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Yumiko Sakaki route praise thread?

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Lol because you are my comrade I'll let that one slide Xd


Sorry Meogii, I didn't want to betray anyone but Amane was just so, I don't know, awesome? Man I can't even explain, and that cg

with Yuuji extending his hand to her after she dies to guide her. FUUUU the feels.

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We are the Guardians of Yumiko! She does not know much besides reading and keeping to herself. It is my duty as her guardian to teach her the ways of this world. XD

we're taking this to a whole new level meogii XD

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Ooooooh.  Never experienced that before.  Thanks, you two.


Here's what I meant to post:


Here's a pic of your waifu impersonating Sachi!





Yumiko is definitely worthy of waifu status. But I do want to point out that I also loved Sachi and Michiru's routes as well. I haven't finished Amane's yet because angelic howl is just too long, and I haven't started Makina's route because loli routes just generally make me uncomfortable in 18+ games.

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I wonder for how long this thread is going to live. On an unrelated note, one of the things that I liked most about Yumiko even though she's not my favorite heroine(Amane is love, Amane is life) was her VA. It's one of the reasons I felt good about jumping into Comyu right away after playing Grisaia, since Kagome has the same seiyuu as yumiko.

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