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Everything posted by rainsismyfav

  1. I wonder if you can learn interesting facts from that. Possibly some secrets people are hiding.
  2. Confession: I forgot today was father's day. Whoops
  3. When you manage to get someone interested, you will know it. Keep trying and keep natural communications going~. Respect their excuse whether it's busy or internet died. Think that if they wanted to be your friend, they will try from their end as well. Not to say that if they don't try means that they don't want to be your friend.
  4. Yeah I agree with the struggle here a bit. I actually initiated with the current girl I like because of a special circumstance stemming from my first failed attempt. If it had been under normal circumstances, I wouldn't have been able to initiate. I might have convinced myself not to take the risk or would have been plagued by social anxiety. We didn't really share any activity before that, so it was a miracle that something came out of the first conversation chain.
  5. Confessions thread, Tyrael's Fuwan Advice thread, how global is fuwa, and random chatter. lol...I've fallen out of reading VNs for the lack of time that I don't really go to that section anymore.
  6. It all depends on the girl and there is really no cookie-cutter methodology to this. Only thing I can say are very general vague things that might apply to most. As for posturing you can do this subtly. For example, after a few weeks of getting to know someone (someone who's AT LEAST interested in being friends with you), you can ask "Wow, you're quite an interesting person, do you currently have a significant other??" To which, they'll either 1. Already Taken 2. Friendzone 3. Reject you And by the way, this meant that you're past the initiation stage, and the interest stage (aka you guys are now talking on a good constant pace). You can try to appeal with #2 and #3 and ask them if you think you have a chance. Look for their responses here. Don't push it too far if you're getting way too many negative responses. Give her time and space. If they're interested, they'll give you a chance. If not, I hope they'll flat out tell you or they'll start lessening the time they spend with you. Again this can be TOO direct, depending on the girl. I'm just envisioning scenarios here. I think it's best for you to get a girl-perspective here as I can be quite biased towards the male perspective. Don't give up too early, but don't push it way far too. Moderation in everything~ I don't know how you execute your communications but it needs to be natural~. First and foremost focus on the other person, comment on what they do, what their hobbies are etc. Get them to talk about themselves, if possible. Only then can you try to talk about yourself, talk about what you think will interest them about you. Don't force this; realize that girls have personal preferences just like you do and they might not be into what you are. If you are interested about writing, for example, and they don't seem to be as interested, you need to change the convo line to something else. Meh, I might just be rambling at this point, I think we should take this to pm... So far you got the small-talk idea OK, I think. You use them to lead you to more meaningful conversations.
  7. I agree that for introverts, the internet is the most viable setting to look for a potential partner. True, it's likely to have a ton more roadblocks, but the internet filters out your criteria for what you look for a partner (depending where in the internet you're searching from). Obviously you need to be reasonable when it comes to distance and don't try someone that you won't have a chance to physically close your distances with (like Australia to USA or something). Eventually though, you need to work hard to make it work --- money to move and perseverance to maintain the LDR. I also personally don't know any places near me that I can find a potential partner from (aside from niche college extracurricular clubs). Bars are no-go, and making small-talk is just too energy and time-consuming for a lot of risk. You're pretty much spending the time to cast a net looking for your fish. While I might suffer from some form of anxiety IRL, I can be outgoing in the internet and that's where I shine. I did have an introvert friend who found a gf just by frequenting a bubble-tea shop... idk what kind of magic he casted. However, either way you do need to take the initiative. As blahblahblah said, "waiting" really does nothing. I wouldn't be in my current situation with the girl I like if I had not taken the initiative. Granted I got lucky with her (found her after 1 failed attempt at online courtship). It's easier to open up to people in the internet but there is still a need for pro-activeness. Especially as a guy, being passive isn't going to do anything. Though I suppose most of us are stumped at how to go about being pro-active and whatnot. Expect to fail, you literally have nothing to lose --- which is an advantage to looking online. I'm not exactly a great advice-giver... Take my words with a grain of
  8. I think Europa Universalis IV was like 50% off
  9. Grabbed Trails in the Sky and Child of Light
  10. Do you think you're being "Tyrael'd"? --- once a week reply j/k In seriousness, I think if they've responded to you beforehand then they're not ignoring you. If they haven't responded quick enough to the conversation chain then either they are EXTREMELY BUSY they can't make time to reply to you OR they have you lower in their social priority list to make the time in coming up with a fast reply to you --- meaning they spend their time first replying to other line of conversations that they have before they do yours. Another reason might be if you send a looooooong message and they're taking their time (or procrastinating) writing up a similarly long response. Long essays can be quite pressuring to respond to. Oh --- and maybe she's just not in the mood to reply. Who knows.
  11. Thank you very much for asking. It makes me feel like I'm doing something worthy. Unfortunately, I'm battered as of late. Just generally busy, both work and outside of work. I won't really have a huge amount of free-time until August. Despite that, I will try my best to start catching up during the weekends. Your question has given me more motivation to try. Thanks~
  12. Linkin Park makes me remember my childhood... That band, along with others like Ryan Cabrera / Hoobastank / Red Hot Chili Peppers, defined a long period of my childhood. Prior to that were the boy-bands like backstreet boys/ N-sync. Now, Japanese songs/bgms define me lol.
  13. Happy b-day Ren~! I'm glad for the Clannad prize you've sent me. Always keep that in mind! <3
  14. 中出し よろしく Edit:OOps I obviously meant 友達 よろしく
  15. Like this post if you like to like posts that ask you to like it if you happen to like liking posts asking to -------- ok imma stop
  16. >100 miles >30 km Seriously, I envy those distances. 100 miles is like 2+ hours drive, which is not bad. I can at least visit for a weekend. I got over a 1000 miles to deal with over here.
  17. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4O71QnOwFDo&index=7
  18. Rofl this is fcking great. Expected 7/10; Got Fuwanovel/10
  19. Confession: I just recently learned about the meaning of Catfishing.
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