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Everything posted by Steve

  1. Also didn't see SAO but heard people talking about it for ages so I got the general idea. The reason why there isn't MMO like that is that it requires too much commitment from the players (I think they had to stay in there in SAO or something and couldn't leave?). Getting this commitment from today's game consumers (I'm avoiding word gamers) is too hard because most of these people only have few hours a day. MMOs used to be a big commitment back in the days, if you wanted to get on boss, you had to play for long time, you had to then commit whole evenings and often even early mornings to achieve something. But only limited number of people had the opportunity to live like that, to fully commit to the MMO. I used to be like that when I was on school with WoW. Also another reason for people not to commit is the fact there is so many other games these days, you have so big selection so why limit yourself with only one game. That is why I would not commit to any single MMO as well, I want to play all the other games and watch all the other stuff, not just one game. And even the people that used to be the ones who committed their whole lives to an MMO are decreasing, because they are being looked at like some low individuals. Maybe it can be compared to how people are looked at if they commit their whole life to music, it is something uncommon and the guidelines of life given by the public are different from that so it is not acceptable for most people, they will see you like someone wasting your life. And that is why MMOs turned into hop in and hop out games with no commitments. MMOs had the potential to become a "second life" but the interference from the "first life" (real life) is just too big and is preventing most people from attending. If there was a way to free yourself from the "first life" and only be in an MMO (like its probably in SAO?), then it would ofc work differently and could have its functions. But as it stands, MMOs will only stay games and as is known in the mainstream, games are only to kill few hours of time - for that scenario extensive socializing just doesn't work. And the few people still keeping the social aspects of MMOs alive are just not enough to even cover the server costs, so the companies will choose different approach to a wider audience, thus ruining the game for the dedicated few. Well that's my insight on this matter, Ive been constantly playing at least one MMO since 2004. Also for the second part, if you want an experience where you feel the world lives with you, I would also recommend Dark Souls. Here is a very interesting article with few good points about it, ill just quote the good part: original: http://www.forbes.co...mmos-ever-made/
  2. I think you just need to have character already created, the free slot is so everyone can create the new race so I think new accounts created after the free character giveaway will still only have 1 slot. Depends... you can use 500 to change your char, especially hair color is the important part you might want to change later as there is no other way than to pay full price 500 ac to remake whole char (too bad I would gladly pay 200 ac to change color of hair every month). You will probably want shop pass for 30 days after you get something good to sell so that is 700 for 30 days. But than again you need to have something to sell, it can be hard starting and getting money so maybe you can risk like 5 scratches of the recycle scratch (the one with long twin tail etc), it could potentially bring you from 2 mil to 10 mil, depending on luck, if you wait with the stuff for later date, it will increase over time even more. Once you get to few mil, you can start exploring the economy, buying stuff that is cheap and seems it will be on high demand later, lot of the FUN stuff is very cheap, like 10k and 3 months later the price is 100k, although you can't just buy 500 of those as it will not sell, but like 5 of each of the good stuff can bring you 10 times to money over time. So yeah, if you get 5 of the very top 200 ac scratch Accessory select (アクセサリーセレクト), it should get you some starting cash later (you don't really need anything now). This scratch is probably the most valuable for later run, even though some of the stuff currently doesn't have that big price, it is only 1 week scratch so the price will increase immensely later. If you really want to burn the AC, then probably get even more, the 11 for price of 10 is good so for 2000 you can get 11 scratches of the accessory selection And if you really want to burn all now then I would say buy 2 shop tickets so you have for the future, 22 scratches and leave 600 ac if you want to make 3rd character or remake this one to different color or something. About the other stuff: -premium is not worth it now, maybe later when you have lots of items you want to store, you can activate it and you get special 200 premium storage which you can use after the premium expires (but not put another stuff into it) and you will be able to save 40 symbol arts, all which remains after it expires so it is only good to have it once, the benefit of premium itself is not that good as now you will even get free room so you only need the shop. -boosters are waste -ress dolls are even bigger waste, you can just get revived by friend or if you are solo just repeat the mission, no big deal xD -extra storage is waste -inventory slot are only for a single char so not worth it (I got it and its only 50 slots and I don't even use that char so I turned it into storage xD still cheaper than the extra storage which is paid monthly) -skill tree reset or additional one is waste, you get free tickets here and there for free anyways -sub palette extension is waste -additional mag is waste, just make it nice the first time xD So as you can see, only this current scrtch, shop pass, new character or character remake tickets are worth it.
