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Deep Blue

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Everything posted by Deep Blue

  1. hey maybe I'm be wrong and MG pick it up in the future, you never know... but still learning japanese is not bad advice
  2. more like send a cease and desist to stop the translation, I highly doubt they will start the translation after that and even if they do it could take years. This is one of those games that you either learn japanese to read it or just give it up.
  3. Welcome to fuwa Cidra, enjoy your stay~
  4. well I forget the kanji too most of the time(or im too lazy to change the language into japanese etc etc) xD so I write kouryaku on google + the name of the vn and google being nice and all auto turns the romaji into the kanji xD same thing when I want to search some lyrics but in japanese I add "kashi" and puff "Did you mean: xxxxx 攻略 or xxxxx 歌詞" you gotta love google
  5. You need to be from USA and the account at that moment (April 19, 2006 and November 5, 2015) had to be used in USA too.
  6. you can always google it, that's what I do all the time, just add 攻略 at the end (which means game guide) for example 木漏れ日の並木道 攻略
  7. Yeah middle east and africa are out of the question, some asian countries (most of them) and russia which occupies a big part of the planet itself xD Australia sounds nice. Europe is too big to say no to everything, there are some good countries but sadly the ones I consider the best have really cold weather and that's no no too, but I prefer cold weather rather than a insecure country (in the extense sense of the word, such as economy, safety, public services etc) you can always learn it
  8. Yeah, probably... though I would choose anything that's not my own country or anything related to south and central america XD For a person like me who doesn't have a social life at all it's the perfect place. EDIT; Still a hard decision, since I would have to shove my lawyer degree (almost have it) in the butt, so yeah I really don't know.
  9. The good thing about space is that nobody can hear you scream. plot was never relevant in sakura's games, the art style is really good and takes time and cost a lot of money (plus the music), this doesn't happen in a couple of weeks, so they probably planned and have been working on it for a while now along with other projects like sakura shrine girls and other games from the same company that I'm not aware of and don't want to be either and they want to release them all at the same time or in a short span of time between them. You may dislike their games but as a company and doing business is really smart, they know what they are doing and they are squishing every little thing they can with their sakura's game, it also helps youtubers A LOT(just look how many views they have for streaming their novels), so it's a win win for everyone, except for us I guess.
  10. http://giphy.com/gifs/daddy-simulator-biking-egXmgUgruBrpK (it's a really heavy .gif so I won't post it here)
  11. Finishing nagamori's route on ONE, my god it's awful, I'm cringing while reading it... it's the childhood friend route but this one goes beyond bad, the heroine is like a puppet with no brain just for the sake of the main character, I can't even finish it how low can she go for him...it's pathetic almost sickening the only way to redeem this route is by telling the reader that she has some kind of weird mental pathology who loves to be treated like shit, yes that's it, a psychological problem explanation would fix this route xD
  12. "Its sort of a farewell post. No, unfortunately I am not quitting Fuwanovel completely. " For a second you almost gave me some hopes there, first Ren and then you... it was too good to be true... J/K now seriously...those are some scary thoughts about persona 5 being butchered D: Hope you come back someday because even if there is some hate, fighting, salt, etc there are some good things in this community too, maybe you are focusing on the bad things too much. Either way good luck with your life and congrats on your 4k post! btw it's nice too see a celebration post that doesn't make any mentions for once!
  13. Meh, like anything on this medium or any other(music, books, movies, etc) it's about personal tastes, don't let anyone tell you otherwise, there are VNs considered masterpieces like subarashi that I hate (piece of crap aside from some few very things) and others like homeless girl that I love and nobody seems to really like it but this is just me. Why should anyone influence you on your likes/tastes? After all you are the one who is reading them and you are the one who should and needs to enjoy them. KS was a great vn, like many others my first vns too, probably it's not a 10/10 ( how I rated it when I first played it) but still it holds a big place in my heart because it was the vns that hooked me into this world and second the plot revolves around things that very very few vns even remotely do, which is disabilities. Would you be able to enjoy others vns?Yes, definitely, just don't try to compare them and enjoy them for what they are.
  14. Confession: I was a bit worried and maybe sad (?) because I suddenly got tired of visual novels in general and learning Japanese, I tried to force myself into reading again and keep learning but it didnt work, that was like 2 or 3 weeks ago maybe more. Today I was really bored and youtube recommended me to hear Ever 17 - Karma song, my urges to play VNs and study japanese are back, I feel a bit nostalgic too for some reason...it's really weird but I'm glad it worked out.
  15. brothers in arms saga is really good, there is nothing like it. Sadly Gearbox Software turned it into a crappy fps multiplayer shooter called Furious 4 and it got cancelled. Now it seems they are working on a popper sequel but knowing the crap that gearsoft has been releasing lately I wouldnt hold my breath..
  16. That which does not kill us makes us stronger.
  17. Yeah I posted his other tweet a minute before your reply His first tweet didnt sound very optimistic it was more like him not giving a crap if he was going to live or die (at least that was how it sounded to certain level), I mean the second tweet sounds a lot more optimistic and it was around 3 hours later, so I'm sure even him realized the tone of his first tweet even if it wasn't intended that way.
  18. this tweet is more reassuring than the first one.
  19. Welcome to fuwa rtim, enjoy your stay
  20. what kind of thinking is "Surgery is too expensive, I don't like surgery either" He is kinda giving up already, he is 41 years old... is that the retrograde japanese way of thinking that after you are 30 years old you are too old to keep leaving or doing things or what the fuck... I just don't get it. Hope he keeps fighting and doesn't give up like a bitch. (yes i'm really mad with his attitude)
  21. Raymond Qian is a fucking cry baby not just a mountain of pure salt. How can a grown up man act like a child on the internet? He is the CEO of a company for god's sake, he should act like an adult for once! Even if he is right everything he does ruins it, you don't fight on your twitter account with the guy that you think is stealing from your company, you don't whine about your fucking job or criticizes your customers publicly for something they don't have anything to do! I'm referring to this tweets:
  22. what about one thousand lies https://vndb.org/v19014 it's really good and the comedy is great
  23. Playing a bit of katamari damacy after getting a bit tired of I am setsuna, my god what a fucking crazy awesome game, the music 10/10, seriously the music in this game is top notch, it goes from jazz and bossa nova to mambo lol and all the tracks are AMAZING oh and the lyrics lmao, just epic! How did I miss this game for so many years The weirdness 10/10, just fun to play and roll things up, I rate katamari damacy a katamari out of a giant octopus. On the other hand beautiful katamari was good but nothing like damacy, just a shadow of it.
  24. I just watched the video, really awesome art, I love it!
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