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Mangagamer database compromised


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Found this on r/visualnovels, didn't look like it had been posted here. Looks like Mangagamer's database was comprimised. I'm not certain of the veracity of that post, but I thought I'd put it out there.


Has anyone else gotten an e-mail to this effect?

I have not received that email and as far as I can see, their twitter says nothing about it. 


That said, it is better to be safe than sorry. Especially with the VN community. 

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Well, that guy just dumped the whole DB, along with file mirroring (lol). If you want to be sure whether your personal information got compromised, you better download it and do a quick search with Notepad++ or any other editor of your choice. I'm not going to post links here, you can easily find it on the net.

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iv supported alot of the actions ppl claiming to be part of anon has done but this is just dumb, going after Scientology for abuse of human rights, distributing diplomatic cables, hacking race superiority organizations im all for but seriously manga gamer? you have so lil to do you'l hack a freaking game distributor for imaginary human rights abuses? seriously come on, they aren't ppl they are cg images and sprites for the love of gygax they are just games ppl.

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yeah its bullcrap, mayby we should just end humanity while we still have the brains to do it.........haaaaaaaaa

Stupid shit like this makes me so damm tired, seriously you got nohting better to do than abuse other people's computers to hack a site?

I mean if you wanna do good things there are way more important things you should be doing right now.

you know like going to africa and helping fight ebola. but noooo you need to be a dick and a criminal while justifing and disguising your crimes as justice?

What do you freaking think you are above the law?


Ehhhh seriously if i ever become like that someone do me a favor and shoot me then.


And i did get a email from mangagamer to change my password.....twice today.


Was not the first time and will probaly not be the last, last three times was with world of tanks and war thunder.

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Well, the site is most obviously down...so there's that.


Love how the guy who did it is bragging on Twitter.  What ever happened to criminals being smart?  If he admits that he hacked them, they can have the cops trace his IP and arrest the moron.

Nah. They are typically smarter than that. Can just use a VPN or some other service and hide behind that. 

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And this is why I use LastPass.I think I've had something like ten sites I have accounts in compromised in the last couple years, and all of the passwords are random gibberish. After the second or third time having my password posted online in a database somewhere, I finally decided to do something about it.


edit: And if you'd rather have an offline solution, there's KeePass: http://sourceforge.net/projects/keepass/

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And this is why I use LastPass.I think I've had something like ten sites I have accounts in compromised in the last couple years, and all of the passwords are random gibberish. After the second or third time having my password posted online in a database somewhere, I finally decided to do something about it.


edit: And if you'd rather have an offline solution, there's KeePass: http://sourceforge.net/projects/keepass/

How about being old fasiond and putting it on a usb drive?

A lot simpler and no one can steal it unless the fysically enter your house.

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yeah its bullcrap, mayby we should just end humanity while we still have the brains to do it.........haaaaaaaaa

Stupid shit like this makes me so damm tired, seriously you got nohting better to do than abuse other people's computers to hack a site?

I mean if you wanna do good things there are way more important things you should be doing right now.

you know like going to africa and helping fight ebola. but noooo you need to be a dick and a criminal while justifing and disguising your crimes as justice?

What do you freaking think you are above the law?


Ehhhh seriously if i ever become like that someone do me a favor and shoot me then.


And i did get a email from mangagamer to change my password.....twice today.


Was not the first time and will probaly not be the last, last three times was with world of tanks and war thunder.


That's what justice is in a first place, it is something that is used too push your own ideals on other people claiming that it is some kinda of ultimate right thing to do.


As for the case it self it happens all the time and it's not a big deal. MG will fix their website continue their work as if nothing happened and noting will really happen to the people who had their info stolen.

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That's what justice is in a first place, it is something that is used too push your own ideals on other people claiming that it is some kinda of ultimate right thing to do.


As for the case it self it happens all the time and it's not a big deal. MG will fix their website continue their work as if nothing happened and noting will really happen to the people who had their info stolen.

i know it is just getting tiring to see it happen all the time, and it is a pain in the ass to change the password everytime it happens

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How about being old fasiond and putting it on a usb drive?

A lot simpler and no one can steal it unless the fysically enter your house.

Yes, that's what KeePass can do, it encrypts your passwords and stores them locally. Keep them on a USB drive.


If you mean having them be in a plaintext document on a flash drive, I really wouldn't recommend that...

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Nah. They are typically smarter than that. Can just use a VPN or some other service and hide behind that. 

I dunno, most of the hackers I've heard about that aren't part of a hacker group end up screwing up big time.  I don't know about this particular guy, but I mean, he's is admitting he committed a crime on the internet (and unless he uses a proxy 24/7 they can track his IP at some point), and if Manga Gamer is really aggressive about getting him caught, that'll most likely happen.

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Then again, not having proper security in place when handling sensitive data should be a crime in itself already.


Force companies to step up their game. Sure, there's not much you can do against certain attack vectors, but the amount of "simple" (as in: easy to target) vulnerabilities out in the wild makes your blood curdle.

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Even VPN's don't give permanent protection from tracking. If someone wants to track this guy really badly, he'll do it anyway. INB4 /v/ and /a/ launch a holy crusade on him, as well. After all, he's against the "simulated rape" games, everyone around holds so dearly. You don't threaten eroge gamers, period. It's a nasty and dangerous force to be reckoned with.

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Even VPN's don't give permanent protection from tracking. If someone wants to track this guy really badly, he'll do it anyway. INB4 /v/ and /a/ launch a holy crusade on him, as well. After all, he's against the "simulated rape" games, everyone around holds so dearly. You don't threaten eroge gamers, period. It's a nasty and dangerous force to be reckoned with.

not as nasty as trying to hack the nexus community, they tracked the guy who did that right back to his home.

You can guess the rest.

Pissing of 200.000 computer nerds plus a couple million others generally is not a good idea

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Speaking of threats, the feminist community is propably trying to piss of gamers as well - they are petitioning Steam to completely shut down it's services for a whole hour as a form of protest against their oppresive behaviour. I agree sending rape and death threats is an awful thing to do, but why should the worldwide community take responsibility for what was done by a bunch of people? I find that particular way of thinking no different from previous commitments of those guys.

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not as nasty as trying to hack the nexus community, they tracked the guy who did that right back to his home.

You can guess the rest.

Pissing of 200.000 computer nerds plus a couple million others generally is not a good idea

Actually, that's the first I heard of that.  Would you mind providing a source?  I'm mildly curious.


Speaking of threats, the feminist community is propably trying to piss of gamers as well - they are petitioning Steam to completely shut down it's services for a whole hour as a form of protest against their oppresive behaviour. I agree sending rape and death threats is an awful thing to do, but why should the worldwide community take responsibility for what was done by a bunch of people? I find that particular way of thinking no different from previous commitments of those guys.

Wait, what?  I'm not quite sure what you're talking about...

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