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Everything posted by rainsismyfav

  1. In that case I'm gunna vote "I only play VNs with H-scenes." for Females so I can tarnish their image.
  2. Welcome guys This is a casual review of Air - standard edition, having played all 3 heroine routes plus "Summer", and "Air". The translation I used is by Sheeta, and not Gao-gao translations (sorry). I have seen the anime version a long time ago and I barely remember any details from it. I heard that the VN is better and so I tried it. After finishing the VN, I double down on that statement. Some background: Air is released by KEY after Kanon, and before Clannad. I'd classify the game a Nakige, much like Clannad After Story. The game has the theme of Summer, compared to Kanon's winter. I'm not sure if Clannad had a season theme. Art: Key style. I personally like KEY style. I cannot really comment on the intricacies of the art and the CGs. I do think the number of CGs are quite few but I'm just spoiled. Music/Sound: It's ok. There are a couple of memorable and catchy tunes (Minagi's theme) but nothing too bad, nothing too fantastic. Story: I don't like the fact that I'm forced to play the other two heroines to unlock Summer+Air. Kano's route felt like a massive filler. Minagi's route is decent, while Mizusu's route felt just like Little Buster's Rin route is when playing it for the first time --- stopped short of the climax. Overall the heroine routes suffer from an unbearably SLOW development. I drowned on slice-of-life with what seems like 80% of the game. Literally felt like only 3 sentences out of a day in Air contributes to the advancement of the plot. It's quite anachronistic to make this comparison but, Air feels like an unrefined Clannad. If you are a KEY fan, you will see elements of KEY style in Air. The humor is hit-or-miss, not as good as Clannad or LB. Tension build-up was way too slow in Air, which is something they vastly improved in Clannad in my opinion. The highlight of the whole game for me was Summer route. It contained tension from very early in the route and kept me hooked from start to finish. I'm not sure if going through two unrelated filler arcs was worth getting to Summer. But I would say this route even trumped the final route "Air", and is the main bone of the game. Summer is very impactful. Most of the final route "Air" was mostly a repeat of Misuzu's route and it's quite unpleasant to go through the slice-of-life elements again with barely any change on the narration... The story line outside of "Summer" arc only spikes in drama at the end. Tension in the mid-route is almost non-existent. The mysteries are so-so. As for themes, I'm not really good at analyzing but I will try. The setting takes place on a rural town, and as such cell-phones and modern technology doesn't exist as much. By playing Air, you get a sense of the laidback countryside, with its elderly. The setting is so simple there's nothing eyecatching or interesting. But simplicity in itself seems to be what the setting conveys. Sky and flying are the main aspects of the story and there are countless references to it in-game. There are some great quotes all throughout the game, but I wasn't engaged too much with any kind of philosophical stimulation. I'm sure there are countless other themes that the game conveyed but I won't bother brainstorming at this point. Scores: I'm not going to try to come up with arbitrary number for every category but I will give this VN an overall score of 6-7; meaning I will put it in the AVERAGE category. I have played or watched so much slice-of-life stories that I'm just numbed to the majority of the scenes here. Usually at that point, if there are no main plot developments happening, then humor is the only one that keeps me going. Air's humor is spotty as I mentioned before. Will I recommend this? If you like other KEY titles and its narratives, and are a fan of drama --- then yes. If you are a beginner or new to the Visual Novel scene, play this one later. There are countless numerous other better VNs than Air. Part of the reason I have survived through this game was because I was already a huge fan of KEY (having replayed Clannad like 4 times). As a standalone game it's so-so, not a bad VN, but not superb. And so I leave you with a few more quotes.
