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Everything posted by Steve

  1. Do you mean Wish upon a shooting star? There shouldn't be missing CGs after you finish Mare's route which CGs are they so I can see what scene it is (like tell me row and number etc)
  2. we have some serious gravediggers here to revive this topic (but don't take me wrong, its better than starting new topic with the exact same topic so props to you for actually finding it and continuing it ) I think there is one more by Invertmouse on the theme where I commented and I also commented a lot in the Moenovel on why H-scenes are essential for some VNs. And as for personal preference, I will be repeating what I said in those other topics, this medium of eroge, I like it as a substitute for actual dating, since I stopped doing that years ago. And as for dating, one of the goals (at least for males) is to have sex, so if this medium of dating simulations would lack one of the goals/rewards you do real dating for, it would be insufficient for me. Yes, visual novels have good story and can be fun even without the romancing part, but then I have very hard times bringing myself to actually finish them, because I feel like I could watch an anime or read an actual book, see a movie or something and I would get the same non-romantic experience. That is why I never finished Ever 17 after I played 1 route and why I am currently not even planning on finishing Rewrite after 2 routes I payed. Yes the stories of the games are awesome, but I like this medium because I can experience a romantic relationship (with all the stuff surrounding it, kissing, going out together, experiencing difficult stuff together and also having sex together). If the game only offers a story without a romance, I will probably stay back (give I still have like 10000 animes on my back list that have "good story" but never get to watch them). I figured for past years that I am not much of a "story" guy as I am a personality guy, so I like games like Mass Effect (where to be honest the "story" isnt the strongest part [good vs evil], but the characters are what make the plot interesting), same as with Game of Thrones, I just love the character interaction and the political affairs between the characters. One could say that the character inceraction is this "story" people are calling and I would agree, but lot of other people I know say that GoT is boring and that nothing is happening as far as the story goes and its all characters talking - so thats why I think the story as a lore of the world is less important for me and the characters who are in the world and act in the present time (not a story of what happened years ago) are the most important part of any medium for me. And if you have characters, you have interaction, if you have interaction, on of the interactions that are most human are sexual things, since it is how people are. That's why there is sexual references and acts in game of thrones, as without it it wouldn't make much sense and just be a fairy tale for kids. So yes, you can have a good story in a VN based on lore of the world, fighting dragons and whatnot, but if you want mature story, before they go to kill this dragon, they would probably want to have sex. That's why soldiers before great battles in history had sex with women in the camp. And in VNs, it is me who take the role of protagonist and I want to immerse myself to be the protagonist (not like in mass effect for example, where it is a story about a character Sheppard), I am the guy who experiences the stuff so I want to act like I want - have sex in the end (with lolis preferably ). So yeah, I would probably end up writing much longer post than this but I'm cooking right now so I will shorten it up xD I want H scenes as they seem like a thing I would want to do while dating and I play VNs because they offer me this dating experience, on which I've given up in the real world. In VNs I am also offered this "first love" experience with the girl, which I cannot experience IRL, as first time is only once and I already experienced it. And maybe I liked first love experience that much that I just want to experience it over and over again, and in VNs I can, with young girls as when I first experienced it myself (for some too young I guess, but first kiss with a loli is awesome xD). So yeah, I have no interest in long time relationship IRL, as it is the first few months I always enjoyed and then it turned into dating routine and I usually ended the relationship. VNs often only display the first moments and then end when it would start getting boring and that's why I love them - I can experience the early stages of love which are IMO the best and most fun And sex there is essential.
  3. eee-xcellent! I choose you, Tay~ You will be the one picking the game I guess, I don't thing it really matters what the game actually is as most of the story is created by the players and the GM on the run (?? question mark?? xD). Like you know what you are best at I guess, something you know lot about so you can create good stuff If you have more stuff you are equally good at, you can give me like pick and I will choose one. And lately after watching like 30 hours of the RPing of the guys I posted, I might actually lean more towards the classic D&D fantasy as it seems like the one that is the most polished and like rich setting for these kind of games. But again, I never played it so it would probably be up to you. Also how is your microphone, last time I actually didn't get to actually talk to you when you were on TS so I can't tell. Is it good for voice chat? And yeah, writing overviews of what happened in the episodes like a story is a great idea, we could maybe even record it all and post here as a series that could became a thing on fuwanovel if it has success and sprout even more games with other GMs and other groups. And for the last part: I actually did mean it as a good thing, you actually always seemed like a gamemaster of some sorts, Archmage Tay, admin here on fuwan pulling the strings all over the place and silently controlling everything~
  4. Removed the game name from the topic name so it doesn't strike everyone who visits the forum with spoiler (not sure how big or small of a deal in the game it is but it is still a spoiler that can be easily avoided by mentioning it inside the thread itself, and if it is bigger spoiler [it is big part of the game], then preferably also in spoiler box) again, no idea how big part of the game this is so I will just remove it just to be sure, information like what exactly you mean should only be inside the topic not like topic name: "I hate when the main villain becomes the main hero's father - like in STAR WARS" oh btw spoiler alert for 40 years old movie but yeah, even if this is minor thing, try to keep it all inside the topic as you don't know what others might consider spoilers. Thank you. also btw, I'll not be reading this topic any further.
  5. Topic closed. Interest is clearly shown and Neonie will be starting new recruitment thread with more info and all.
  6. Well, too bad, if it was fantasy like in a sense you can fantasize about the girls before going to sleep, I would know some xD I think about my Mare every day. But fantasy themed, I didn't actually play any xD But if you in the end decide that you actually want some moe VN, get something like Hoshizora no Memoria Everybody loves Mare.