  3. Well you clearly misunderstand what the game is xD It is marked as Yuri Cyber Simulator for a reason And I wouldn't say fap material, for that there are games with actual 18+ content in it, this is just some nice yuri ecchi xD
  4. No boomer, this: Steve x Boomer story! This is how it starts: We should probably kiss Ok, lets close eyes for the first one ... its fun, more more Then someone brought futons: I want to lick your neck Ok... also ignore the ghosts running around ☆*Lick*☆ Ahaha that tickles, *hug*... A wild bed appears What do you want to do next? What a beautiful flat chest, can I kiss it? Sure... *muck* I want to kiss both boobies~ Ah, your hair smells good Its getting cold, lets move inside Hmm, I wonder what is hiding in those panties... TO BE CONTINUED (MAYBE xD)
  5. Oh you took so much time to do this work, I maybe could have just extracted the files from the archive and get it that way xD Well thanks anyways Also there is no true end so I guess its just some songs from other routes.
  6. the EU/NA release will not be this year and who knows how late in the next year, it was originally announced for 2013 but it was recently announced as delayed to no particular date. I'm not using the English patch myself but I think it really translates all the important things like quest objectives and menu items and all that and with some extra large patch even the story of the quests and matter board (the lore of the game). As for items, if you can read kana you will be mostly fine, after like 8 months after release they finally added a search help function so you just type part of the name so for example ウェディング for wedding and then you can choose what exactly did you mean pretty easily (it even accepts it in hiragana and then it will convert it for you so np there either). What I do is mostly shopping and trading and I never had a problem with item name in Japanese. The problem with EU/NA release will be that it will have limited stuff a lot, they already announced that it is one of the reasons to delay the other region versions, as they will want to prepare specific clothing and game themes for the specific regions, so you will not have for example Tanabata which is currently live in JP on EU/NA server, you will probably not have the live stage concerts that made appearance recently which are very well designed choreography and effects while a character is dancing and singing some Jpop (maybe in the engish version they will ask lady gaga and justin bieber xD). And TBH there isn't that many good looking outfits even on the JP version, if there is 1 every month that it is an outstanding achievement, if you want to depend on some designers specifically making costumes for western audience (so maybe not that hot ), it might even be much less. But if you really don't care about the main thing what pso2 is, which is the costumes, Japanese culture (they will probably not even have yukatas in the EU/NA release), the thematic stuff for JP culture in lobby and only want some random hack and slash game, then I guess you can wait for the western release, I guess the missions itself will be the same (with changed story). But who cares about missions anyways xD
  7. Im so proud when recommending Ro Kyu Bu or Kiss x Sis or anything really xD Why would I feel ashamed that I love something xD Recommend all them lolis, there is no shame! I am shameless after all
  8. maybe id rename it to Forum Games so it doesn't confuse more people like it did to me xD
  9. No idea what you mean, yes you could unpatch it back if you get the original Japanese scripts and patch it manually (with probably lot of trouble) but what would be the point of that when you can just download the original release xD The fuwanovel version is just the original with applied English patch over it so when you download the original, it is the same as downloading the already patched version just without the English
  10. Well I am the one innovator who actually invented all these yuri positions (only yuri, there are some other male x female positions but those are not my invention). I actually have a great idea for new position but I will need someone with bed1 emote (currently only about 400k in player shop so very cheap)
  11. aaaaaaaaaaaah, I misunderstood it completely, I thought you mean forum about games like PSO2 or the recent giveaways, borderlands discussions and such. In that case yes, I would put it somewhere hidden just like tie IRC sub
  12. Hm I see the benefit of that and I think the best idea would be to make it a whole forum in general section just like anime/manga and not only a part of general discussion like IRC chat (as that one directly falls into GD, where as non VN games could be whole new forum). Firstly I will move this topic to suggestions section so we can discss it there with other staff members. edit: also renamed to more fitting name
  13. Just 2 screens I made yesterday with Lewy and one from my testing of some new costume variations
  14. If you were changing patches or doing some additional patch work (like adding the additional voices), the translation group always warned you that your savefiles as in loadable saves will not be kept and will not work in the new version. Only your overall progress is being saved (that is what route is complete, what is unlocked etc). So I think that is probably what happened. To use savefiles, you will need to use the exact same version as you made the saves on.
