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Insults an indicator of peope's banal use of language

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I dunno about anyone else, but I'm finding the common insults in the English language rather dull. Not that the English language is incapable of good insults, just that the majority of people rely on previously written ones which have been used to death and are just boring. An indication not only of people's general lack of creativity, but their uninspired use of language in all forms of their life.

'Go fuck [insert person.]' 'Screw you'. 'Fuck you.' 'Go home [insert derogatory term].' All generic, all boring. Do insults REALLY carry weight when we trot out regurgitated crap like this? Surely a few seconds of thought would be worth the added meaning it would give to the abuse?


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Is still an insult if the other person doesn't  understand it?
For example let's say you start an argument that escalate into insults and you say "you pernicious blood sucker of sleeping men" the other guy will probably say "fuck you!!" and then ask you what is "pernicious" xD

So it'd be like saying something in another language, does still count? I don't think so, I believe an insult needs 1) immediate impact  (just like a slap) 2) understandable for the other person.

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Honestly I think english insults are really just visual more than anything. When you look at roasts/ diss tracks or even comedy skits almost all of them will use simple words and pretty much compare a person to something or make fun how they look,talk etc. and honestly I kind of like how our insults use such simple words but provide a huge visual impact. I mean its cool to call someone a bunch of dictionary terms but doesn't look/feel as insulting if you cant visualize it imo.

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