  7. Hm actually I never thought about not using voice. How do you think that works since you tried it. I mean from what I saw in the videos, it is lot about the voice as the GM makes the voices for the NPCs and when players talk they can like imply the tone and emotion etc. Wouldn't that be lost if it all was just text based? But then again, if you would actually have 2 guys with 2 different European accents, one guy with whatever accent you have and 1 guy talking in loud whisper (like a Batman), it would require very good audio on all ends, so maybe the chat thing wouldn't be such a bad idea. I'd say we could use teamspeak chat and private chats (and have like avatars and such there) and roll20.net for rolls and maps the GM would draw (and I guess GM can use whatever to roll for the secret rolls) so it could work. But then again, you like cannot say what yell or battle cheer you use and such xD Well tell me how the chat one worked out for you and if it was funny and all that, ill also ask around a bit. Btw not sure if you saw parts of the videos at least but that like the atmosphere I would like to have, like chilled mood, doing funny things, calling your moves etc xD Like having references to what we know about each other here from fuwanovel etc (so you would probably want to hide all the little girls from me in the game etc ). Anyways yeah, we might be onto something...
  8. It doens't really matter what world it is in, I played tons of computer games so I would be fine with all the fantasy words like the races, creatures and such and even in the sci-fi settings all the races, weapons and such, spaceship traveling options etc. Like sure if it is a universe in which like there is no warp drive or something then I guess I would get informed about it. I think think we 3 I mentioned (me, luch, batman) are pretty experienced in all RPGs and other games so that should be fine. So whatever works for the GM and what he knows the best. Im looking for some play like in the videos, it seems just free and relaxed and even if you don't know the exact lore of the universe, thats the GMs job to introduce it to you. edit: and as for personal preference, I actually love post apocalyptic desert wasteland the most, ala Fallout (I would so own RP in Fallout universe, know all the tricks xD). But I don't know if there are any RP games from that universe, probably are but don't know if any GM is skilled at them. So again, whether it is fantasy, scifi or whatever, let it just be the one that the GM himself is the most experienced with (and can present in the best way possible), I can adapt to everything.
  9. I recently started watching some starcraft 2 personalities Role Play WH 40k DnD And it seems like fun, I never actually did it so I would like to try it. Luch might also be interested as the silent person xD He would probably have to talk a bit more than usually (like 1000% more even for a silent character xD) but it could be fun. And maybe Batman would join too so it would make space for like 1 more player. But we would need some good gamemaster. I think Tay would make good one, he seems like that person xD But if any other of you are good at it, let me know, I want to use you PS: it would require very good microphone, like for example what the GM Steve in the WH 40k has, as some of us are not native English speakers and might have problems understanding a person with terrible mic and noise in background (but then again I think even English speakers would have problem with that xD). So someone who can talk like the guys in the videos, I understand them completely fine, but I remember that some terrible mic people from guilds I played some MMOs with I couldn't understand well (But that said again, one of my Czech friends has terrible mic and environment and I can't understand him even in Czech so maybe the language doesn't really matter xD).
  10. well peopel are already making art of the loli Here is chibi I found also edited the topic name so more people than me can read and contribute
  11. Only the .ks files of the scripts are around 3.5MB which is quite a lot (even though it has speaker tag and voice address and all that included in the script). So you will ideally want more translators (for each route etc). I think if you are really starting this, you should rename the topic and ask Aaeru for the blog post, it should help you get some more attention and potentially people. As it stands now, it looks just like a question if players are actually interested (ofc they are, there will always be people who want to play a VN in English, not need to really ask ). So changing the topic and the whole first post into looking for people thread and share more detail for the actual translators (like what routes there are, how the choices are made, how long it is etc) Look up more info yourself, WT so you can see the number of routes, playtime on EGS (there it is 15 hours average so it will be like 20-30 for normal pace English readers). You also want to prepare a torrent version of the game for the translators and other people working on it, find out if there are some additional patches and what they change if there are some.
  12. And after like 20-25 hours I am finally done! Now just chilling in team room with our new member, my best friend and wife, MARE! here is a assembly video, not from actual making of, as that took me way too long to record it, only have 1TB of free space and this would take like 2TB xD Not actually in order of making as it has to be ordered by visibility. original inspiration:
  13. Summer scratch day 1 : constant nosebleeds, I don't think I can survive.
  14. yeah, veeeeeeeery slowly getting there xD
  15. well thats just a placeholder for now xD
  16. well I tried different image... I must say, close enough xD (faces sooooo hard - srsly try to make face from triangles and circles and stuff xD)
  17. yeah if you are playing PSO2, you can join ロリコンでも恋がしたい! - that's my team And for other mmos, I don't play anything else (wow is dead )
  18. someone make me this Mare SA, I am too bad at art ;( This took me almost 1 hour to do
  19. yaay, very nice. also no need for spoiler for safe images, it just makes the image not auto-resize (so on smaller screens you see it as giant image and have to scroll)
  20. Hope someone plans TL project for this on day 1 xD Want so much xD btw aaeru for the second card its not the same girl, the 155cm one is called Yuunagi Ichika (the smaller boobies) and Ochiba is actually 159 (its the big boobed girl).
  21. cmon, no talk, only images. All of you now have to post like 20 of them to compensate for the spam
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