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Getting punished for what you say on the internet

Mr Poltroon

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Just the other day a 14 year old boy was arrested and may be facing up to 2 years in jail for posting a picture of him humping a statue of jesus.

The church who's statue belongs to did not press any charges, but apparently the law in that state says it's "desecration of a venerated object" despite the boy not physically damaging the statue in any way shape or form.


In another case a man was arrested for posting on his facebook saying he'd murder some children and "eat their beating hearts", followed by a "jk"

Apparently peole took this as a crime and the man was arrested for a stupid comment on facebook.


More and more the media is starting to take the internet way too seriously (you know something's wrong when /b/ is on the news) and the internet is going to start bringing legal consequences to people who say whatever they want expecting nothing to happen to them.


The internet is starting to become the center of too much attention, and when things get too much attention this is the kind of thing that happens.


Remember that one football player who physically abused his wife? Everything was settled internally. But as soon as that went viral suddenly it's the biggest deal ever for everyone, despite the wife herself posting how disgusted she is over how people seem to treat her as a victim because she forgave her husband out of her own will (because you know, if you're physically abused you can't make any more choices for yourself).


It's just the way the world works, whenever something gets attention, people start getting upset despite whatever they found upsetting has been happening for a long time but since it's now been brought in public the ones in charge can't do nothing but try to calm down their people.


To me being arrested or fined for saying something bad on the internet is stupid at best, there's no reason you should be arrested just because you have negative opinions on someone/something, we all have those, but sadly people see it as public difamation or whatever you want to call it and it diminishes your reputation in most jobs nowadays. Since this is in the law, the only thing we can really do is obey and try not to be douches online (or at least not on facebook :Kappa:)

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In another case a man was arrested for posting on his facebook saying he'd murder some children and "eat their beating hearts", followed by a "jk"

Apparently peole took this as a crime and the man was arrested for a stupid comment on facebook.


This is a whole different meeter, it is a threat and it should be taken seriously even if it sounds as a joke.


I heard of a case when some guy published an advertisement in a newspapers that he is searching for someone who wants to be earthen alive by him and some other guy thinking that he meant it in a sexual way had called him for it and once they had meat the first guy doze him  with some drugs tied him up and started eating him and latter he was arrested and a whole thing went public.


It's one thing to talk bad about someone it's a completely other thing to threat someone.

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There was a story in Florida (i think it was)

A girl birned her house down because she was having a tantrum when her mom disciplined her by taking away her internet privilidges and such

And the media try to blame it as a "Another Slenderman Attack"

Because she happens to visit creepypasta once.

Yeah... creepypasta is NOT only slenderman...

And i think the reporter and whatnot is an idiot.

My god.. sometimes i want to facepalm myself and ask their employers "you know out of all the unemployed people whom are qualified to handle this job.. you still let him/her do their shoddy job at making news"

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This is a whole different meeter, it is a threat and it should be taken seriously even if it sounds as a joke.


I heard of a case when some guy published an advertisement in a newspapers that he is searching for someone who wants to be earthen alive by him and some other guy thinking that he meant it in a sexual way had called him for it and once they had meat the first guy doze him  with some drugs tied him up and started eating him and latter he was arrested and a whole thing went public.


It's one thing to talk bad about someone it's a completely other thing to threat someone.

I'm interested in who he threatened. Mind enlightening me on the specific person or persons he was targeting? Also, threats happen all the time. Law enforcement might do a better job if they werent trying to target joksters on the internet instead of, you know... the people who actually do the crimes most of the time...


At a certain point, though, slander over the internet or otherwise should have actual consequences. If it's a political thing, then slander has a very big impact on you, so *given that the slander is indeed made of lies and intentionally damaging in a severe way* I'd say it's ok for the law to get involved.


But I mostly agree with Nosebleed, though I can't imagine the internet not being a huge deal these days.

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I completly agree. Considering the internet is one of the last few places we can be free without laws (although its slowly changing) i want it to stay that way. As long as we arent threatening them everything that is said online should stay that way online. If anyone is insulted by what you say online don't get the law involved defend your self online. If someone does talk shit about you then you have every right to talk shit about them. The fact that they are getting the law involved means that they can't defend them selfs and would rather wait for everyone else to do it for them.

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really? /b/ was on the news. This sounds like people talking about things they dont know anything about. (Can you link me the news segment if you can i really want to see it)

People have been freaking out about 4chan a lot recently, what with the celebrity nudes "hacked" from the cloud (people really don't know what hacked means) and GamerGate.

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I don't understand people's need to make things public. Some people need to get a diary (or as men like to call things, a "journal".)


Yeah,  I agree with this.


Seriously, if someone went out on the street and started saying racist things loud enough for other people to hear, you'd expect something bad to go that person's way, right? Posting things on the internet that other people can read is a lot like that. Sure, you're not saying anything offensive to someone specific, but other people can hear/see it regardless of who you're talking to. And posting something on the internet is permanenttoo.


If you say something publicly and permanently, expect there to be consequences. And there should be consequences. If you're going to say something shitty, keep it to yourself unless you want other people to read/hear it. It's common sense.

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Yeah,  I agree with this.


Seriously, if someone went out on the street and started saying racist things loud enough for other people to hear, you'd expect something bad to go that person's way, right? Posting things on the internet that other people can read is a lot like that. Sure, you're not saying anything offensive to someone specific, but other people can hear/see it regardless of who you're talking to. And posting something on the internet is permanenttoo.


If you say something publicly and permanently, expect there to be consequences. And there should be consequences. If you're going to say something shitty, keep it to yourself unless you want other people to read/hear it. It's common sense.

To be fair, though, a disturbingly large amount of people don't understand how the internet works, and think that if they delete a Facebook post that it's completely gone, and cannot be reproduced in any way.

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