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Everything posted by rainsismyfav

  1. One ~Kagayaku Kisetsu e~ Suika Yume Miru Kusuri
  2. Add meh, though I might only talk during topics that I care about, and be silent through the rest: skypeID: rains90
  3. Philippines is filled with mosquitoes everywhere. I think I'm used to them feeding on me 24/7. When I moved to New Jersey though, oh man what a heaven. All decade long (since I got here) I don't think there has been a single mosquito that has bitten me, if not very very few. The unexpected luxuries of life~
  4. Confession: I want to meet an online friend They're so far away~ gg
  5. Lucky. Stars don't exist in my area outside of the North Star and one other bright thing (probably a planet). Too much light pollution in the cities. I wanna move to somewhere more.. suburban / town, with more nature =/
  6. You mean Fuwa is not a dating site?!?! *gasp* You mean I've been approaching this forum wrong all this time!? Teeku Teeku Teeku Teeku
  7. Work-commute Rush Hour (Morning and Afternoon). So much for living close to New York City.
  8. I'm always a little girl at heart, no matter if I say I'm romantic-comedy.
  9. Year 2012~ After I failed my biochemistry lab class (fall semester), my professor got arrested for child porn distribution from his office computer (apparently). He was such a great professor too.. The things people do, to destroy their career just like that.
  10. I'd like to ship myself with my beloved senpai Rains x Astro Let my love be forever known in the shipping thread
  11. So nostalgic... trying to do every scenario in brutal difficulty... oh god the pain. Nice looking flowchart thanks for sharing.
  12. Week 9 is finally up, I'll work on Week 10 right away. I'll see about getting it out today~ Enjoy enjoy~
  13. Honestly. this is the first time I've seen people speak up about sexism/racism. I don't know whether people have been voicing their concerns through PMs, but publicly this is a first I personally see (or maybe I just don't lurk enough). If people have been having problems with some of the users content, the issue should have been brought up, the 2nd or 3rd time it occurs, and should have been dealt with. To make this place better regarding sexism, I urge females to voice out any concerns the moment they see it. You can pm a friend/admin, etc, but make sure your voices are heard. In general, I think it might be a good idea to have a feedback admin (or system), someone who takes in all claims of inappropriate content and reports them to the rest of the mods.
  14. 恋するのが仕事です~

  15. I don't think Fuwa can really influence what goes on translation projects. At the end of the day it's up to the team itself to make progress. Unless you mean to supply TL groups with recruits?? Or create discussions surrounding the translation project that would make people join?? I'm quite confused by what is it that you'd like the Fuwa admin team to do to support the projects.
  16. Confession: I don't mind if the person I like has had plenty of sex before, as long as it's not with 10+ different guys (because you know.. that's a major red flag). I would get jealous if they have a past like that but since it's out of my control, I don't feel as bad. Now, cheating if they're with me is a different ballgame.
  17. Feeling Down

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. rainsismyfav


      I'm fine now thanks :), I was just being cynical for a little bit.

    3. Cyrillej1


      Aw, I didn't know you were feeling down. I'm glad you're better now^^

    4. rainsismyfav


      Haha that was a long time ago, April 29th. It was one of those pessimistic/cynical mood cycle.

  18. Cyr, There's only one thing I miss, and it's you (if you know what I mean) On a serious note though, that's seems like the DREAM for me except I'm sure I'd have to solo-beat a level 99 raid boss called "Reality" first. Yeah good luck with that when I'm only level 24 . I also have a debuff that makes me fail socially. Tips on how to beat "reality"?
  19. Sorry, can't stalk you Astro-senpai. I'm all the way to the other side of the country. I hath failed~
  20. Woah woah woahhhh! buddy! Share me the wealth or the swag!
  21. As a guy, It's actually quite annoying how easy it is to get a reaction... I get it by just imagining stuff; I get it when I'm sleepy; I get it when it's cold; I get it when I feel the urge to pee. Everywhere, at work, at school, at my bed when I wake up. I may seem to exaggerate the frequency, but I don't exaggerate the low difficulty at which it triggers. I remember getting massaged at a spa when I was in grade-school once. Boy I CANNOT for the life of me, turn it off... It stayed there for the whole session, it was quite embarrassing. I wasn't even attracted to the lady who did it... Just the senses fcked me over.
  22. Interesting result this time.... I've gotten INTP like 3 times in the past before this. This is the first time I've landed anything other than INTP, and it's totally different.. Am I supposed to be putting in how I act outside or how I feel inside? Because that's quite different. Lol I beat everyone in Introvertion
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