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Corrupted last won the day on January 26 2019

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  1. Oops. This is awkward. I actually got really, really, really lucky and survived. So, I felt obligated to say something/give closure. I now have a new favorite hobby (reading VNs) that synergies great with the other things I enjoy (learning Japanese, watching anime). VNs are the best thing I got out of the near death experience. So, still, and again, thanks for the list. You contributed to the creation of a new lifelong VN reader. Thanks!
  2. Did Katawa Shoujo a million years ago and enjoyed it greatly. I think I'll go ahead and add fureraba to the list. Someone else elsewhere suggest Tokyo School Life as short, simple, with love feels.
  3. Looking for a recommendation of a VN/VN Route that makes you feel loved. Don't care if it's got H-scenes, plot, breaks the 4th wall, or not. I want a heroine that loves you to death and makes you feel warm and fuzzy across the screen. That's just the kinda mood I'm in. Nekopara and Maitetsu come to mind. Those games are mostly cute girls smiling at you and wanting to get closer to you. The drama is secondary, noone is tsundere-kicking you or treating you like a perv for your interest in...varied young ladies. Decently self-inserty, even though both Soutetsu and Kashou are their own cool enough characters. Something like that. Or like if DDLC just kept going at the end, perhaps. Or if Love Plus didn't require months to play. English translated preferably.
  4. Or maybe anything that takes on a DDLG/fatherly protect vibe in general. I don't mean that the MC is the heroine's biological or adoptive father, but I wouldn't be opposed to that either. Perhaps some big brother vibes are similar and I'd appreciate whatever suggestions to think about. Examples of what I mean and the only two times someone calls MC Papa that I know of: Grisaia's Makina Da Capo's Sakura Thank you
  5. One of my fav VNs, I'll curious who you'll pick first and who you'll like the most. For me, Hachi's route was the first pick, no brainer; I love AI/Servant heroines. All my compatriots that played the game went Hibiki first. Makes sense; she's the most strongly advertised in the common route.
  6. I almost never watch anime, but recently loved Goblin Slayer (Priestess <3) and now somehow got sucked into Nakaimo. I feel like a trash weeb for enjoying it so much, but I was definitely in the mood for "jealous imoutos".
  7. Face > Pillow Even if they did communicate ugliness via face, they would probably still have anime-perfect skin and bodies. I would hope it wouldn't take a God-like intervention for an ugly person to be loved. That said, I've love to see it. It's really amusing to see a cast respond to an unusual choice by the protag (if he chooses a loli, or those scenes in Grisaia) I'd love to choose the ugly heroine with the good personality and see it reflected in dialogue in the rest of the game. Probably not going to happen. We have other types of pity-choices already, and there's no reason to make anyone in an anime/vn world anything less than beautiful (unless it's representing otaku-type people/the reader, apparently.)
  8. If only they were actually ugly. That would be super interesting.
  9. My inner hipster tries to rebel and avoid things that are really popular. But I've learned my lesson...they're almost always overly popular for a reason. Now I just want to get carried away in the hype.
  10. Not sure what to call this (memes?). I love when a work has a large following of quality fan created content that really gives you some aftercare after finishing the game. My prime example is stuff like this video for DDLC: It increases my enjoyment of that game because this exists, and I can always go back and listen to it to feel some of those feels I felt the first time I played the game, again. Another example would be Undertale; not a VN, but a game with tons and tons of awesome fan created content that helps you get some closure after playing it and you can use to just celebrate the existence of the game in general. I'm sure plenty of anime have lots of content like this since they're seen and enjoyed by more people than VNs in general. Are there any VNs that come to mind that have the right kind of popularity to inspire people to create lots of enjoyable content? I'm currently reading through the Fate series and I have a feeling that's gonna be one, but of course I don't dare google it ahead of time for real of spoilers. Thank you ~
  11. I enjoyed the heck out of Eiyuu Senki, one of my fav "VNs" ever right now, with its 75+ girl happy harem. Little Witch Romanesque and Evenicle were also pretty great to me. I shan't be turned off from a VN because of game elements, no sir.
  12. You're right and I was thinking that this entire time. The fact that 4th wall breaking occurs IS a spoiler, probably almost always, in the games where it plays a large part. But since I'm asking for games with 4th wall breaking, it's impossible for me to avoid that being spoiled in this case. So please feel free to just list game names without giving further information. At least I won't know when or how the 4th wall breaking will occur.
  13. It didn't occur to me that the 4th wall breaking might be extremely minor. Good that you clarified! I guess I'm looking for something a little larger scale than giving game playing instructions.
  14. Could you help me out by listing any fourth wall breaking vns? To avoid spoilers, there's no need to say any details beyond the name of the VN. Although, if you said "This game is good and worth it" or "The 4th wall breaking stuff is enjoyable but the rest of the game is meh" those kinds of vague non-spoilery comments are welcomed and help the selection process. It would also be helpful if you would mention if the game you're listing is untranslated into English. I'll start us off with the 4th wall breaking games that come to mind: DDLC, Ever17
  15. Hm, I never thought of the cats in nekopara as "underaged". Maybe I just thought of them as short because they're cat people. I suppose Chocola (and maybe Vanilla) are childlike, and the rest are teenagery. I definitely get the Wife + Daughter vibe from the game, though, and it's such a cozy, wonderful thing.
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