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Everything posted by Decay

  1. The patch to fix the translation is still in the works. The patch that was released basically just added the h-scenes back, translated them, and reverted the other changes made to the game script.
  2. I played with the restoration patch. Ageha's route was still extremely badly translated and full of lines that were literal meaningless gibberish. You overlooked some real rotten stuff, dude. It was there.
  3. Surely this thread should be able to provide the proper context. Their previous release had an insanely bad translation and they used ham-handed censorship techniques that destroyed whatever was left.
  4. It sounds a lot more plausible that AGM only handled the marketing and stuff, they do that kind of work for Japanese companies trying to reach out to English audiences. I don't think even the worst AGM translations I've seen match up to IMHHW.
  5. lol, no, MoeNovel did not translate Dark Souls. Moenovel is a fully owned subsidiary of Pulltop that was established to localize their games. YumeHaven is a new brand for Active Gaming Media, a very large localization company with hundreds of games under their belt, translated to and from Japanese. They are not the same company at all. I heard once that Active Gaming Media was hired to do the translation for If My Heart Had Wings, but I haven't seen anything to corroborate that. Certainly, AGM has a spotty track record, some of their translations are perfectly fine and others are not. But even if they were ultimately responsible for IMHHW's translation, they still aren't directly related to Moenovel at all. The people who decided to license the PS2 version of Shuffle are completely different from the people who are deciding to translate Pulltop's stuff.
  6. Well, if there's any source of optimism to be had here, it's that they probably don't actually have staff, and it has been three years since their last localization project. It is actually pretty likely that different people will be responsible for the new game's translation. Whether that means it will simply be a different Japanese college freshman being paid peanuts this time around or if they'll actually bother contracting someone talented for the job remains to be seen. I know what I'm betting on.
  7. As far as I can tell, the story wasn't actually "rewritten," people exaggerate when they say that they removed all romance. There's still romance and kissing and all that. But the Ageha route was turned into pure gibberish and they went way too far with their edits, much further than was necessary.
  8. That may be how people do things, but not corporations. A company that makes a pile of money doesn't say "Welp, guess we can do nothing for a while!" unless they're extremely bad at what they do. Money earned is immediately used for new investments so they can earn even more on top of that. The real answer to this issue is gleaned when you look at where the IMHHW money has been going to. If it's not back into Moenovel, then it's probably going into the budget for Pulltop's Japanese releases, with them deeming that money invested there will earn back more than putting that money back into game localization. It's the only explanation that comes to mind.
  9. Thank you for getting the michael scott reaction image out of the way.
  10. If My Heart Had Wings has sold extremely well. The money they made on that could have likely funded a dozen MangaGamer localizations, no joke. I'm surprised it has taken this long to announce a new game.
  11. Dun dun dunnn After several fakeouts, it seems like they're finally ready to announce the next VN they'll translate. Because the world can't get enough Moenovel. On the bright side, this gives @Pabloc a clear next project to go for!
  12. VNs are by and large highly compatible with Windows 10. Modern VNs should basically have full compatibility, so you can assume that anything recent works and anything new will always work. Older VNs might have odd issues but you can typically work around those and instances of VNs not working outright are extremely rare. Here's a compatibility list organized by @sanahtlig https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1itCvY8aWGjjhAA1fS8tYCGwcpq4b7tI574NsNb0d_eI/edit#gid=0 It's not fully comprehensive but generally people tend not to report fully functional games but will report anything that isn't functional.
  13. I don't think the main class trial minigame, the one where you have to shoot "truth bullets" at bad arguments is all that bad. It's not very engaging, but it's serviceable. Some of the other minigames are kinda bad, but it's one of those things where you can overlook the bad qualities of the game in order to appreciate the entertaining insanity it has to offer.
  14. No. It's unironically and genuinely very good for the reasons I laid out. It would only be better if it had a better overarching plot and better characters. "Chaotic" isn't inherently a bad quality.
  15. People like DanganRonpa BECAUSE it's over the top and goofy as hell. It's so ridiculous that it's entertaining. The game just keeps topping itself with more and more ludicrous twists and turns, especially in the sequel. The story isn't deep, the characters aren't amazing, the minigames aren't especially good, but the games have audacity and manage to pull it off well enough to be entertaining as hell. Like yeah, it's chaotic, and that's why it's fun.
  16. Yuki Koi Melt, Hatsumira, Island, and Corona Blossom. That's four totally original IPs created by Frontwing in the last two years. I really don't know what you're talking about if you're saying they don't create enough new settings. How many would be enough for you?
  17. Uhh, no, I really don't think they expect this to make the same impact, at all. Are you saying Frontwing shouldn't attempt to have a diverse catalog?
  18. O...kay? This is a rather strange choice. I guess they really were serious about localizing everything they own if they're digging this deep. There's that chinese VN on Steam that features a naked loli, so... Steam doesn't allow explicit sex. What you have beyond that doesn't matter so much. Maitetsu is eventually coming to steam, after all.
  19. Customs inspecting packages isn't a federal offense. But US obscenity laws are much more ambiguous than other countries, for better or worse, and customs won't inspect packages unless they have a good reason to do so. That said, MG's packages are shipped domestically AFAIK, so there is absolutely no issue there. They're "safe." edit: Misread part of your post, whoops.
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