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Everything posted by rainsismyfav

  1. Same with VN/Eroge industry too. You can expand it and say most artists aren't making well, including musicians.
  2. Story of my life =/ So is it mostly online/ long-distance dating then? How often do you guys meet?
  3. Ef felt like a surreal journey to me. I think I attribute that to Makoto Shinkai's artwork. It made it easier for me to immerse in the world. Imo, it has one of the better executed romantic stories out there. I don't prefer the route structure though (made up of smaller arcs vs. a long overarching plotline).
  4. I'm not mentioning the state but she's US at least. I'm at the stage of my life where it's good for me to venture and take risks. All the gears are almost in place. I just have to be patient~
  5. @Tyrael If you do decide to try this online dating stuff, tell us about it . I'll be curious how it goes. I am currently trying to date someone online at the moment. There are frustrating times. Most of it stems from the physical distance and speculation of the unknown (both positive and negative speculations). Basically, the relationship is stuck in a fantasy idea until it becomes physical. It can get nerve-wracking thinking too much about the hypotheticals. I once got consumed by negativity one time and it is not a good feeling at all... My current and only approach is optimism and it is really the only viable approach when it comes to online dating. You have to work hard to make it happen in the future (aka close the distance) and optimism certainly helps. Depending on who you meet this can go from easy to hard to almost impossible. Imagine dating someone in Australia when you're in the US; I know someone like this. Needless to say, one of you would have to be financially capable of making the move. And a fellow fuwan has given this same advice before: Never keep it in online dating forever.. Unless that's your end-goal. For me, online dating feels so vain. In the end you're still empty. Online dating just gives you an opportunity to pre-select who you want to pursue and work hard for. It's very risky because you will never know how you will click with your significant other in real life... until you actually meet. Just hope that good chemistry online translates to offline. Some Real life examples of people who successfully did it on top of my head: Pewdiepie (youtuber), who flew from Sweden to Italy. And Ixrec (a VN translator) who flew from California to England. Just my two-cents P.S: I plan to meet mine in like 3-4 months.
  6. Usually imo, it's quite hard to LOVE your job~ I'm always doubtful whenever people say, ohh my job is my passion etc. Jobs can kill your passion too. Or at least people who enter thinking it will just be like their hobbies x100. Jobs stretches the limits of fun, and can make it so monotone (doing the same things over and over and over). I advice that you move your career path based on your passion and money, but focus more on the money aspect. Not having enough money to meet your basic needs is quite depressing to me, and it wouldn't matter if I was working at my passion. You will have to compromise. On the other hand, if you make enough money, you can afford to have more free-time (and not have to overtime or get a 2nd job to make ends meet); which you can then spend on your passion/hobbies. Your mind won't be stressed out with making it through the end of the month or paying rent. I don't know about your field, but for my field (sciences) academics felt like it didn't matter. I know it would matter if I was applying to research but industries/pharmaceuticals value experience a ton more. At my interview they never asked anything about my GPA or what classes I took. All it mattered to them is that I have the diploma . The hardest part in entering the job market is the very very first (real) job. It's super hard to get in without a connection. You often find ridiculous "entry-level" jobs that requires 1-3 years of experience, yeah like you're somehow supposed to come up with industry-experience while studying full-time college. Internships are just as crazy in competition. 1. You're biggest competitors are people applying for the same job from inside the company. They have the biggest advantages since they are already known. 2. Next competitor are people applying from the outside but have referrals from inside the company. Now it depends on who the referral is, but personally this is how I got my part-time laboratory job at college. All I had to do in the interview is to show them that I'm normal, and I didn't even have to impress. My referral was that strong. 3. You have to compete with 100+ other people who don't have a referral, but might have more experience or better degrees than you. At this point, if you don't have industry experience from college, you'll have to luck out and somehow stand-out against the masses. Your interview won't be about experiences either assuming you don't have much; you'll have to do well on the behavioral questions instead. Flexibility also helps a.k.a, I would do whatever you want master. I personally got my 1st real job with #3. In my interview I had to showcase that I'm a teamplayer and a good person to have on the team overall (the interviewer asked like FOUR team-player questions). Since she knew I don't have much experience. OK I noticed you're from Portugal, so I just want to let you know all of what I said is based off of the U.S. job market. Idk how it is over there.
  7. When is your profile going to finish Construction?? lol...