  15. Please try to keep your discussion to the topic which is the video itself. You can look on the video and see some signs of politics in there but in fact, it is larger than that. Let me tell you what I see in the video. It will be worth mentioning that I am not American and yet I see the problem with this, I who only know Obama as "the president of the US", nothing more, I don't know anything else about the politics in the US or what parties there are, I don't even care about politics and government of my country because currently we don't even have one I think (it collapsed or something) xD But the point of this video is not to point out any mistakes in politics, it is to point out mistakes in humanity and people on this whole planet. Because this doesn't apply only to the US, this stuff can happen everywhere and it can be related to politics, it can be related to religion but it can also be related to internet cultures, games and visual novels, because it is the human mind that is being tested in the video. It is the problem with humanity, that they tend to select a individual person who they believe in so much that they become the same mind as the person, losing all their personality. And it doesn't matter if it is the President, if it is the first man on the moon, if it is some actor or celebrity or some youtuber, or even if it is a moderator on forums. The outcome is the same, it is always bad to blindly support someone else's mind and opinions. And you can see obvious examples of it even in Visual Novel and fan translation community. How many times have you seen people just blindly follow someone's opinion on vndb, without actually knowing the facts. Let me show you example of what this video represents if we take Fuwanovel into it: Imagine if I go without Aaeru knowing (she can be away or something) and I start a topic petition that "We support Aaaeru making Fuwanovel a monthly paid website" and then I start talking about how good that would be for everyone. How many people, especially those that come mostly from the blog could I get to agree with it? Maybe there would be some. And see how wrong it would be? What if Aaeru actually decided to do it, how many people would blindly agree to change the basic principle behind Fuwanovel, to undermine the foundation that Fuwanovel is based on - it being available for free to everyone in the world. Thats what the video is actually pointing - what if it was actually true, how many people would blindly agree. Now this is a small community (relatively) and there already might rise some problems from thing like that. But this is already happening in much larger scale on the whole internet. Someone who has lot of viewers on youtube can start something and get full support for it without the people actually knowing what it is, just because their favorite youtuber is always right in this. This comes to the fanboism and overall worshiping of a single person and it is terribly wrong thing to do, we are all originals and we are all unique people so why should we follow mind of someone? I already said that in different topic, you are encouraged and you should disagree, being able to disagree is one of the most powerful things you can do in your life. I don't simply follow Aaeru or anyone else to that matter and you shouldn't too. That's why we can have healthy conversation with people like sanahtlig with whom I disagree in most cases - yet the conversations are on good level and intelligent and even though we never reach agreement, we get lot of useful information from those discussions which both of use can use for their own. Some might call it a bad trait, standing behind your words and not changing your mind, I do that a lot, if I believe in something, I believe in it and it is a prove I am human, if I just changed my opinion to what Aaeru things or some youtuber thigns or even some politician or even the President of the whole galaxy, I would lost part of what makes us human. And this is what we should bring from this video, its not about politics, its about us, people and how to actually be people, not just robots. Look at how many times you did something that wasn't really for cause you believed in, how many times you simpli "liked" a video because you were told to like it, how many times did you upvote a greenlight game on steam because you were told to, without even knowing what the cause behind it is. Can you say you haven't? Maybe not even I can, but I hell try to not do that, even when some of the VNs were on greenlight and posts here were "go and upvote now", I didn't do it as I didn't believe the cause, I formed my own opinion on that from which I based my decision. Did you do the same or did you just blindly did what you were told? Now I am not saying you should have not upvoted, but having a thought about it is what's important, if you agreed with it because YOU agreed with it, then please do it. But never do stuff without thinking, just because someone you are friends with or believe in tells you to. Because yes, lot of the times you might end up agreeing anyways, but what if there is one time you wouldn't agree and what if it then changes outcome for something you care about. Btw just to give you an example of greenlight going wrong, look at YogVentures of how that game is called. I understand kickstarter, kickstarter is "would you like to see this game" and ofc, fans would like to see. So I didn't have anything against the KS itself. But when it came to greenlight, the game wasn't even in a playable state, the game wasn't working and it is still not. And SO MANY people clicked "I would buy this game if it was on steam" - they couldn't possibly know if they would because they had no idea about the game as it just didn't exist. That is how this matter reflects into our lives as gamers and into the life on the internet. And you might look at me as Scumbag Steve for not supporting some VNs on greenlight but the question there is clear, I wouldn't buy the game if it was on steam because I wouldn't even play it. I overall voted up a single game on greenlight, a single game I was supporting from the start, made the first video review of it and loved it so much and that as Unepic and only recently the game after years made it to steam. Now again, this is no discussion about greenlight but the matter is close. This applies to everything, please try to be human and try to have your own mind. And remember, arguing and disagreeing is a sign that you are human so please, argue! There is difference between argument and fall out (or flamewar is a knowo word for it), we as moderators should support healthy arguments and solve flamewars (luckily we don't have those).
