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Everything posted by rainsismyfav

  1. Good luck and have fun with your Japanese Language adventure!!!
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TSk8bN_spvE I like the piano version a lot more
  3. Meeting a Fuwan IRL? hmm... I wonder.... Now that's an adventure worth doing~
  4. This one. It's about quizzes and trivias and stuff, along with a standard attempt at a high school rom-com.
  5. Confession: I suck at looking at the people I find attractive.. I get too self-conscious... So I literally get like the first glimpse --> if attractive = fail to look at said person again for the remainder of session... If only I had more balls...
  6. Not really recent but since I took pictures, might as well share: This is about 70% of my stuff
  7. Kyou's one of my favorite character of all time! I'll bookmark this and read it when I get free. Thanks for writing~
  8. Speaking of being emo.. I've been feeling hella (like super!!!) frustrated with life lately. I need to be patient and approach life's obstacles one by one. So many challenges up ahead this year~ One day.. my dreams will become reality. I will make sure of it!
  9. http://gematsu.com/2015/04/star-ocean-5-announced-for-ps4-ps3
  10. Who doesn't like close contact? But yeah, any long distance relationship have to be get close someday or another. Otherwise, what's the point... Both parties have to mutually cut it short or wait for that moment when you can be together.
  11. Long distance relationships huh.... it sucks when you can't do anything about it. That feeling of powerlessness is real.. What happened to this thread and where'd all these smiling come from? That's another thread idea: who has the best smile? <insert pic here> I think I naturally smile even when I'm not exactly happy. It has become a natural part of my facade now.
  12. Congratulations, you're now about this -----------------------------------------------> much closer to reaching Nosebleed in posts!
  13. Week 7's uploaded, enjoy enjoy~ We're on a good pace, I'm meeting the 6 topics a week goal. At this rate we should be finished around June maybe~
  14. If you have time, the right approach, and a little bit of discipline, you can read a moege properly in 1 year, and above moeges in 2 years.
  15. Confession: 2 grand a month.... that's like my entire salary... .. Must.. get.. better.. job.
  16. Wow quite a detailed advice! Thanks for the thoughts Cyrille-san! This would definitely help theoretical person-san (assuming he/she would stumble upon this article somehow) get to your heart!
  17. Hello Ladies and (Non)-Gentlemen! Please give advices to a theoretical person who wants to date you! What advices would you tell them? Please try to stick to more constructive aspects that the other person could or should do, rather than the more permanent physical aspects (tall, sexy, cute, etc). What does it take for the other person to successfuly woe you? I'm expecting great responses from you all! And FuwaGirls, you're advice might be helpful to some who are on the road to Wizardry (and Guys--- to future Witches).
  18. Don't hesitate to pm me or anyone for any questions~ I don't bite
  19. Few characters at a time at first, then review the older ones as you learn new~. I suggest learning them by consonant-series, for example all the "k" series か け き こ く etc. Then move on to the next. Once you cover everything, take a stab at reading words you find anywhere, then test yourself. I personally just hard-memorized them. I had printed hira+kata sheets and brought them to school and would look at them during downtime. You can try writing them, you can try free programs out there online. I'm not really familiar with those.
  20. I recommend you start learning/memorizing Hiragana and Katakana ASAP. It's hard to start learning japanese without those two. Focus on Hiragana, devote about 80-20% versus Katakana. Only after that is it optimal to learn grammar, vocab, and kanji. You can pm me if you're serious about learning. If you're on skype you can add me @ rains90 if you need constant tips along the way. I'm sure some people in this forum are also willing to help.
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