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Deep Blue

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Everything posted by Deep Blue

  1. it's from the same writer but they dont have any relationship between them, so there is no need to read both, well other than because you want to read them that is again leaving aside what I think of the novels they are really different, so it all depends on what you want to read, something calm, pure slice of life or something full of all kinds of things (a really dark denpa, mind screw... might summarize it) nop, it was never released, there is a partial patch only.
  2. suba is crap 80% of the novel, i didnt even bother with sakura and giniro is really a different novel from the first two(I assume since like I said didn't read sakura). It all depends on what you want to read, something pretty slow and heartwarming or something really fucked up and pretentious all of them are pretty long so if you don't have time to read you shouldn't pick any of those.
  3. Regarding the art, yes it is exceptional, there are 3 character sprites for each girl (almost child looking, teen and adult-like) and even naked sprites, so yes they didn't spare any expense xD I do find annoying the fact that, and this is an issue that pretty much every single vn out there has, they talk about something but they dont actually show you that thing, for example at the start of the novel they talk about a draw of snowman (that both they main character and bethly draw) but they actually never show you how it looks...which is mind blowing since showing you a little sketch of a snowman should be something really easy to do but they don't... and this happens with a lot of things! I think the size of the script for bethly route is around 1.2mb (including the common route), so it should be like reading cross channel, around that. Translating it shouldnt be something difficult but the whole script is probably around 4-5mb so it would take a lot of commitment and time to do so, also translating bethly's route sounds like a pain in the ass. I chose to omit all the things that happen in the after story since that part is the best one and I don't think it's a good idea to spoil the little "plot twist" that this vn have, it definitely grows on you with time, it gets boring at some point but it pick up the pace later on, so yeah keep reading it, you wont find something easier to read at least not good xD
  4. Yes, it's super ultra long, it consist of 3 big parts basically, at one point it becomes extremely boring... the part just before going to the university or it was for me at least, but then you go to the university (which at that point you are in the "after story") and it gets good again because it introduces you a new set of characters (3 of them), so basically you are reading like 2 or 3 VNs in one... like I said in my "review" the length of the vn works against the vn itself.
  5. The group name and the picture of Yuki as the cover will confuse everyone into thinking that this is related to the VNR software
  6. Bethly After many...many...many hours of reading I finally finished one route which I think is enough since one route in this VN feels like finishing a long VN on itself, also picking a different girl feels incorrect at this point, like I'm cheating someone... (forgive me Bethly ) Giniro is a pure love story, slice of life with some very mild drama(almost non existent), most of it consist on developing the bonds between the main character and his group of friends(only females) and later on the girl you chose from that group. This VN shows you that each one of the girls has a great potential inside of them but they wont be able to use it on their own, they are like rough diamonds, with the help of the main character will "unleash" they full potential(it sounds like an action vn xD), is not like they will turn out to be unhappy or anything like that but each one of them wont fully accomplish their respective dreams or reach their full potential on their own. This might be a little spoilerish but Yuzuki wont become a great chef, Mizuka wont reach the first place in the figure skating thing she does, Bethly wont become a famous illustrator, Hinata wont even be able to realize what her true dream is in the first place, finally Momiji won't become a great actress. Another thing to point out is that while all the girls hang around the main character they actually dont love him in secret or anything, in fact it's a long process for each one of them, the only exception to this is your non blood related sister, which is kind of sad since she starts tearing up every time she realizes that she wont be able to be with the person she loves. The first part, which is the common route is really long and from there you go into the heroine route which is again really long. It's so freaking long that the vn itself thinks that you are an idiot without memory and re-introduces you the characters like 3 times at some different points... There are 5 heroines to chose from: *Yuzuki, your non-blood related sister, she is really shy and probably the "loli" of the group but she works very hard and even though I admit I hate