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Everything posted by Steve

  1. "The person I've fallen in love with just happens to be a little girl!" (the original Japanese line is the one in my signature picture)
  2. It doesn't take that long to download an episode, I can download 720p episode before I return with a glass of water so internet is not the reason. I already made a lengthy post on this like half a year ago so I will just copy it here:
  3. Hard to say as the things I would change might not end up being the best thing in the end. I was thinking about Hoshimemo where I can go for Mare from the start and is also EH fandisc in one game - but then again the stories of other characters build the story for Mare as character and are necessary there. So I guess Hoshimemo would be the ideal VN for me if it was connected to EH Mare AS in the first game and translated straight away. And maybe if Komomo was a loli and Asuho pettanko. I would leave Kosame big boobed as it fits her well. And then Fandisc would be even more stuff with Mare. And new chapter every day with new activities and all that, like one day we would visit Paris, next day we would be in Korea cheering on the best SC2 progamers together with Mare, another day on Animelo in Japan, then some conventions. Then we would take shower together. Then relax in hot springs together, in Japan or they are in Iceland too. Some good dinner one day. Also next day we could cook together. Then I would teach her how to play games too, hold her like this: http://s.vndb.org/sf/99/38499.jpg And lot of other activities And all that would be in some VR mode where I would be controlling it with brain and my brain would be getting data back to simulate exactly what is happening in the VR. Ahh there you go, you get portion of my fantasies that I have on daily basis xD
  4. Ok, this doesn't top the first image I posted but it is VERY close. Omg that einhart and vivio... so cute [image removed by moderation]
  5. I get everything from torrent. nyaa torrent has most of it and the rest can be found from the website of the subtitle group (you can check sites like anidb to see what subtitle releases of what anime there is). And when it comes to actual watching, I tried monitor in chair, I tried TV from sofa, but in the end what suits me the most is my small monitor "in my face" which I have in my bed (also called H-bed). For player I use pot player which is a korean player with big support for anime so you can customize lot of stuff to fit your needs.
  6. or here classic sprite and chibi. I have much more mare images if needed xD
  7. Or you can jump on TS and be overwhelmed by lolis and people who love lolis xD
  8. Oh that one is very nice, big enough for me (And no, I don't mean it so I can kidnap lolis xD I just shop in big [like 5 sixpacks of 2l water etc at once] and I could get lot of stuff inside when going to lanparty too) I would feel so proud driving the pink Vivio car
  9. Whether it is Porsche, Ferrari or whatever... what would it be? My pick would be this: I would say the one on the left on the following image but I am too big for such small car:
  10. Oh he has the fuwan release, it has the launch file as well and exactly as that it offers the installation again. Also he seems to be able to run the game now as it says the error with the main windows so its obviously trying to launch it, but seems like some files are corrupted so he might need to redownload or recheck the files
  11. what have you done xD Well I would recommend using utorrent which doesn't change language with locale. Try downloading it again.
  12. Are you running the MemoriaEN.exe, not the Memoria normal? If so and you get this error, try forcing re-check on the files in the torrent.
  13. Did you install the font and change it in the options menu?
  14. You dont have Japanese locale. Make sure you restarted your PC after changing it. Also maks sure you didn't change language, it is locale, not language you need to change.
  15. Hi, do not use launch.exe but the MemoriaEN.exe - that is the English version. Do not forget to install the font Staircase Subs Custom.ttf and also select it in the settings menu. Here are the option menus in English Page1: http://i.imgur.com/NxiHKBX.jpg Page2: http://i.imgur.com/WKgnucH.jpg Page 3 is just volume for individual characters. Enjoy this great game
  16. As a long time member of pirates of Atlantic ocean, robbing Americans shipping to Europe, I had to do various stuff to get my games cracked. And not only cracke games, even if I want to play the game I bought as soon as it is actually release and not to have to wait for European release, I also had to do various stuff. Mounting ISO or running exe from preinstalled version is nothing. Its true that for some VNs I also had to do incredible stuff, for example to run Maiden Breeder 1 on windows 7. But I know lot of people here are too casual for most of that so having the games preinstalled, only requiring them to like install a font or change locale is the best way in my opinion.
  17. Sure that one was awesome but the topic shouldn't end like this! New people, show yourself, make something creative!
  18. the answer is: First season was mostly SOL and comedy with a little story. This had some comedy in the first episodes but then in 5 it all turned bad, tearing people apart and such.
  19. Since the second season of railgun is disappointing, lets compensate for the lack of comedy by making our own. There is a site http://to-a.ru where you can generate logo like the one in the series. Optionally you can also add image of the thing you make in this post as a demonstration. So let me start, I present you とあるロリの小型下着(パンツ) Translation: Certain Loli's Tiny Underwear (Panties) Here is an image for demonstration (included the loli too xD) [image removed by moderation] example 2: [image removed by moderation]
  20. Actually luckily we don't think as one, but instead have individual personalities and opinions from many minds of fuwan users. Thinking as one (or more like following one idea of someone) is one of the causes of some communities being bad to newcomers who don't think just like they do (therefore not fitting the community). Its like if we would all think like Aaeru. But we don't, we have things we agree on, we have things we disagree on - we are all individual people with their personal opinions and that makes the community much better than if we were "followers of Aaerus ideology". And even people who mostly disagree with that ideology are still welcome here, as long as they behave like people and not trolls and other forms of monsters.
  21. well that is your loss. If you want to stay as outsider and not get into the VIP cool people club of Mare lovers xD It has lot of benefits, free loli every week etc
  22. well you will be tested from facts at the end of the challenge so take as much time as you need but don't skip anything otherwise you will not pass xD and with the fap, you will do it anyway as I know you
  23. You should finally read Hoshimemo and to make the challenge little more challenging:
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