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namiultedjapanXD last won the day on March 23 2019

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  1. It seems like all 3 phases are finished according to the progress tracker so I hope its released soon. Otherwise we are forced to hope for a full leak
  2. Its exactly what it says. Its unfortunate they decided to do that.
  3. That sums up how I felt about the original. There isn't really anything that special about it but for some reason it left me warm and fuzzy. I thought it would be something that I wouldn't end up finishing but it was the opposite.
  4. Hey friend, I was curious to see if you finished this VN. Have you been able to find the time to finish it? I feel like its one of those VNs barely anyone has ever read. I liked the nice little it provided. If you did finish it, what did you think?
  5. All of those are better than what you wished for!
  6. You have the ability to make 3 fucking wishes and you wish for a DECENT English translations? Nigga what the fuck is wrong with you. Wish for AMAZING English translations. You know what, no lamp privileges for you. I'm taking your turn away from you.
  7. I would wish that monstrosity was never created and that Will Smith didn't get to control rewind. Yah ah ah ah ah thats hot. FORTNITE AND MARK ASS BROWNIE
  8. That soundtrack . . . i can't describe how incredible it is. Combine the amazing soundtrack with the sad story is just guaranteed tears. I cried multiple times during that. It was so beautiful.
  9. I do the same. I look at the art, tags etc and add them to my list. Only problem is that I have hundreds on my list. I do have them categorized by interest (High, Medium, Low) but even in the high interest folder I have so many.
  10. I do know a good bit of japanese now. So i'm not trolling you dumbass sperglord.
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