    1. LinovaA



      The guys I hired to do it are just being lazy. :holo:

  8. I only have Uniel in PS3. I used to play a lot of Melty blood back in the Act Cadenza days, but not anymore. There's also SWR and other touhou fighters. And the legendary EFZ (with KEY characters).
  9. Online dating is really hard. You have to be willing to work to close off any physical distances, unless you luck out and find someone nearby. There's also the whole dual persona thing, where people act differently in real life than they do online. If you can survive the cons of online dating and manage to take it to the physical phase, well then mission-accomplished. I think the whole point of online dating is a head start to get to know each other. I think it's also less risk and requires less commitment (during the get-to-know-each-other online phase). A good friend of mine made a fishing analogy where, online dating is like you casting a big net in the ocean. Be PREPARED to fail. Fail a lot until you find a better opportunity. So message many women that interests you on Tinder/OkCupid. Another thing is that online dating is quite skewed; You're at the mercy of the girl replying to you most of the time (I guess it's like this in real life too??). But realistically, womens' inboxes gets filled with tons of competition. You'll have to charm them somehow with something special that you have that others don't. If you go through it, Good Luck and Happy Hunting~
  10. >>Kurokusari dies from an infection......... loooooooooool way to die from that in a battle royale
  11. Lol my stalking skills ain't good enough. Btw, I bet for Ayana this round~. His Subahibi love shall remain forever!
  12. ha...haha.... what is this thread and why do I see my name in here~ I'm always stalking but I thought I was stalking my beloved Astro-senpai. Little did I know............
  13. This game doesn't seem to support Mac?? Aw bonkers.
  14. Welcome welcome~ You sure have read quite lots of VNs, and so many VNs I have never seen before. I guess you play otome games and that's a realm I don't know anything about xD. If you have any questions about Japanese, feel free to hit me up~ --rains
  15. I'm a filipino immigrant here in NJ, USA. Been living here for a decade now, So I've pretty much experienced both sides of the world. I grew up in a town that got hit by Urbanization towards the latter half of my Phils life. I miss the school system and it's one thing I really like about the Philippines. The teachers rotate instead of the students which means you spend so much time with your classmates, forming stronger bonds and a sense of classroom community. In the US, you sure get to know a lot more people, but the interactions tend to be shallow... Most of my geniune social life here in the U.S happens outside of school, while it was the opposite when I was still in the Phils. I almost wished I had graduated high school in the Phils. We had great intramurals/golden week, great class events like English plays and home economics. Everyone felt a lot more engaged. I find it hard to socialize in the U.S. given the great distances between places. You really would need a car to even start. Public transportation is such a hassle to deal with. Philippines had very good accessible mass transit and the places are closer, though super dense... I've assimilated to American culture now, but I'm really glad that I've experienced both sides of being an Asian-American, (as opposed to ones that are born here in the US not exposed to their native culture or even the language).
  16. Confession: I didn't know until recently that I can be quite emo. I try not to but there are times emotions interfere with my normal thought process~
  17. Confession: I just found out at work that I'm A+. Throughout my whole entire life until today, I had the strong impression that I was an O. My mind is blown.. I wanted it to be O or at least A- so I could get called for blood donor requests and make $$$... A+ quite useless..
  18. I dreamt of NTR before... not cool xD. Otherwise I usually lucid dream, so I can control it somewhat.
  19. I can barely play the piano.... Someone please train me.
  20. Tell me about it.. I went from INTP to ISFJ in this thread
  21. Looking forward to starting a fresh life adventure in Narnia (or anywhere that's not my current place). I am motivated by Maiserufu (TL note: myself)
  22. My work is like workout in some days. Constantly lifting 50lbs (23kgs~) of weight throughout the day.
  23. Jparser sometimes gives quite weird definitions (feedback from Nosebleed). It also makes people lazy to learn the words themselves since parsing is done automatically and others tend to breeze through the English. (feedback from a user named fun2novel). Forcing you to parse, at least for me, forced me to also try to learn/remember the words. It's an incentive for me so I can lessen the times I manually highlight.
  24. Confession: Throughout 24 years of my life so far, today is the first time I got to do yard-work, which involved raking pine needles for hours and stuffing them in bags, and helping put up a fence from scratch. I'm such an Urbanite...
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