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Everything posted by rainsismyfav

  1. Last day of my no fap June challenge. Feels good. The challenge got easier as the day went by. 3rd and 4th week were easyyyy. Just super torture in the beginning when you're not used to it.
  2. I bet on Eclipsed. She must have been having nightmares of him since Stray's Ambidex game. The backstabs too strong.
  3. Lol interesting this can turn into a mystery case with the search of the culprit (who appeared in Cyr's dream). With Detective Flutterz on the case and with his assistant.. hmmm, lets just name Zeno for now; In their quest for the truth, will they procure a list of suspects (a Fuwan), eyewitness testimonies (other people's speculations), and circumstantial evidences (forum posts). Is Mr. Tiago a possible accomplice!?! Will detective Flutterz solve the mystery of Cyr's dream~ dun dun dun.. Find out in the next episode of Fuwanovel Confessions. Confession: Reading up on this made me remember my younger days when I used to get excited for Detective Conan (Case Closed) coming up on Cartoon Network. That was nostalgic... I LOVE mysteries.
  4. Kinokuniya or Bookoff? Kinokuniya is hella expensive. Bookoff is great. Both are amazing when you visit them in a row~
  5. @Kosaki: Don't forget to ask her address for me when you ask her out!
  6. Congratulations! you have won a hidden secret giveaway of mine! To claim your prize, please pm me your address! Pm now within the next 10 minutes and I'll double the offer! But wait there's more! give me your phone number and you can get my awesome, super duper, mega bonus giveaway!
  7. Yeah that place is great if you find the good gems that pop once in awhile. I grabbed a couple of Japanese learning books (particularly Kanzen Master) from there for half the price of Kinokuniya. Kinokuniya have great selection but they're as overpriced as Barnes&Nobles is to everything else. The light novels section in Kinokuniya is waaaay better though, but still lacking compared to its west coast branches. You can also sell stuff in BookOff for quick and easy cash (though I don't know how low they buy stuff). Next time I stop by I'm planning to sell one figurine of mine.
  8. Nooooo Flutterz-kun. Why are you exposing my hidden plans! Now I lost my grand chance to find out her address! Yeah sure. I definitely will. But I don't really know when I'm going to be back there. I'll definitely update you if I do.
  9. If you want any games from there, just tell me.
  10. There's a great 2nd hand japanese store close to me (in New York City; called BookOff). They have RAW jp games there for very cheap. I got Tales of Destiny two there for like $10 or something. If I happen to be there, I'll keep you in mind, if it's cheap enough, I'll grab you Xenosaga II and III. They had Crosschannel in PSP, Ever17 in PS2 (though it's gone now somebody had bought it), and lots more other RPGs (like the entire Breath of Fire series). The selections fluctuates since it's based off of the people selling their stuff to them. From what I can tell, there are lots more people selling japanese games to them than buying, that's why the prices are low, and the selections are fairly large for being in America.
  11. I opened this thread expecting a sequel, expansion, or spin-off of the game 100% orange juice. I got Milk Tea instead. 10/10
  12. I lurked here once in awhile during 2013, but didn't join until early 2014, and weren't really vocally active until the latter half of 2014+2015. I remember the first thing I felt when I made my introduction post here was a sense of friendliness, and ample activities. There were quite many who responded to my intro and I thought that the forum was quite an active one which was a huge plus for me staying.
  13. Likes received. 94 Likes all in all. Only included specific names in the chart that liked me 4 or more times. The rest are lumped under others. Likes Given. I only counted 5 or above for specific names. The rest got lumped on Others. Enjoy...
  14. I was hoping to find people's fuwacrushes~ but idk how to really do those charts.
  15. I thought my like stats were going to be quite bland but it's actually interesting. As far as likes given, at first glance it seems like I gave the most to flutterz-kun .
  16. Sorry to hear that Flutterz.. You almost won.. but alas...
  17. Doing my personal analysis now; what is the 2nd column about? most of the numbers are 1 and 2. Is that post number?
  18. So far my stats look quite uninteresting. I'll see about making my personal pie-chart later when I get home from work.~ I'm going to do others' who I'm interested in as well (in my own secrecy) hehe. Edit: Nevermind. They are surprisingly interesting
  19. Looking forward to seeing you "finish" your goal. If you know what I mean
  20. From now on I'm going to start liking ONLY flutterz' posts
  21. What kind of facts do you think you can deduce from this?
  22. I just got it today. It's really fun!
  23. I like the idea for a thread, as a way to exchange experience and information. But I doubt it's pure enough for Fuwa.
  24. There goes one fallen brother. I'm still staying strong on my 4th week now. 9 days left~. Told you it's torture.
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