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Everything posted by Decay

  1. My guess is that it will be $20 per part, or something along those lines. edit: I made a new thread:
  2. http://prefundia.com/projects/view/project-to-lead-dies-irae-to-the-atziluth/11416/ Some bullet points: $160,000 initial goal. $500,000 for a new story. A split release, with both parts releasing May 2017. 18+ patch confirmed, will release 3 months later. Non-sexual content censored in the JP version of Amantes amantes will be restored. Both 16:9 and 4:3 versions will be available for people who dislike cropping. 16:9 version will have CG panning. Will be uprezzed to 720p/768p Translation team includes Conjueror, Garejei (the Tokyo Babel/Himawari duo), ReadingSteiner (Steins;Gate, Nympho Sensei Ryoko fame), and GundamAce (Root Double and I thought also Steins;Gate but it's not mentioned on the prefundia). It seems like they're addressing pretty much all of the major concerns right out of the gate. I'm sure some people will be disappointed by the delayed 18+ patch, but well, that seems to be how things are these days.
  3. Ah, of course. To be honest, I wasn't sure which version was which when I made that post. Now that this has been pointed out, it definitely feels like they just picked whatever OP they liked best, or something along those lines. Or maybe it's a rights issue for the video as Sanahtlig suggested. edit: Prefundia is up: http://prefundia.com/projects/view/project-to-lead-dies-irae-to-the-atziluth/11416/
  4. Another update: A youtube video appeared. It's the Also sprach Zarathustra OP, but more interesting is the English description: Now, this appears to be an edit of the original description, which used to have a broken link. I don't know the details of why this video was posted, but it seems like it may have been so on accident or something? Regardless, they're saying that the prefundia will be up in a few days, and they'll also start their social media promotion then as well. I also have concerns with this being the Also sprach Zarathustra OP instead of the Amantes Amantes OP. Hopefully this means that they'll release both versions, and not that they're choosing ASZ over AA just because a handful of people complained about the lack of boobs. I don't want to speculate much more on that until they've started their actual promotional campaign, we'll likely get answers soon.
  5. Eh, Eden took me around seven-ish hours. The VNDB playtime system isn't meant to be based on firm hour counts, it's meant to be comparative. Saya no Uta being one of the listed examples for "Short," I feel Eden was roughly on par with that, maybe just a little bit longer. Basically think about what VNs it's equivalent to length to and look at what those are rated at on VNDB.
  6. So, I actually read the first few hours of this. It dumps you in right after the events of the first game without explaining anything to you or bothering to introduce the existing characters. And everything that's happening is motivated by or directly related to the events of the first game. Terms like "SERN Rounder" are thrown around and you're expected to know their significance. The only explanations offered are the brief snippets from the in-game encyclopedia which are entirely inadequate for anything other than reminding forgetful fans of the first game. Basically, if you go into S;G0 without playing the first game, you will be completely and utterly baffled by the first few hours. Perhaps as things go on you'll be able to get a handle on what happened in the past and what's happening in the current story, but it's something you'll have to work at piecing together. And it's also something that will hamper your enjoyment of S;G0, while completely spoiling the first game in the process. Again, though, I don't think this is necessarily a negative. On the contrary, often times sequels that try to be new-player-friendly end up losing something by loosening their connection to their predecessors. I think such a strong connection to the previous game can actually be seen as a positive. And for a game review, I don't think something like "a translator giving incorrect information on a message board" should be a factor, but that's more due to my personal review philosophy of trying to review games on their own merits, not taking such outside factors into account.
  7. Literally zero attachment. I can enjoy a character, and I can think a heroine is cute, but it never goes beyond that. You could do anything at all to my favorite heroines in other routes and I wouldn't care, as long as it makes for a good story.
  8. Eh, it's a very common marketing tactic to downplay the significance of the predecessor when promoting a sequel. Or perhaps they meant that it was okay to just watch the anime instead of reading the original VN? That much seems true.
  9. I read through the few S;G0 threads here and there wasn't any mention of that.
  10. Rename the game's directory and it should work. It's a seriously odd error.
  11. I'm not really convinced "is a story sequel" is a valid con. It's something worth taking note of, but it's certainly not a negative. Good review though.
  12. Oh, thanks for the heads up, I didn't realize someone volunteered to finish that. I updated HaraKano, removed a couple released games, moved some other stuff. There's probably a new patch or two out there I can add. I'll go look for that later. Come to think of it, I need to update Mahoyo.
  13. I never attempted to speculate on the Denwatls secret project, but no game on tlwiki's script size chart matches their exact line count. Perhaps line counts can differ due to methodology, however. Two VNs that have had translation attempts in the past which are within 1000 lines of their line count are 11eyes and Mashiro Iro Symphony. That list is incomplete however, the actual game being translated probably isn't on it.
  14. They haven't announced anything so that would be speculation. It wouldn't be surprising to see a near-Christmas release, though. Or maybe it will be January. The last actual speculation from MangaGamer was an interview a couple months ago when they said they were aiming for the end of the year. Plans can change, but considering it's been out of beta for a couple weeks now I expect that the goal is still attainable.
  15. Really? That's obvious? What licenses were those?
  16. The impact those tweets had on the company as a whole ultimately ended up being minimal. The drama people were drumming up over it was either manufactured or imagined. SP was never even remotely close to being in danger of dissolution. Sekai Project is literally doing better than ever now, and two tweets literally did not literally almost kill the business, and this is literally one of the most hyperbolic posts I've ever read on this forum. Literally.
  17. Clannad is the kind of game where it's pretty fun to just go with your heart and see where you end up. After you do that once, I suggest resorting to a walkthrough. But there should be no issue with one playthrough like that.
  18. If you care about script quality at all, which you probably should if you're reading such a story-heavy game like Alternative, just be patient and wait for the better translation. I absolutely cannot fathom people wanting to read the FanTL at this point.
  19. You could say that the Steampunk series is at least partially aimed at women. Really though, the "otome game" label is for heavily romance-dominated stories aimed almost exclusively at women.
  20. I don't get the point of this thread. Digging up a month old livestream so the community can shit on him some more doesn't seem very productive. He does indeed have some health issues and I hope he gets better soon.
  21. Don't forget about the Shuffle fandiscs. The real reason we won't get more Gahkthun fandiscs is that MG only has so much manpower and they'd rather spend that releasing new Steampunk series games instead of werld slice of life fandiscs.
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