still alive and everyone else was safe. It sounded like you saved the day too. 


Confession: I feel like there isn't a person in my life I could be honest to anymore as far what kind of life I lead. My parents aren't aware that they have a grand child out there somewhere. My ex believes I'm still in love with her and I'm not just in it for the child. She doesn't know I'm a sex addict. One person knows I took a married woman out on an affair 3 years ago, and left a kid with her but he has memory problems. Every one else thinks I was with a single lady. No one knows I spend 2 grand a month drinking lights out.  My boss isn't aware that the vacation I'm taking is a permanent job quit from him. Everyone I talk to now, I have to change the story a bit to fit with them. So far, I've still kept all my tracks covered and everyone still believes I don't know how to lie. Each year I have to weave a bigger story and connect it with all the past ones. It's getting tiresome. 


Confession: 2 grand a month.... that's like my entire salary...  :saber:  .. Must.. get.. better.. job.

I also want to get

that kind of job if you know what I mean :wahaha:

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Confession: I've never seen a real gun IRL.

Confession: I have, and I fired a few before.  I've only used rifles before (don't remember the caliber, it was years and years ago), and that was for the Boy Scout rifle shooting badge, which was at target ranges.  Guns...make me nervous.  Very nervous.  I don't like having to hope that the person using them is smart and actually knows what they're doing, even in a controlled environment like a shooting range.  My uncle in Kentucky owns, like, five different rifles, for some reason.  Apparently one wasn't enough...


Confession #2: I had one of "those" friends that said they should join the army because they were so good at CoD.  The funny thing was, I was actually better than them, and they'd never even fired a gun before, not to mention the fact that CoD is to the army like preschool is to the Navy Seals.  They eventually realized how stupid they were being, but it took a while.

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Confession: One of my friends wants to become one of those weapon-collector-nerds and I think he's a retard. So far he has two pistols and one rifle.


When he showed me the katana, I just asked if it came with a fedora. The answer is yes, btw.

A friend of mine is also into gun collecting.. he has many different kinds and equipments for 'em.  He even has like old army guns and such.  Seems like a really expensive hobby to have.  I don't really get it, but hey, if it makes him happy collecting them~.


He let me try out some of them, just to see what it'd be like to shoot one and also know how to handle one if I ever needed to (hope not, but it doesn't hurt to learn I think).


I tried a shotgun, rifle, and pistol. I think I prefer the pistol if I had to use one, since the other two were really heavy  :jinpou:.  It was a lot harder to aim than I thought... definitely not like a video game, lol.  I shot at empty cans.

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Confession: Taco's new avatar freaks me out


Confession 2: The girl I confessed to a while ago from my student organisation eventually ended up quitting last week because she felt too uncomfortable around me


Confession 3: I've been having suicidal thoughts again ever since said girl told me she was quitting ...

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When I was about 3 years old, I took my fathers wallet and threw it out the veranda onto the street. I then went to call him, pointed toward the veranda and said "It vlew!"

(mispronounced "flew", in Portuguese it's be "voou" -> "Boou").


It took a bit of interrogation before they figured out it was the wallet full of cards and money that had been sent flying into the middle of the road.

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The suicide sheet:

Were you ever held hostage and tortured in a cellar for years?


- Yes; congratulations, you can kill yourself.


- No; That's fucking pathetic.


Is that a dutroux joke? If so, that's fucking tasteless dude


Confession: looking down upon people who already feel bad about themselves only makes you an even bigger asswipe, imo


edit: Honestly, from interacting with you Dice I figured you were a nice guy, but I guess I am just terrible at reading people as usual

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Confession: Taco's new avatar freaks me out


Confession 2: The girl I confessed to a while ago from my student organisation eventually ended up quitting last week because she felt too uncomfortable around me


Confession 3: I've been having suicidal thoughts again ever since said girl told me she was quitting ...

Did she tell you she quit because she felt uncomfortable around you, or are you just guessing?



Confession: I also hold the opinion that suicide is stupid.

Confession: I don't, partly because I think the last thing a suicidal person needs is to be called pathetic or stupid by the people that want to help them.

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Confession: I don't, partly because I think the last thing a suicidal person needs is to be called pathetic or stupid by the people that want to help them.


Though it was suicide that I was referring to.

The people who try suicide are, imo, doing something wrong. Throwing a gift away. That's why suicide is stupid, for me.

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Saying things like suicide is bad, you throw your life or i don't know such optimistic crap is stupid, the only way to understand how a suicidar feels like, is to have been a suicidar in the past.



The only thing i can say to you Tyrael is that the wheel of life always turns, may it be in 1 year, 2 days, 30 years, one day, you'll achieve happiness. No matter what steps in your life, never, never stop fighting, because suicide may be the best solution now, but it's the the solution for your problems, the only answer to your problems is : abnegation, fighting back, never abandon, and continue your path, one day, you'll come to a branching path that'll take you to the true end, but the only way to achieve that, is to work, no matter how much you fail, no matter how much you are depressed, no matter what happens.

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Confession: I have had suicidal thoughts before, but I've never SERIOUSLY considered them. I get them every so often these days too.. However they are mostly in passing when I am really down, at which point I usually remind myself that I don't have any religious beliefs.. and I am too much of a coward to find out what comes after death early. :P


Edit: I am also extremely stubborn and also remind myself that it will probably get better. Even if it's another 2 years from that point.. it will get better SOMEDAY. xD

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Did she tell you she quit because she felt uncomfortable around you, or are you just guessing?


She literally told me she felt like things were too awkward between us and it was making it impossible for her to keep contributing to the organisation. So she quit.


Saying things like suicide is bad, you throw your life or i don't know such optimistic crap is stupid, the only way to understand how a suicidar feels like, is to have been a suicidar in the past.



The only thing i can say to you Tyrael is that the wheel of life always turns, may it be in 1 year, 2 days, 30 years, one day, you'll achieve happiness. No matter what steps in your life, never, never stop fighting, because suicide may be the best solution now, but it's the the solution for your problems, the only answer to your problems is : abnegation, fighting back, never abandon, and continue your path, one day, you'll come to a branching path that'll take you to the true end, but the only way to achieve that, is to work, no matter how much you fail, no matter how much you are depressed, no matter what happens.


Thanks for the kind words but I have had several failed suicide attempts in the past already. I won't do it again because I have realized how much it would hurt my parents in the end (somehow, they still love a piece of shit like me... I guess it's a biological thing?)

However, I still have suicidal thoughts from time to time when shitty things happen and I get reminded of my past experiences with loneliness, rejection and bullying (which happens way more often than I'm willing to admit)


Confession: So yeah, I've had three failed suicide attempts so far

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If you really meant that you're a worthless shit, you wouldn't have cared for your parents.


Bullying is really, really, really hard, and you can't forget somethng like that, you'll really need to find at least one friend, and one day, to have full trust of him, only like this you would quit this circle of destruction.

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