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Everything posted by Steve

  1. Its broken because of the patch, you need to manually stop or it will continue and skip the girl's route. In spoilerbox is where in common route to stop
  2. you just made a horrible, HORRIBLE mistake I'm not even gonna ask anything as I know there are other experts on this xD
  3. This isn't the fuwanovel release, where did you download it? I thought you are asking about the release https://fuwanovel.net/novels/14 That release is preinstalled and has 3.64GB with 22 files and only a single folder (movie folder with single file [the opening movie]) Download that version, it works.
  4. You will probably notice instantly when it comes to the part of the H-scenes. It is romance, you expect it to have H at certain points. Also it seems the best part would be the twins so you obviously want to have sex with them in the end, it is something original that isn't in that many VNs this twins 3some scenes and all that. Without it it will just be... I don't know what it will be actually, don't even want to think about it. (btw not sure what all is true but they even said in the email that they removed the kissing parts and told us to imagine them so its romance without kissing... that must be awesome) [correction, it has kissing... but only sounds xD quote from moenovel email: "There are kissing scenes and kissing sounds, but there is no actual animation showing that." ] So something along the lines "and they kissed and lived happily ever after, THE END. And remember kids, babies are born when 2 people love each other very much, and then a bird will bring them a child"
  5. 1. go to %USERPROFILE%\Documents\FAVORITE\星空のメモリア and delete EVERYTHING there, then try again if nothing 2. click on the game folder an go to properties and tell me exactly the size of the folder
  6. Well sadly it made no change. Lot of people including me emailed them about it but all we got back is that we should use our imagination to imagine the H scenes (it is literally what the email said, it is here on some of the previous pages).
  7. Don't take this following statement 100% correct as I am not actually that sure about it... but: I think that line always stays line, however there is a mechanism that will in case of too long line split the line into 2 messages. I think that such mechanism is in the engine itself as lot of times you can actually change font in the Japanese version of the VN to whatever you like and some fonts are just longer. In some you can even change font size. In those cases the line will become split to 2 windows, however often times the voice will only play for the first window on auto mode. But the thing is that line always stays line as it has its address and all that which then corresponds to what is happening on the screen and what voice is being played. And I don't think its even easily possible to add additional line in between 2 lines (it might be possible with patch of sorts). So if a line is too long, it doesn't become 2 lines even though it is split into 2 windows, it is just 1 line but the game will wait for you to read the first half and then send you the second half when you are ready (auto mode or space press). Again, I am not 100% sure that is true but from the translations we are doing, it just isn't possible to "make up" a line as every line is exactly numbered to be called in the game. Long lines automatically split for us to 2 windows.
  8. Line is called the one full message that is displayed in the main window of VN. The line can be even like "..." or it can be several sentences long. When you press space, you move to next line in the script. It is called line as in the script it actually is a one long line (when opened in notepad or whatever) and all the formatting like word wrap and such are done after, using parameters of the engine. So when you translate, you need to have exactly the same number of lines (as those are the dialogues), they can be longer lines or shorter lines thanks to the translation but in this case, it is still 4000 missing "space" presses and 4000 less main window messages - which is a hell of a lot.
  9. Well for the second part, editor should always be native English speaker or have some high level of English. Ive been basically living on the English side of the internet for past 10 years and I still make some mistakes and I still have to lookup words and spelling of some of the more complicated ones from time to time. As for the first part, we don't have a website, every question you might have can be placed here: We basically use fuwanovel as our base of operation, having PM conversation with the members (I love the multiple person conversations on fuwanovel) and meeting on teamspeak (where we can also keep the files as it has its own filesystem) Btw, tomorrow you can look forward to a giant update in the original topic with tons of new info on the status of the project It will basically be a recap of what happened for the past 3 weeks. I will just say that there has been some good news lately
  10. You can do what I did, talk to people, get information and put people together, manage them, give them work etc. Its not much but its something. Most of the time it is just waiting for response from a party so you can inform the other party in the project, but it saves some time for the translators themselves. Start by getting to know people here and then you can try organizing your own project
  11. Well im not saying bruteforcing, but appealing. And yes, there are differences, but those are most of the time given by the fact the they are 18+ My point is: game that was created as eroge should stay eroge. You dont jsut take RPG, take all the RPG content away and make it action adventure. there is plenty of all ages games they can localize if they so want to appeal to 12 yo girls... Which once again brings the conclusion that they chose the wrong game.
