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Show By Post! A Musical Band Creation Activity


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I might possible somehow maybe be able to play the triangle, maybe... possibly... not really, I have sadly zero musical skill whatsover.

This does sounds interesting but my skills doesn't really go further than very basic PS, illu and video editing skills. :>

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My team is now set in place, chaps. Look in wonder and awe!

  • Mighty Overlord Tiagofvarela 

​Who will have the intellectually pressuring job of making terrible attempts at thinking up witty stuff to say. Basically, the hardest job here.

  • Self Proclaimed Piano Master Ryechu 

​Except he didn't actually proclaim anything; It's implied he foolishly thinks he's awesome though.

  • Divine Voice Of Angelic Liquid Gold Suikashoujo 

We've been keeping her as a pet nightingale, but she only eats praise, it seems.

  • Rainy Disciple of Pianism Rainsismyfav 

Pianism a new religion we're founding. It involves being terrible at piano but stubbornly insisting on bettering oneself.

  • Cyrllej the Filler Ocarinist 

Random internet websites say that word exists.

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After reading some of the posts in this thread, I wanted to clarify some questions that came up. As a reminder to everyone, team members should not be confused with your actual band members. If you want to use yourselves as the actual members of your group, you are more than welcome to do so, however this is not required. You can create original characters with their own personality, look, and style. Do you want to create an all girl's group? Maybe you want to make a band that dresses in animal costumes. In other words, imagine that you are the managers of the band and get to decide how to shape its image for the rest of the website. If that image is you being in the band, go for it. Your creativity is the only thing holding you back in this event.

As for singing, it will not be a requirement, however this doesn't mean it isn't allowed. If you want to do it to show off the music you end up creating, by all means please do so. There are many ways that you can show off your band, so as tasks get assigned feel free to tackle them however you see fit. Tasks work a lot like assignments for your team members. You can choose to have all or some of the people in your group complete them. For example, a task that will come up later on during the event is creating an album cover for your group. Anyone and/or everyone is allowed to make it.

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♪ Catch it, grip it, pick it all ♫

♪ These stay souls that no other calls ♫

♪ From day to night until the end ♫

♪ Reunite them into teams ♫

♪ And for battle we will gonna send♫

♪ Catch it, grip it, pick it all ♫




A new day begin, see our newcomers:

  • Flutterz;
  • Kiriririri;
  • KosakiFag;
  • LinovaA;
  • Nimbus;
  • Nosebleed;
  • Rabbit;
  • Rose;
  • Satsuki;
  • Turnip Sensei;
  • Tenkuru;
  • The Major;
  • zoom909;

Disclaimer: this is a volunteer service(?) provided by #NGO Mayoi Neko House.

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Hey everyone,


It seems that most people are still looking for some members on a team, where I have had a few groups already message me in a PM or here on the thread. I wanted to let everyone know that if group work is not your cup of tea, you are more than welcome to start your own band and fly solo. The point of the event is to let you use your imagination and put your vision down for the rest of the site to see. If this means that you work better as a single person, of course this is okay. If you'd like to participate but only want 1-2 members on the team, please let me know in the thread or via PM. I will still be keeping the 5 team limit though; it's a lot easier to handle that way.


As for the deadline of when teams should be ready to go, I would like to have them ready by the time I post the 1st task. That should be coming in the next day, so if you haven't joined the activity by that time, no worries. You will have some time to complete the 1st task, so feel free to join during that time. By the time the 2nd task comes though, if you haven't registered or at least let me know you are participating, then there won't be much I can do at that point.


Thanks again everyone, and I look forward to seeing some awesome stuff! Rock on!

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Presenting; The Good, The Bad and The Loli






Turnip Sensei

There's a loli band and I wasn't invited D:



I'm not even sure if I want to join this thing without a team where I would know the members

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As the promised time grow closer, most of our orphans sought their own path.


But it's not over yet, there still have peoples, joined here with hopes of a brighter future.

  • Kiriririri;
  • Rabbit;
  • SoulJustIn;
  • Tenkuru;
  • zoom909;


Seen that a new team can be done here, but what is the opinion of yours?

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