  16. Its simple... Kill the batman. Yeah ill play Grisaia imouto route xD
  17. Well if it was like some of the demos used to be in earlier gaming days (really long, almost half of the game), maybe. Like full common route demo or something like that. And with the current technology, it would be also easy to sell it ingame with just simple click without going through some complicated processes of redownloading the full game again. Maybe if it was full game you download and then you just pay for the routes separately (even separately like I mentioned in the VN monetization option, few $ for one route, not full price, because I would probably only play one route in this game). The way they have demos of VNs in japan is not good enough for me, you then have to redownload the full version to finish it which is pain etc, where as with the torrented "demo", you can just finish it. So yeah, if they make it seemingly smooth experience for the demo and transition to full version then yes, I would probably try that and then just click the 5$ for one route or something and more routes if It was insterested in more.
  18. lost my post and im lazy rewriting oh well, I was saying that the gameplay is whats turning me off so if I would try it, it would be torrented version and as I know myself, even if I liked it, I would probably still finish the torrented version (even though there has been exceptions where I started torrented and then bought it like Dark Souls - because its exceptionally good game).
  19. I only played the Wanko route and I liked that one, wasn't really interested in Nadeshiko and the other part. It felt to me like a true end and nice round up of a one read VN. It had great music, touching moments and satisfying happy end And actually I really didn't like the other characters at all so I was happy when I finally got to the route, Mikan, Silvi and Risa were just the best and the others were uninteresting for me, even the loli girl with the catgirl was boring for me xD
  20. ive talked to some people with the Rift development kit asking question on how it works for reading and stuff and how it works on apps that are not 3d and made for it. And it seems that they "work" but it can have drawbacks. I was thinking about being able to read VNs while lying on side or something and not able to look at my wall screen, as it would add some comfortable positions I could take in my bet while reading a VN or watching a movie. So that can make it possible, it is actually supposed to be pretty fine for movies or videos that are not made for Rift but well you just see them like a very close screen, which is fine. The main problem I see with Rift is that the technology itself and the device focuses too much on the input methods which then need to be worked into the games or developed specifically for Rift, like the motion control. Which is imo completely useless feature and unnecessary adds to the price of the device. I mean even for the games they promote the most such as FPS games, being able to look around is completely useless thing, mouse will always be the best input method no matter what and having these forced motion gimmicks will only cause more neck problems xD If they focused solely on the virtual reality projection, it could have been even better, higher resolution (which I expect they will release someday after anyways so I won't be probably buying the first version) and overall better for watching stuff, not controlling. I think technology like this would be great replacement for a standard monitor display so hopefully someone else or even they later will understand that and try to focus more on that. And it all comes to the fact that it is too dependent on 3rd party developers, if nobody develops for that, it will end up doomed and forgotten just like nvidia 3d vision (my cousing has it, barely uses it anymore as nobody makes "good" stuff for it anymore). And if that is the case, we will only see these gimmicky apps like the cinema view that is going to be on the Rift, instead of someone making some awesome media player for it which supports various subtitle settings, screen display settings etc, it could be great... but they instead make some app where you sit in a cinema with some fake people so it feels like you are in cinema and that is absolutely stupid. Do people actually want that? I personally want just good close up experience while playing that movie and don't really want some like fake audience, water splashing me while there is a water scene in the movie etc. So yeah, I think Rift still has a long way to go from the current "experience it once and consider it cool" to a device which we can use every day while doing anything on computer. (so imagine instead of some motion scanner it had eye scanner to recognize where you are looking and make it a cursor point with some basic functions, much more useful for everyday life)
  21. Well thats exactly what im actually afraid of xD I've never played VN with gameplay as when I want to read, I just put it on auto and enjoy with hands behind head or something xD So I would rather see Episode of the clovers which has so awesome loli H But well, if the H is as good in romanesque and they don't censor it or even uncensor it (that would not work with that artstyle imo), I might handle the gameplay if it isnt too much grind or boring or something xD
  22. Well lets just hope they won't do some monstrosities with the Kuu H scenes, the uncensor in the original was pretty bad in some places. Ill probably only play it for the Kuu H and Ell after story so not worth full price.
  23. Hm, not interested in any of the titles. Where is DC3?!?!... Can someone paste the list of JAST games they plan? Want to check those too.
  24. Its birthday of very important person in my life, the awesomestest bestest loli, wife to me and some and waifu to many others: Mare! So here is a short poem I composed for her: Cutest shinigami ever, come with me and pull this lever, it opens our secret world, "fantasy" is how it's called. There together we always are, just me and You ~my brightest star~. The best loli you'll always be, so Happy Birthday I wish thee. And this is what happened after I said it to her The rest is 18+
  25. The latter. Only the skip function is broken, the rest of the game works fine in English.
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