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Looking for something grotesque


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Hi, I want something dark and grotesque. I've been reading too many happy things lately, I need something to balance it out. I'd prefer it to be short, but it doesn't have to be. Untranslated should be fine, but I'm pretty new so nothing really difficult. Bonus points for denpa.


A good example would be Chaos;head, which I have on hold for when I need an all ages game to play. That has the perfect atmosphere and the killings are to the point where I could consider them to be an art.

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12 hours ago, Deep Blue said:

https://vndb.org/v4767 really easy to read and no it's not a nukige

Oooh, this one looks really good and I haven't even heard of it before. Thank you for the recommendation:sachi:

11 hours ago, Clephas said:

Since Kawasumi will probably say it... Maggot Baits

I really want to read this one, but I'm not nearly good enough yet :komari: I'll keep practicing and read it eventually.

9 hours ago, Arcadeotic said:

Well, most of the best ones already have been told, but I'll throw mine onto the pile as well

I'd suggest Iwaihime

Same thing, I probably would have great difficulty reading this right now... With that said, I might end up trying even though I know that it's not the best option.


5 hours ago, Okarin said:

Uchikoshiverse and derivatives, like Killer Queen, though I hear it's shit. Or I/O. Or Root Double when it releases, what a magnificent mindfuck it will be.

I/O and Root double are both on my backlog. They both look great, and I hope to get to them eventually.

6 hours ago, CeruleanGamer said:

Dustmania Grotesque.

FFS, "Grotesque" is already part of its title... :wahaha: 

From what I've heard, this one isn't very good... I might end up reading it eventually, but right now it isn't very high priority for me. Thank you anyway :sachi:

3 hours ago, Kawasumi said:

Maggot Baits :makina: .

I dunno since I havent experienced it but deep blue is pretty much on point.

Also go after Black Cyc titles, they have somewhat big amount of h-scenes but im pretty sure they still deliver on story and atmosphere

Okay, I'll look in to Black Cyc. Thank you for the recommendation .

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suggest you try going for akuma no meikyuu. its short, fairly easy language-wise & quite entertaining in this particular regard. enjoy!
other than that oujo no abaddon should also meet the expectations of yours. the language difficulty is more or less so-so, but the whole thing can get pretty complex story-wise, nothing to be read out of boredom without paying attention to its internal happenings.

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7 hours ago, Tyrosyn said:

No, it's extremely hard to read! The whole game is written in Kana which is hell if you don't have a more than profound knowledge of Japanese vocabulary.

yoa but i basically meant the terms/phrases used arent that uncommon ones, there´s no real ancient stuff to it, nor do they mostly talk like in the meiji era. this also goes for lines related to a character speaking, or on whom the situation is focused, means there shouldnt be confusion in this regards, unlike some other stories i´ve read, where one had to guess who was talking at times. the issue stated by you is pretty much the sole difficulty the game has. like i said its more or less so-so, but if one takes his time to fully enjoy said title, then everything should(?) probably be fine, depending on his/hers knowledge of japanese and will to non rush things for the sake of finishing the title in 1-2 days. it´s abit tedious, but worth giving a try

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