  12. And I would have to disagree and say it is a bad thing. If people didn't like ero, there wouldn't be thousands of erotic magazines, playboys and everything, every commercial in television wouldn't have half naked woman and people wouldn't go to watch a specific movie just because Megan Fox is the cast. The thing is that most people prefer the 3d ero or the real ero, eroge in west shoudl try to appeal to those people and show them that 2d is the way to go too AND they can actually have a good story too (not like transformers where most people actually went to see the movie because of Megan Fox and the story sucked). By transforming eroge to something that already exist in much wider format - its called anime - they just alienate the current eroge fanbase while having really big problems finding actual market for what essentially is half voiced non moving anime (as that is what becomes from eroge that has its H content removed).
  13. Hm Actually I really loved the first Anzu H scene [the one in cheerleader outfit]. Didn't play the loli ghost yet (maybe I will some day but I don't think it can top the quality of the imouto route) so can't judge those. The foreplay was enough for me and actually I prefer little shorter scenes where it gets right to the point than having too many lines of dialogue in between. You will probably like the second Anzu scene, that one was really good and much longer. But for me personally the first one was the best, exactly for the outfit and for it being quickie. Also to take in consideration the "plot" of the H scene, it is understandable that it was shorter. And about the clothes during the H scenes, it is probably the way they wanted to go. You can see a peekaboo boobie here and there so it was fine for me. What I personally rate about H scenes is the voice and context (funny right, context of H scenes xD) - and in here the voice sounded like Anzu should have and her oniiiiiiichaaaaan was just irreplaceable experience in my life xD And what I mean context is what lines there are. I prefer the girl having most of the lines and her commenting on the feelings, over reading what the protagonist is thinking and feeling. I want to just hear the girl talk about everything and not protag describing every single thing (that also makes the scenes shorter I guess though, and that might be why I prefer shorter). Oh also what I care about is the position and how well can I see the girl's face. What can I say, I am romantic and even in the H scenes I want to see her enjoying it face to face xD Which in the first Anzu scene, she was soooo cute that I just couldn't help it and how she was looking. It was one of the best scenes I ever played, even from all the nukiges (and nukiges should be the ones specialized in H scenes).
  14. hm, you always have to be in JP region, no point changing it back Just leave it there. Also in the same place where you change region, change "format" to Japanese. -triple check if you installed the font -quadruple check that you have admin rights -also install directx 9.0c http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=8109 if you don't have it If that doesn't work, download the kendijnet mirror If nothing works, try downloading the game and patch separately. If not even that works, reinstall windows xD
  15. Well they claim they added new content... the question then is what quality the content is. If lot of the humor in the game are supposed to be sexual jokes which are apparently removed (from the previous statements they had), they would need to invent some new jokes. And then they say they voiced the new lines and changes? How, did they voice them in English or did they actually add new Japanese lines, voiced those in Japanese and then translated to English, having no point in having those lines originally in Japanese only to have voice. Or will there be half of the liens Japanese and half voiced in English xD Well I sense a great disaster coming, this cannot end well. And the notion of selling EROge to 12yo girls is ridiculous. If they so wanted to make readable anime for anime fans, there is tons of Haganai PSP, Oreimo PSP and such that is already all ages to begin with... It once again all comes to the fact that they chose a wrong game to do for this kind of business strategy.
  16. 1. maybe add small vndb icon to where the friend and PM is if it is possible so it doesn't create more lines? -- if not possible, have it on a single line ---- if single line looks bad, only leave vndb 2. let user specify to what part of vndb to go to by letting them add the /votes /list after the number, which in case you only input the number would still lead to the main profile 3. dunno about other anime ones but anidb which im using has it like this [anidb.net/perl-bin/animedb.pl?show=mylist&uid=XXXXXX (so only the number is important)
  17. Hm, maybe if there is MAL, there should be all the other big anime lists like anidb
  18. Maybe instead of line, make it a clickable button like the PM, friend etc? You would only input the ID (for example mine 22877) and the rest would be automatically filled, so it cannot be misused to link to something else by clicking that image (like ads or whatever) Also if it is just the last number, you can easily make it 22877/votes for different kind of lists.
  19. Try stopping the torrent before launching the game.
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