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Everything posted by Silvz

  1. Yandere (just once was enough for hating it forever)
  2. I don't get why you are playing Sakura freaking Dungeon instead of Umineko. I mean, what's the point? On topic, ADV is the best for me, although I don't mind when a game switches to NVL in some specific scenes. What I really hate are floating text boxes.
  3. Hello! It doesn't mean you need to follow this order, I believe the WT was made considering the order that makes more sense storywise. Even if you don't follow the order, it is possible to get all the bad endings by picking the choices needed. For Bad Ending 1, in the example you posted, you should pick Kano as the first character in the entire game, and then just play it until you reach the bad ending - no matter the choice you pick, it is going to lead to a bad ending. Since you have finished the game already, it wouldn't be possible to do that, BUT in the WT there is a section called "Bad Ending List" (the last spoiler) that explains how you can get into and out of each ending. You have to use that list in order to backtrack for each specific ending. So in order to get Bad Ending 1, you should go into Achi's route at 10:30 and choose option A and, as soon as you do it, you should go back to the time chart and pick Kano's route.
  4. oh, I did not know about that. I thought yaoi = sex / BL = all ages, while the same would apply to yuri/Girls love thanks for the clarification
  5. ahn, just semantics, I guess, but I'm pretty sure it is yaoi, not BL You should totally play Dramatical Murder
  6. Joined August 26, 2015 wow I have been reading the discussion and have yet to see a comment about the quality of the translation/text itself. I mean, besides the "problems" already mentioned, how good is it?
  7. for just one second I thought you were against my recommendations I have just finished 428 Shibuya Scramble after a lot of people recommended it here and it was great edit looking at your list I can already tell you you won't like Subahibi. Also, why don't you read Clannad, since it is already on your list?
  8. Just ignore people complaining about the main heroine and enjoy the game.
  9. It is important to note that although there are so many Higurashi arcs, they were not all written by Ryukishi, and they were released during the course of many years and different systems.
  10. Grisaia has been officially released in English by Sekai Project, so the patch was taken down by TLwiki.
  11. just a little off topic, what is the difference between this site and fuwanovel.net (besides the latter not being active)? I do recall seeing this website before, so is it official? I agree with Kanon, and, although it is not a christmas/snowing-themed VN, I think Symphonic Rain would be a good option. And should the list have exclusively romance/drama games? Because, maybe, Swan Song could be added to it since it does have snow...
  12. I mean, you thought the eggs you eat on your breakfast were laid by the easter bunny? edit: it came out harsher than I intended, sorry
  13. I will refrain from sharing my happiness because everyone knows how I love Umineko and it's impossible to describe with words. And from what I get, it is being simultaniously released in English? Can someone confirm this?
  14. Kindred Spirits on the Roof is simply the best Yuri novel I have ever read, and one of my favorite VNs overall! However, I'd wait for a while, because they are releasing a full-voiced version soon(ish) - and believe me, it is totally worth waiting, as the few voiced lines that are in the game are great. I'd disagree with Sayaka, as Nurse Love Addiction is - not - about romance, at least not in the sense I think you are expecting. It is, however, great for its story, art style and overall quality, but I would not recommend it if what you want is just romance. If you do end up reading it, I highly suggest you to follow a walkthrough, because some routes spoil things from other routes.
  15. Thank you a lot! I will probably come to ask for your help again pretty soon haha
  16. So yeah, it took me two days to get completely lost in this game. I have been following the walkthrough available here in the forums until the second time slot (11:00 - 12:00) and then decided to read Tama's storyline before the others. The problem is that the WT only has the choices made in each route instead of having all choices needed to get to some endings. So, when I tried to get the bad ending 16, no matter what, I kept getting BE 15, probably due to my choices in Tama's storyline. As those who have played know, the choices in every route affect the others, but I simply don't know how to revert my choices to a point where I can "fix" it. It may seem trivial as it is only one ending for now, but as the game has almost 100 of them, I'm afraid that I may have the same issue (or even a bigger one). The worst part is that besides Fuwa's guide, I can't seem to find another one, nor one that has all the choices that lead to the endings. The worst part is that there isn't a ctrl Skip option, and rereading everything just to find out that I had the wrong ending doesn't help. Please, community, help me <3
  17. Thank you all for your help! Besides my initial despite, I decided to read 428, and I'm actually enjoying it a lot. It's a shame it is not voiced, though, but it is totally worth my money!
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