the imouto heroine type this one didn't feel that bad. *Mizuha, your childhood friend, again the VN surprisingly didn't go for the cliche thing of the "childhood promise" or anything like that (well, it did but it was pretty subtle and it was also resolved very early in the game without forcing you to pick her just out of pity) she is some kind of figure skating star, to be fair I found her to be the most boring character, specially because I have 0 interest in what she does, so meh. *Hinata, the best friend of your sister, she is amazing and really charming, has this quirk way of speaking and expressing herself, most of the users on the internet hate her and her voice acting for some reason, she loves everything about girl stuff (like clothing, hair, how a girl should act etc etc) very sharp and lively, a true energetic type of character. *Momiji, she goes to the same class as the MC and thus they become friends, she loves acting and has a very normal character overall, still I found her to be one of the most interesting character... I almost do her route but at the last moment I went for... *Bethly, she is probably the character that most of us will chose because she is the foreign girl, she is from Canada and at first she doesn't speak any Japanese so it's kinda of funny to see how she struggles in every situation (the vn doesn't really do a good job portraying this...just a decent job.) She likes to draw, has a really calm personally and a great sense of morality, she is also very stubborn, finally she is the girl I picked. *Finally the MC (Yukito or whatever name you used for him, I recommend to leave his default name), he is for my taste.... a bit too perfect, he is a perfect student, friend, son, boyfriend, husband, father..you name something and he is perfect in that, not because he does everything in a perfect way but because he doesn't have a glimpse of malice or egoism in him, which is hard to believe. He has a very strong sense of duty and morality and wants to help anyone that needs it, very proactive, he is not naive and doesn't behave like a retard in front of the opposite sex... he is... yep perfect, which was a bit of a let down for me.. because him being that way takes away many opportunities from the novel thus the drama in the VN it's almost non existent or very predictable.There is a reason why he is like that but still I didn't like it. The pace in this vn is slow, really slow, for example you won't kiss the heroine until much much later on into the story(let's not even talk about having sex xD), if you don't enjoy slice of life then you will hate this vn because that's pretty much what it is. It's hard to compare anything with this or find some equivalents but the closest thing that I can think of is nagisa's route in Clannad (if you take out the funny parts with sunohara and pretty much everything else) and all the heavy drama. It does have some funny parts here and there (most of them are generated either from Hinata or an school teacher that you find later on and occasionally from the MC's biological mother.) I chose Bethly and later on I regret it, I really wanted to pick momiji or hinata but at that point it was too late... Bethly's route was ok, but her inability to speak Japanese was what it kinda ruined it for me, I came to hate the words うれ fucking しい and おいしいい, you will hear those words probably more than 500 times in the novel (or more and no I'm not joking), yes, it's tasty and yes you are happy "I got it" I really do but just stooooooooooooooooooooooooop, this again is something that makes sense in the context of what it's going on but it just pissed me off really bad. On the other side, it's really interesting to see how the characters grow(mentally and physically too) and how your relation with the main heroine gets stronger by the passage of time, it reminded me a lot of my own experience with my ex lol so in that sense it's pretty realistic and also maybe boring for some readers. Now I will force myself to finish momiji's route even though I'm not very sure if I will be able to do so What I liked it: The music. Very rich characters development. Amazing art. Some really good and interesting characters that I won't be able to enjoy xD at least not right now. Amazing voice acting. What I didn't like: A bit slow. Too long for its own good. The main character. What I hated: Repetition, specially of some words. Not enough strong drama. One awkward and very unfitting scene in the story. How difficult is it to read? Really easy, you can read this as as your first vn without any doubt, I wouldn't recommend Hinata's route for someone new because of the way she talks (not hard at all but still be careful) I rate this vn: Snowman out of 納得. EDIT: a little spoiler part to actually point out what was really boring, unfitting and what was actually pretty good. Hinata Since I don't want to create another topic about hinata's route I will keep adding info here, So Hinata's route has a really different dynamic and it has a lot more of comedy than bethly's, the combination between hina and yuzuki is amazing. I won't say that bethly's route was bad but so far hinata's is overall way more enjoyable.
