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How do you see/imagine the person above you?


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It is a very simple game you just tell how do you imagine the person above you, from things you know about him/her from the forum. Both are included how you imagine his/her physical look and how do you see his/her personality.


/!\ Describe the last person who tried to describe someone, not the last person who posted.

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Mmmmmh that's kinda hard as topic.. it's really hard to imagine a person starting from his/her writing style...


so.. I guess you are a very curious, probably around university age and, giving a glance to your profile you are probably still studying... Said that i imagine you as an average height guy, maybe around 1.70-1.75m, decently fit, and with that i mean not fat but not a real sport lover.

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Someone reasonably quiet IRL, I guess? Also a lolicon.

I feel like you're more the type to follow than to lead. Could be just my impression.

No guesses about sex, age or body- I don't have any clues about those, so it'd be really just a shot in the dark.

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Hmm, Kaguya.


I imagine Kaguya as a shady leader of Mafia (confirmed mafia) both with looks and personality, wearing a nice suit and all, drinking expensive whiskey.

He is probably average height and little higher on the weight from all the food.


Good in a heart but a very strict person as far as work goes, if someone crosses his path, he will deal with him as he wants just like mafia would.

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yes you already posted it yesterday, however you should know better, that I don't sit infront of computer, I lie in bed all day with monitor in bed... you disappoint me eldin for not knowing that.


ps: I was looking for some good description, people should know me around here to make a good guess :(

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Steve, I think that you are either going to some college or at least home studying (More posably) (Posably trading or lawyer). You probably don't have a serious job just some part-time job or web job. You read lot's of books. Probably not very friendly in real life you prefer being alone and you like privacy.   The average heit maybe a little bit fatter, but not too fat. You don't care much about other peoples opinions about you. Highly possibly that you are a little bit eccentric (No offense being eccentric is a god thing in my book as it just mean being different from most). Lolicon for shure :D , living alone, you don't have brothers or sisters.


PS: Shaward you are excellent at this, your description is very close to the truth.

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Quite the hardcore otaku and a lolicon.

Likes to read books about human psychology.

Does not care much about fitness/martial arts.

"Lives in his own world."

Does not care about real life.

Is passive and tries to avoid others.



edit: will do one for Yukiru aswell bit later

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Quite the hardcore otaku and a lolicon.

Likes to read books about human psychology.

Does not care much about fitness/martial arts.

"Lives in his own world."

Does not care about real life.

Is passive and tries to avoid others.

It's kinda unfair if you say those in particular, but i'm not a hardcore otaku nor lolicon, i'm a half-assed otaku and lolicon.


Not specially otaku, but likes a few genres that pretty much only exist in the otaku culture, lacks love towards lolis, lacks love towards flat chests, has a very straightforward way of doing things, and even if he listens to others' comments with proper attention he keeps his ideals unaffected.

Taller than average, brown hair, a slightly above average built up body and already out of school.

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Hmm tom tom

You're probably pretty tall, also a good drinker. You would probably get a long well with people at a party, and you follow your own beliefs and do things your way. I can see you sitting down and enjoy watching horror and movies with lots of gore. You prefer an older woman with a good sized chest and is experienced. You probably work out and go out and play ball sports as well.

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This is hard.

But I know you play football/soccer and play at an offensive place on the field.

So you must be in good physical shape, not too tall because you are still young.

You are someone curious since you found about VN's so early but quite the average teenager if you put aside the Otaku that sleeps in you.


And I have no other idea.

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Ahahah, thank god I came in here and Maefdom was the last guy.


Yeah, he's french. Being neighbours kind of gives me a bit of insight haha.


Probably a medium sized guy, over 1,70... he's not exactly handsome but has some characteristics on his face that make him interesting in some way or another, like pronounced cheeks or profound eyesockets.


A tranquil guy, even though he studies science he must like humanities because he seems to like chewing on what he reads. Doesn't mid how people behave unless they are annoying him. Passive personality overall.


Has a more pragmatic than idealistic view on life (his scientific side is here), though not to the point of being cynical.


PD: I think my case will be easier, since I've given lots of hints about myself already.

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Aight, time to be really wrong


Shaward is of average build and height. He also says he's 23 in his profile, yay. Bit of a romantic, might be feeling somewhat lonely. Not the most sociable, but not a disaster either. While he generally keeps decently calm, if you bring up his interests he can get pretty into them.


Couldn't really creep enough of your posts to say much


Edit: Steve performed disappointingly http://puu.sh/7a6DC.png

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Zaka is actually very shy person, probably pretty small and slim. He very much likes his older sister who taught him about love.

He always preferred his sister over other friends, which resulted in his overall shyness. These days he spends most of his day on computer where he can have as many older sisters as he wants :)

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Steve... Well it's easy to piece some stuff together.


In the beginning of his twenties (well actually it's on his profile), probably not very fit since he almost never leaves his house (much less his bed, be careful with muscle atrophy and necrosis). Difficult to guess more about his looks. Typical neckbeard maybe?

He can't cope with the outside world so he refuses it, but otherwise he really likes to talk. He's probably done everything one can do on the internet. He's nice but has very arrested opinions on a lot of things and making him change his mind is difficult.


Not even going to mention his lolicon-ness, too easy.

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A down-to earth person (pun maybe might not be unintended), who has opinions, and doesn't shy from expressing them vocally. Also likes discussing things, both IRL and online. Is a big Otaku, but it isn't something you could guess IRL if you don't know him well.


Is probably of an average build, maybe 185 cm(?) and weighs 80-85kg...


Well, I don't usually try to guess ho people are IRL, so this is just a truckload of assumptions...

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with 4 posts only...challange accepted


you went to the dentist last week

you dont like sakura trick because all they did was kissing, so i assume you like sexual content

you used to live 5 years in canada

your birthday: april 26

you are an otaku

you like to create things

you did not do an introduction post!

you find kentoku cute

you can speak japanese



@ Yukiru, Fruits, Stanley

almost scary how accurate it was

im 6 feet 3 and dont like ball sports (dont mind playing them though)

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Stanleys, just like any normal individual, appreciates the existence of lolis. And that's okay.

He also likes commiting sudoku more often than he should. You'll get scars like that.

He's also 5 ft tall and has a wizard beard. He often sits on a stool smoking a pipe and thinking about mathematics.

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