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S/M explanation?


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I started reading Sharin no kuni and protagonist said a faw times that he is a hard M and I also heard this on forum a faw times but I have no idea what it means. I tried googleing it but nothing come out, I thought about asking on yahoo ansvers but then I thought that it might been one of expresions used only in our western otaku culture witch would make asking it there pointles. So what does hard M mean?

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It means that he is an extreme masochist (actual Japanese is ドM).  When it comes to fetishism, it means the difference between dominance games and actually enjoying having pain inflicted upon you by the other person.  Merely being 'M' means you tend to be submissive during sex, but a person who is a hard M actually experiences pain as pleasure during a sexual encounter, to an extent.

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A few points about human sexuality and SM.  Almost all humans carry S and M factors, both.  There are very few people who aren't at least latent in both, even if they've never experienced sadism or masochism.  If there is one thing you probably won't be able to avoid if you play VNs... it is confronting your sexuality.  I'm forced to live with the fact that I'm capable of both, though I tend to be more sadistic than masochistic.  People who are all one or the other usually have extreme trauma or personality disorders of some kind.  People who possess sadism with no tint of masochism tend to be borderline sociopaths, or at least narcissists.  People who are completely masochistic tend to be the opposite... extremely sensitive to others moods and desires, lacking confidence, and/or lacking other pathways toward releasing stress.  Extreme masochism can also be caused by psychological trauma, usually intertwined with an intense self-hatred or guilt.  Extreme sadism can also be caused by psychological trauma, usually intertwined with resentment, hatred... and self-pity. 


It isn't exactly a pretty fetish (no fetish is really pretty, but meh).  However, SM is a fetish all of us are latent for, whether we want to admit it or not. 

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I found tht I'm a M,when i got beaten. Ahhhh i love how some peps in Ozzies really racist yet some of them didnt hve any balls to beat me up alone n just cursin me. Things goin for 4 or 5 months till i bashed one of them.

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A few points about human sexuality and SM.  Almost all humans carry S and M factors, both.  There are very few people who aren't at least latent in both, even if they've never experienced sadism or masochism.  If there is one thing you probably won't be able to avoid if you play VNs... it is confronting your sexuality.  I'm forced to live with the fact that I'm capable of both, though I tend to be more sadistic than masochistic.  People who are all one or the other usually have extreme trauma or personality disorders of some kind.  People who possess sadism with no tint of masochism tend to be borderline sociopaths, or at least narcissists.  People who are completely masochistic tend to be the opposite... extremely sensitive to others moods and desires, lacking confidence, and/or lacking other pathways toward releasing stress.  Extreme masochism can also be caused by psychological trauma, usually intertwined with an intense self-hatred or guilt.  Extreme sadism can also be caused by psychological trauma, usually intertwined with resentment, hatred... and self-pity. 


It isn't exactly a pretty fetish (no fetish is really pretty, but meh).  However, SM is a fetish all of us are latent for, whether we want to admit it or not. 


You can avoid it if you are skipping H-scenes.


Also I don't believe that people who are not intereseted in sex in a first place are latent for SM fetishes so saying all of us is wrong.


And lastly (I might be wrong about this one) true people here think only about sexyal SM I believe that Masochism, Sadism don't nesesery refer to sex but that Masochism is refering to people who are enjoying pain both psizical and metal in general be it durning sex or just durning self inflicting pain that is not sexyal in nature. Same for Sadism.

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Now that everyone has been talking about S&M fetishes, I'm actually quite interested in whether I possess a latency for either of those. Haven't read a VN though that... "Features" those... preferences (well, except for that one nearly-rape Scene in Chaos;Head). Anything there you can recommend on the Topic? :D

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Most non-nukige VNs have the protagonist set as a soft S or M with a hard M heroine or two.  S heroines are rarer (probably because you are supposed to be seeing yourself as the protagonist) but they definitely exist.  Almost all tsundere heroines are at least a soft M, incidentally.  lol


As for hard S&M play outside of a nukige... Akatsuki no Goei's third game comes to mind (I'll leave it to your imagination to figure out which heroine is a hard M in advance).  The protagonist of Tsuki ni Yorisou, Otome no Sahou and its sequel is a perfect example of a protagonist capable of both soft S and hard M (lol, I doubt you'll be surprised at which heroine is a hard S in that one). 

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  • 3 weeks later...
I've had some time to play VN, 
and I repeat play Dracu riot., 
miu then said "I'm not a M, but I'm the type of women S.,
well, when Miu said so, that's on my mind is a short explanation of the S,.
S/Sadist is the type who likes, sexual satisfaction through partner screams and shouts Suffering from physical abuse during sexual intercourse
if M/Masochist is the type who likes to be tortured or like being forced to do something, like say dirty, shyly., I guess 
but I do not know more details of the meaning of the M/Masochist, i guess !!, 
Can you share the experience of it? 
I will be grateful again if it is very detailed
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I've had some time to play VN, 
and I repeat play Dracu riot., 
miu then said "I'm not a M, but I'm the type of women S.,
well, when Miu said so, that's on my mind is a short explanation of the S,.
S/Sadist is the type who likes to be tortured or like being forced to do something, like say dirty, shyly., I guess 
but I do not know more details of the meaning of the S / Sadist., 
Can you share the experience of it? 
I will be grateful again if it is very detailed


A sadist is actually the type who likes to torture others (like me, for example). 


A masochist is the type who likes to be tortured. I could give you examples of different S&M plays, but that tends to scare people away so I'll refrain from doing it now.

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M characters like being tortured, there's several degrees of it

S characters like torturing, there's also several degrees of it

I like being stepped on

That's really soft play, isn't it? Besides verbal abuse and random bullying I don't think there's any softer than that. Seems like I'll have to restrain myself, tsk~


If you want the medical definition, I guess you could check the wiki out. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sadism_and_masochism_%28as_medical_terms%29

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