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Everything posted by Decay

  1. good job on having a big number.
  2. Can you really call it "efficient" when the fan translation was as poorly done as it was? Quality takes time. "Fan translators are way more efficient than the publishers!" *looks at number of fan translations released this year versus official releases* Oh...
  3. Well you can only buy it digitally since it's MangaGamer. There isn't a physical edition available at all. MG is digital-only unless a sufficiently large demand for physical editions for that specific title emerge.
  4. Pretty sure that goes for Australia as well and Rooke is just having a moment.
  5. Do you see a SarcMarkâ„¢? No? Then obviously it's not sarcasm. I mean, when have I ever been known to troll people?
  6. https://scarletmoonrecords.bandcamp.com/album/prescription-for-sleep-undertale
  7. How about give your translation staff a bonus if the lower base goal this time around means they're getting paid less.
  8. Or to compare it to a previous english release, it sounds similar in structure to Sharin no Kuni.
  9. Majikoi has plenty of romance, but it's all romantic comedy, it's all pretty light-hearted. If you want your romance to be super dramatic, you won't find that in Majikoi. I find it interesting that you list Rewrite as having very good romance, since the general lack of romance is one of the most common criticisms levied against it. If you were okay with that much romance, you'll definitely be okay with Majikoi.
  10. But "slobbity" isn't a word, what could it possibly mean????
  11. You could have spent that money on Himawari instead, Satsuki, Tsk tsk,
  12. Oh, I'm 31. I actually forgot how old I was and thought I was 32 for a few hours... Once you get past a certain point, you kinda stop caring about and tracking that number, lol. Thanks guys. Actually, I take those thanks back.
  13. To those curious, I took some screenshots of the prologue. http://imgur.com/a/Uy2DT Overall, the prologue was rather well written if not a bit overwrought, good work! This is actually of really good quality overall for a fan translation... even if I already spotted a couple typos, haha. That seems to be a sort of progress tracker. Scenes you complete will show up there as you complete them.
  14. The oniichan thing made sense to me, but I totally didn't pick up on alright/all right. Perhaps that's a bit too subtle? edit: I guess perhaps the bigger issue is that I find such inconsistencies in a professionally translated VN to be plausible?
  15. While we're nitpicking, can I complain about it being "alright" in episode 1 yet "all right" in episode 2? Pick one and stick with it!
  16. There are plot twists, but don't expect it to be a super deep and involved mystery thriller. It's a character drama first and foremost. Someone made a pretty good post on what Himawari is and isn't on Reddit, here. The opening, like I said before, is pretty much straight out of a moege. You're going to have to deal with that if you want to get to the "real" Himawari. Although I personally find the opening to be much more amusing and interesting than most moege. I say this as a fan of that genre, though, so I don't know how it will be for someone who isn't. As for that specific translation criticism, creative word use is bad, now? That's not even getting liberal, that's just using something other than the first entry that comes up in Jisho. I actually do disagree with the use of "shitfaced" here, that word seems out of character for Youichi. "Wasted," or "plastered" would have been better, but it's a minor issue. There's nothing wrong with using "cool and hip" words if you think they fit better in the existing script. Now, what you should prepare yourself for is a pretty liberal translation overall. They very clearly translated this expecting it to go onto the voiceless doujin version, and that shows. I think the translation is rather good overall, but there are a couple things I'm not all that fond of. I actually wish I was writing them down as I encountered them because I've forgotten about some of my complaints, lol. One of the ones that stands out the most is how they translate some interjections as entire phrases. Stuff like "Ehhh!?" into "Are you serious!?" or whatever. That was just a random example I made up because I forgot the specific examples. Those kinds of emotive exclamations are universal, and have a lot of meaning in English as well. Perhaps they do it more in Japan but that's not a great reason to convert them into entire phrases. This wouldn't have been noticeable if we had the original unvoiced doujin, but alas. Even then, I would disagree with that move, it's better to leave it up to the reader's imagination what their interjection means. On a couple occasions, I actually disagreed outright with the translation's interpretation. It does take balls for a translator to do this, though. They have to be fully confident that theirs is the one true interpretation. It's just that pretty often there isn't actually one true interpretation, but multiple valid ones. You end up removing possible readings from it by ascribing to it one specific meaning, and consequently creating a lot of room for disagreement. I think it's clear that this was Conj and Gare's first VN translation, Tokyo Babel was better translated in my opinion. It also seems more poorly proofread, with a fair amount of spelling and grammatical errors. But, like I said, it's pretty good overall.
  17. There was a patch accidentally released that was immediately taken down because it was much too early for it. It was not ready for a variety of reasons. You can read about that here: https://theoxfordcommaissuperiorsubs.com/2016/11/12/dracu-riot-status-update-with-a-vengeance/
  18. More people need to be talking about this game. I've played the first two "episodes" so far and man, it's rather incredible. The first episode was practically a moege, with large amounts of relaxed slice of life comedy and very light drama until the last fifth or so. That's not necessarily a bad thing, it was actually very funny and cozy, executing its intent extremely well. The second episode was a stark change of pace and almost oppressively melancholic, but still gripping all the way through. And that ending, holy crap. The way this game handles routes and such is strange. There are a few branches from a common trunk and also another entirely separate story mixed in at some point, followed by two "side stories" that are apparently plot critical and are included in this version of the game. The route order, however, is strictly enforced. The game forces you to see everything in a set order, even if you pick choices for other heroines. So for flavor reasons, you should pick the choices that pertain to the heroine who is the focus of the current episode, except the game doesn't actually tell you who that is. I'll spoil the route order here so people can pick the thematic choices if they so choose.
  19. They *might* add it as a stretch goal if you ask, but the odds of it happening are astronomically low. Unless that's what the $500,000 goal currently is, which I find highly doubtful. You'll just have to live with the fact that she's a minor character in this story.
  20. "FTW" isn't american slang, it's internet slang. And Daru spouts internet slang all day long, that's his character, so I fail to see the problem.
  21. I'm sorry I was dismissive but complaining about "American slang" when there's absolutely nothing of the sort being described is absurd. There is very little to no Americanization happening with the S;G0 translation, and literally everything you mentioned as being Americanization is actually related to the English language worldwide and not anything specific to America. What you're complaining about isn't that the localization is steeped too heavily in American culture (an especially unlikely scenario considering the translation company responsible is British), what you're complaining about is simply that it's not Japanese enough for you. Your post could have possibly been taken more seriously if you didn't focus on a nonexistent issue.
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