  3. Hi hi Fuwa. My name is rains. I'd like to start this blog for my personal casual anime and VN reviews. Of course I have preferences and specific biases for certain aspects of anime and VN. I'd like to explain myself so that you guys know from what perspective my reviews are coming from. I have played I'd say quite a decent amount of Visual novels, mostly translated and some untranslated here and there. My list is: https://vndb.org/u46648/list Having been in the scene for at least 7 years now, barely anything is new to me anymore. Cliches and archetypes are easily visible to me and it takes a game or anime a great bit to entertain me nowadays. I have great biases for Romance, Drama, and Mystery. Anything chuuni is a hit-or-miss for me. Some of my top ones are Muv-luv, Clannad, Ever17, Kanata Yori, and Shinsekai Yori. But at the same time I can enjoy moeges/kyara-ge like Flyable hearts, Yosuga no Sora, or Edelweiss. I'm tolerant for the most part when it comes to anything bizarre (like Saya no Uta). My reviews will be very basic and I won't really delve too much into analysis or breakdowns. It will be mostly based on how entertained I was playing or watching. Enjoy my future reviews~ Thanks for reading.
  4. "But I am not convinced you can actually reach fluency using this method. By just reading, you can attain literacy, but your speaking, listening, and writing skills will be far poorer." To this day, even after JLPT N1, I cannot handwrite past jp 101 kanjis. I'm not going to bother either. Only time I will is if I want to work/live in Japan. My point is that, learn the language to serve your personal goals. It's a waste of time in my opinion to learn the whole package when you're not going to use them. I personally learned the language mainly to read and so I used this method because it gets me there ASAP. It gives you a great foundation. I can easily learn speaking, writing, and listening whenever I want to because this method made me learn all the Japanese fundamentals. Hours of watching anime and hearing VN voices lets me get used to hearing the language; Hours of listening allows me to have premade sentences for speaking (which in my opinion is a great start to fluent speaking). Writing is its own beast. I wouldn't claim anyone can be "fluent" with this method, but it is a nice start for people who are into VNs.
  5. I miss having free time... Confession: I just noticed I subconsciously liked LinovaA's post in another thread but not anybody else's.. ahh hell......... Cyr halp.
  6. I support this success story. I'm glad the method that worked for me, worked for you. This method does only work for certain mindsets. But the payoff is certainly huge.
  7. LinovaA make it stop! My hands can't seem to stop pressing the Like This button ahhhhhhhhhhhh >.< Cyr knows all about my FuwaCrushes
  8. It might seem really easy. As for the approach, sure that's what it all took. But in the grand scheme of things, getting to where we currently are isn't an easy feat. It takes blood, sweat, and tears (ok I'm exaggerating) but it definitely takes a combination of luck and hard work. Key thing is initiation. Me and Cyr never even talked or crossed paths on the forums before that pm. Granted I'm hella lucky (it could have easily went nowhere), but nothing would have happened if I did nothing.
  9. I'd totally date cyrillej1....'s dog if it felt the same way back. So cute... Lemme prepare for the route end... RIP P.S: Where my spoiler tags at
  10. I think the route for all guys (including me) ends in a cliff heading into a deep ocean. Prepare to dive deep into the sea; In search for light in the dark expanse of the ocean benthic zone. Maybe to get snagged by a shark on an angler fish on the way there. But persist, thou shall must, for the great Holy land of Lemuria sha------------- ok I don't fcking know what I'm blabbing about.
  11. Cyrillej1 x Flutterz Cyrillej1 x Ducks just how many more will she have in her harem!?!? Who will win, Flutterz, ducks, or a *edited out by request*??? (or the weather?) Confession:
  12. If you consider going from England to Poland a trip, then it should make sense. For me, I consider each state like a mini country. Think about how California alone is bigger than Japan.
  13. Confession: I don't really get the base 2, 3, 4 talk earlier... Is it about baseball? I bypassed all bases because I hit a home-run.
  14. I'm going to wait if others can tell you why I'm hiding details before I try to explain myself. If nobody does, I'll explain it or pm you later~ Edit: *looks at flutterz' post* oh ok I thought I needed to explain further~. Also the answer's 4
  15. Me saying where the trip took place already touches personal information. I personally don't care as far as disclosing info of where I live (New Jersey baby whoooooooooohoooooooooo) but in this case it's home territory of the other party member (using MMO lingo here) so It'll be crude of me to divulge that without consent. pls understand, senpai~
  16. Sorry I can't divulge specifics but it's in another U.S. state that's not NJ.
  17. Some pictures from my recent trip~ I only lost one game of Persona and it's my first time Needless to say, the trip was very nice and refreshing. Definitely made my year~ Thank you very Much, for the wonderful experiences~
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