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Everything posted by rainsismyfav

  1. Don't do it bro! I did it once myself, and felt ashamed for a long period of time. Haha~ Naww, My love for Astro-senpai is stronger than the gravity pull of a blackhole. RainsxAstro 4eva~!
  2. I stalked you in the Fuwa battle royale. Is that good enough??
  3. I look forward to the posts of my avatar-sister~ (Rika is too adorable am I right?)
  4. Of course it's possible for a guy to be friends with a girl. I'm just saying it's my personal preference to not expend too much energy on girl-friends, since guys as a friend, tend to be more fun for me. Needless to say, girl-friends have their own advantages, but sometimes I can't help but have unnecessary feelings towards that friendship (especially if it gets too close). So it's personally hard for me to make close girl-friends. It is pretty annoying for me to be carrying those emotional baggage. Girls also tend to be quite boring to be honest. I haven't yet to befriend a girl that did not share any of my nerdy habits. Overall though, the gender doesn't really matter in friendships if it's only about "fun". I approach friendships with "fun" in mind. If I want to get deeply close to a girl, I might as well have it be with an actual girlfriend, instead of just a friend. By the way, I can't really get deeply close with guys.. It's not my nature to share my inner-self with fellow males. Problem starts when I have fun with a girl-friend and I start being conscious of the difference in gender. Fun + Attraction... kinda breaks a friendship. I'd somehow have to treat her like a sister or something... which I'm not very good at since I have no sisters.
  5. I think I feel the same way... It's horrible but I think I apply the concept in general though, even with guy friends. I have such limited time that I feel like I can't "waste" time on a relationship that's just going to stop at the friendship level (no potential of going more). If I was still in high school or college, and had all that free time then yea I would make female friends. I spend so little time with my friends... I feel more comfortable on my own most of the time. Lol i'm such an introvert. Secret. She did say "It's fine if we just stay online friends", at one point. lol I'm deliberately holding back information just to make this post more interesting. hehehe...
  6. Confession: I just casually told the person I'm trying to date that I like her... uhhhh the feels...
  7. Take pic; Upload pic, and reveal to the world! I missed it! ><
  8. Just gunna drop this off: http://www.newser.com/story/207554/slept-with-many-people-5-ways-to-see-where-you-rank.html?utm_source=part&utm_medium=yahoohealth&utm_campaign=relatedlink
  9. I'm planning to re-read Yume Miru Kusuri thanks to this thread. I'm only doing Nekoko's route though.
  10. I just had the same exact question 10 seconds ago....
  11. Confession: I think I spend at least an hour a day on Fuwanovel.... someone pls halp.
  12. "How?" as in, how did you even get one or two. It's in relation to what I said about not having anyone add me even when I have it showing on my profile too. So I was a bit mind-boggled Then I answered myself afterwards lol. I'm pretty sure that's the main reason you got them
  13. How are you getting creeper skype invites? I've had my skype info out since I made my account Jan 2014, and I never got a single random add. Lemme guess... it's that gender.... you should go switch that to Male or Not Telling, if you don't want to get harassed.
  14. My advice to you is to let go of her ASAP. You don't know if you are closing off other opportunities with other girls because you're so tunnel visioned on this particular one. I experienced this before multiple times in middle + high school. I have never noticed that this other girl liked me, until after I confessed and got rejected with my current one and moved on. Recovery phase really sucks and I'm not surprised you naturally went into Denial mode. You'll be better off in the long run to accept reality, start looking for others. Start by admiring other people. My personal advice to others is to *posture* as soon as you know you have the feelings. Posture being, show her that you want to elevate the relationship above friendship. If your partner seems oblivious to flirtation or your romantic attempts, then be more direct. I feel really bad being stuck in a limbo not knowing what the other person thinks about me. I think people get friendzoned because they #1. Never posture or #2 are in Denial after receiving too many negative feedback. Liking someone does put a bias in our mentality but we have to get over that to seek more meaningful relationships.
  15. cuz Fapping is love; and Fapping is Life and LoveLive is fap---- wait a minute...
  16. I'll tell you guys how it goes for me at the end of the month. Wish me luck. ~
  17. Confession #2: I'm doing a no-fap month challenge for June2015, thanks but no thanks flutterz-san, I'll save that thought for July 1st
  18. AphroLift shall reign supreme! Next best LeagueShip under xPeke + anyone else
  19. Confession: I have never gone on reddit but I've heard so much stuff about it.
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