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Everything posted by Decay

  1. Sumaga has basically been in some form of editing since 2010, so considering the scale of time we're working with here I'm not sure you should read into it in that way and make assumptions. It's really anyone's guess as to whether Sumaga's editing is finished or not, and even if it is finished, what that means for its actual release.
  2. Decay


    Quite a few people ended up with spare PS4s when they upgraded to PS4 Pro. I found someone in that situation and bought their perfect condition launch PS4 for a bargain earlier in the year.
  3. Decay


    This is all predicated that your claim that BotW is the objectively better game and others are wrong for disagreeing. If I think BotW is better than Persona 5 and that it deserves GOTY over it, I'm wrong? Objectivity in that sense doesn't exist, and you should stop your attempts at asserting your opinion. This is not a conversation you're going to enjoy having. This is not a conversation I'm enjoying having. We should probably halt this right now.
  4. Decay


    I've been over this kind of fanboyism for a long time, so no, you won't see me saddened by Persona 5's potential loss in any site's GOTY awards. Breath of the Wild has captivated a wide audience and is beloved by many, I won't presume to say that our tastes are superior to theirs, that's just asinine.
  5. This album dropped a week or so ago, it's pretty good.
  6. Go into Config -> Memory Cards, what does it show there? You could try deleting the card and making a new one in that screen. Also make sure that the memory card files themselves aren't set to read only.
  7. I'm sure it will earn them plenty of money, but JAST makes themselves an easy target and I'm all for that low-hanging fruit. I'd be less critical of them if they released other games too. Nier's thread titles are always very good, I'm honored to be mentioned in the same breath as him.
  8. When are we finally going to see translations for all the VNs based off of "Stacy's Mom"?
  9. Surprise! I know how much everyone has been looking forward to the hit visual novel Nympho Sensei Ryoko, and now it's finally here! With this mammoth on the horizon, maybe they'll have time to work on some of their side projects like Django and Sumaga.
  10. Decay


    Indeed, there's more plot in P5, though I question how much that's worth when it's so juvenile and shallow. Whenever they have an opportunity to dig deeper into the issues that permeate every single aspect of the game, they sidestep and turn it into a black-and-white matter of good vs evil. I was really hoping for and expecting more. I'm still on the fourth dungeon but it doesn't look like this will change. Persona 5 is a game about social strife that lacks the balls to actually tackle social issues, beyond "evil people are bad." Wow.
  11. Decay


    Everything in P5 so far, from the characters to the story, just feels shallower. They're less immature than the P4 characters, but they're less... everything, than the P4 characters. They probably feel that way because the game isn't diving deep into their personalities and picking apart their flaws like P4 did.
  12. Decay


    I tried playing on hard then a level 2 jack-o-lantern one hit KOed my main character in the initial underground tutorial area. It's normal for me! I spent one day in the dungeon proper with all the important features opened up, and it seems i barely made any progress before I started running into nothing but higher level guys and my SP was running low. These dungeons are big, indeed. Most P4 ones took two days for me, or on rare occasions three. This starter dungeon seems like it will be taking me four or more. My pro tip is to sell the Soma you get for free from that free "DLC" on PSN, you can sell it for 50,000 yen and that's enough to kit out your starter party with good gear and then have a good chunk of change left over for whatever. edit: Are there any days in which you can't enter the dungeon? If so, I think I will actually spend at least a little bit of time building up some social links so I can improve my fusions. They give you a couple weeks, even with the bigger dungeons it seems like there's plenty of time.
  13. I keep waiting for them to add the PS3 Yakuza games to that. I'd totally subscribe if they did. But it seems like they never will.
  14. Breath of the Wild "works" in only the loosest definition of the word. Even if you can get it to run in Cemu it will be extremely slow and glitchy and essentially unplayable. It may be a year or more before it's actually decently playable, and even then it will be a heavily compromised experience. Emulation isn't going to be as easy of a solution for playing modern console games on the PC as you're expecting, no way around it.
  15. Yeah, Mikandi Japan has been talking a lot about onamatope's other stuff, specifically the newest nukige that they even posted a poll for, asking if people would support a crowdfunding campaign for it. Though crowdfunding a nukige translation seems like a concerning plan, to say the least.
  16. It seems somewhat shallow on first blush, but the hints at deeper themes makes things a bit more interesting. I just hope they make good on that aspect and doesn't leave it at just hints. Good luck on the campaign.
  17. Los Campesinos' new album: https://play.spotify.com/album/3E0ue8V97oLaYt5NyGTZfu On one hand, it's essentially identical to all of their other albums. On the other hand, it's still fun to listen to.
  18. Waffle let slip on their Japanese blog that Kyonyuu Fantasy Gaiden will be translated, and that a physical edition of the first game is in the works. I suspect that will be two of the three announcements, making the big question be who the new partner is.
  19. Except it didn't get there by adding to the VN format like you suggest, since it never even attempted to utilize any aspect of the VN format at all. I don't think this even qualifies as an interactive movie, as far as I know there aren't any real interactive elements to it, aside from the ability to pivot the camera by moving your head around. There are already VR apps like that for oculus and vive, so this isn't really even anything new.
  20. But then why are there plenty of VNs and h-manga with pubic hair that don't censor it?
  21. In the style of mosaicing being done these days, the vast majority of VNs wouldn't have the pubic hair hidden by mosaics. It's really just an issue of most eroge artists not really knowing how to make it look good.
  22. Funny, I distinctly remember a lengthy debate where you favored putting spaces after leading ellipses, which you never actually yielded your position on, you just got tired of arguing with me. That's right, I'm calling you out on that.
  23. Twitter and message board outrage isn't ever as powerful or impactful as people like to imagine it is. I wonder what this will actually do to their bottom line, and if the money saved from the bitrate downgrade wouldn't offset it. I can easily picture them shrugging off the backlash for this and continuing to be successful.
  24. What category do the extra Hou arcs MangaGamer will be bringing over fall into?
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