  7. Some VNs take a lot of time to get interesting, for example muv luv takes around 30-40 hours xD(or even more..) but Katawa shoujo is not one of those, if you read a few hours and you didn't enjoy it in that time or it didn't catch your interest then that VN is not for you, there're no plot twist or anything like that, it's purely about human interaction and how "disable" people cope with it. Just because everyone says a VN is great doesn't mean you will like it, I'm still struggling to finish Umineko and it's one of the most popular VNs out there Maybe you can tell us what your tastes are so we can recommend you something more fitting for you,
  8. bye bye liquidsnake, best of luck with your future endeavors
  9. There're many ways of saying the same thing. You can suggest something kindly or even give some good advice and another completely different is to say for example "just stop". While I don't agree with everything that Yaskob said I can't say anything to him because he gave the user some useful advice , see the difference there? But I guess it's hard to leave all the pedantry and arrogance aside, it seems that the goal of the message was more to look down on the user and humiliate him rather than anything else.
  10. You are so full of yourself. This kind of thinking is so toxic to the whole world not just the visual novel community ....you are just a resentful little man, lashing out words of discouragement, with so much hate on them... it's actually pathetic and frightening to see someone saying this kind of things and BELIEVING them, yes the worst thing is that you believe in what you are saying... Who are you to judge the "standard" of fan translations and saying that he doesn't even meet the so called "low standards"? Who are you to say when someone is or isn't ready to do anything? Comparing a translation of a visual novel to a fight against Muhammad Ali....are you out of your mind, are you on prescriptions or something? Using the word "disrespectful" for a fan translation.... wtf! Disrespectful and low is what you are doing here! He doesn't need any standards and sure as hell doesn't owe YOU or anyone here NOTHING, if the company at some point decides that they don't t want his translation they would do so as many companies have done in the past but until then you are no one to judge his work or say anything to him, specially not in the way you are saying it. And please refrain from now on of using the word "us" in your posts since clearly you are not a spokesman of anything I believe or think. You are the first user I will block in fuwanovel, I like to keep toxic people away from me. And please don't take my post out of context.... Get help, you really need it! さよなら
  11. VNs with heroines dying at the end are perfect if they are well executed(no pun intended xD) and if it makes sense in the context of the story and it's not just for some cheap emotional impact *cough* bad utsuge *cough*
  12. The japanese tittle isn't as catchy and funny as this one.
  13. anything from Makoto Shinkai is either good or excellent xD
  14. the weird thing about EGS is that it was blocked for me at first and one day suddenly it was not... I can't create an user but I can browse the site normally
  15. yep, different theme, cleaned cache, it's not a big deal but the problem is there so better to report it.
  16. !shrug Seems like I'm the only one having this problem.
  17. this issue has nothing to do with the user limitation (there is only 1 member now in the chat room) Sorry, there is a problem Something went wrong. Please try again. Error code: EX0
  18. anything from minori (like eden, ef, supipara) guilty crown muv luv
  19. im having this error: Sorry, there is a problem Something went wrong. Please try again. Error code: EX0
  20. I learnt how to play the keyboard (not piano) in around 3 months, I was playing dango daikazoku from clannad, shukumei from muv luv, tsukimori from fatal frame 4, yeah really basic stuff but still it's not impossible to learn it within that range of time if you have the perseverance to do it. what really helped me at first was this learning how to read musical score takes a lot of time and this was like taking a huge shortcut (I still really dont really know how to read properly but i dont care to be honest), the hardest thing to do with the piano imo was being able to use both hands at the same time without fucking everything up and keep the tempo while doing so but after a while it becomes something natural to your body, this again is after a huge amount of practice. For the keyboard you can buy something like really cheap and basic from casio or yahama around 100-200 to start and it will be ok (I bought the casio ctk 3200 to start and i dont regret it if you have the money go for the 6200)
  21. Welcome to fuwa, sorry to hear that the post got lost with the error, I really wanted to read your whole story, maybe some other day Good luck with Hellscape!
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