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Everything posted by rainsismyfav

  1. Confession: I think Tyrael is on the path. Soon I'll be the one asking him on the Advice thread about relationships and girls. And will look up to him along with CrunchyTaco-senpai.
  2. I think the stuff that's been going around Tyrael here is pretty cute . The disconnect was quite hilarious to see.
  3. Imo, don't leave the conversation hanging. If you're this curious about her intentions, you should have ended your conversation with a clear question. An example would be "do you want to do anything after my exams are done?" "wanna meet up sometime after my exams are over??". Ask clear questions. Now if she doesn't follow up you can take the silence as a no. But at least you won't be confused on a maybe state and start speculating things. If you just explained and answered her questions plainly, it's like you're waiting for her to ask the BIG questions. I say take the initiative. Like Cyr said "you don't really lose anything by asking" --- in this case, asking directly. I have learned to have my side of the communication very clear and I usually try to make my intentions/feelings clear as well. That way, their answer will be clear as well, and doesn't leave much room for confusion.
  4. Confession: Last night I was trying to do something with a friend but we wanted to take naps first. So I took a nap at like 7 in the evening hoping to wake up at 10. I woke up at like past 2 in the morning, wondering why my alarm didn't wake me up... It was set at 10:00 AM... I'm a genius~ whoops..
  5. I am planning to read something short, like Phenomeno or Narcissu. If I ever get the chance.
  6. I just got home, host please
  7. None from FSN. It takes its characters mostly from Tsukihime . Melty blood is a spin-off story based on Tsukihime with Sion as the main heroine (You may remember her from UNIEL),. The rest of the cast are from tsukihime I think with the exception of Riesbyfe and Kouma (being specifically Melty). There's an add-on character from Kara no Kyoukai (Ryougi) as well.
  8. I got MBAACC thanks to Joshua. It apparently came in with caster. If anyone wants to sandbag me while I try to remember my controls, feel free to test me. I'm free tonight Darn. I forgot about hosting and stuff.. I probably can't directly host without a relay. I doubt any of my ports are open.
  9. Nosebleed is a good student. He taught me how to act like a teacher.
  10. Do you have MBAACC?? I used to play a LOT of MBAC, but after that I kinda fell out with the game so I'm quite lost. Does MBAA (CC) have a PC port? I remember emulating it before on ps2 but... Now I don't even have any of those. I'd like to pick it up again sometime and smash some CPU....
  11. I'm glad to hear I have people who love and hate me~
  12. Guys staph. Y'all supposed to help a fellow Fuwan overcome his challenge! You guys are evil!
  13. Darn it Cyr, you're supposed to help me succeed my challenge and not the other way around! Pls.. anything but *that*
  14. I remember there was a thread made by somebody (LiquidShu???) about fighters and it was a place where you could put your PSN username on. Uniel was added there. I have UNIEL on my ps3 but I barely played when I got it... I can only do half of Linne's basic combo at this point. I'm used to playing on my keyboard lol... ps3 meant I had to learn pad from scratch.
  15. Nice original lyrics going with the tune~. The piano in this piece is great. I'm trying to learn it.
  16. Confession: Going to put this in spoilers because it involves fapping and whatnot so if you don't want to read, don't click on it~ blah.
  17. I'm already done with Nekoko's route lol.... Bulldozed through
  18. Woah Dennou Coil. I thought I was the only one who watched that. I feel like Monster should be here too.
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